Time: April 17, 2011.

Name: Multinational Alliance Air Force Base.

Coordinates: 47°N, 28°E


The air base is located on the eastern plain of Chisinau, the capital of Moldova. It is the main air base of the Multinational Alliance, with a permanent population of about 2,000.

With the assistance of the Multinational Alliance, government forces regained a large area of ​​the capital's territory in early 2011.

But to this day, the rebels in the capital are still engaged in guerrilla attacks with government forces and the multinational alliance, and the situation is stalemate.


Hours after Sergeant Davis was killed, it was 22:54 local time in Moldova.

A huge Um-255 transport plane flew in the night sky of Chisinau, heading towards the air base in the eastern plains.

Unfold the landing gear and make a slow descent, then land firmly on the runway, taxiing for a while and then stop.

Seeing Um-255 parked firmly, Colonel James Orende, who was standing by the hangar waiting for a long time, led several fully-armed Deltas towards the rear door of the Um-255 cabin.

The hatch opened.

The first to walk out was the task force wearing AAES II and also fully armed, followed by USS wearing bio-chemical armor and a large number of technicians.

The commander of operations dispatched by Umbrella, Captain Karina Les Pruss, also wore biochemical armor, but she did not let the armor helmet cover her face.

She has short black hair for women, although her face is beautiful, but her slightly frowned brows combined with the chilling gaze, no one will think of her as a'vase'.

As for Captain Purus, the consultant sent by Umbrella, Rebecca Chambos.

Rebecca is only in the early stages of pregnancy and will not affect her normal work. Moreover, she is also one of the few researchers with practical experience.

More than 400 people stepped off the Um-255 transport plane and, under the guidance of the crew, prepared to move boxes of weapons out of the cabin.

The Colonel Orend approached Pruss and Rebecca and stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, I am the head of this air base, Colonel James Orende."

"Hello." Pruss stretched out his hand to shake Orende, and whispered in English with French accent:

"Umbrella's personal unit, commander of the Gamma Mobile Task Force, Captain Karina Les Purus."

With that, Pruss looked at Rebecca beside him and introduced together: "She is the consultant of this operation, Dr. Rebecca Chambos.

I hope the colonel can listen to her opinions more. After all, Umbrella is much better than your regular army in dealing with abnormal phenomena."

"No problem." Orende had no objection.

"All right."

Because her husband was Li Mu, Rebecca was no longer in the same state as the original'Xiaobai' when performing the task. Instead, she waved her hand and said straightforwardly:

"There is no need to say any more, Colonel, I think you should have more information."

"Yes." Orende nodded, put his hand to a building inside the base and said:

"The specific situation, let's talk to us before entering the base."

"it is good."


Immediately, Task Force Gamma was cleaned up under the order of Pruss, and she led Rebecca and several USS to follow the colonel and entered the base to discuss together.


Conference room in the main building of the Air Force Base.

Orend signaled to the staff at the base to turn on the multi-screen projection equipment in the conference room, and introduced Rebecca and Pruss in the seats:

"Because the Delta Force uses your Umbrella individual soldier system, its helmet and holographic glasses can provide our soldiers with multiple visions.

In the past week, six soldiers' glasses and masks were photographed."

Orende said, the projection screen at the front end of the conference room played five video images simultaneously under the operation of the staff.

I saw that the video is all first-person viewing angles, most of which are thermal imaging and night vision functions.

There are dynamic reminders in the audio of each screen, and dialogues with soldiers reporting to the base that their individual soldier system may be broken, and so on.

And when the dynamic reminder reaches its peak and makes a harsh sound, there will be a flash of something in the video.

After the dynamic reminder returned to normal, the soldiers and the base also thought that the system had malfunctioned, so they did not continue to investigate.

Upon seeing this.

Rebecca looked at Orende and whispered: "Then the sixth video is from Sergeant Davis."

"Yes." Oren said angrily: "Davis is an elite in the Delta, but he was killed by something, an invisible thing."

"I can't see..." Rebecca frowned slightly, and asked after thinking for a moment: "What about the autopsy result."

Orende didn't answer in a hurry, but waved his hand and motioned to the staff to continue playing the autopsy data of Sergeant Davis.

And said: "The cause of death is also very strange. His internal organs were instantly frozen, but his skin seemed to be burned and eroded."

Rebecca scanned the data, and the word'Chuan' between her eyebrows became more and more obvious. It seems that she is not sure what she is facing this time.

At this time, Orende added: "In fact, in the past week, we have also successively discovered bodies with similar causes of death to Sergeant Davis.

Local people are still spraying the words'Aratare' on the accident site, coupled with the death of Davis, I think this is probably caused by some kind of supernatural creature."

"Aratare?" Rebecca questioned.

"It's the legend here, which means'like a demon, the ghost of war'." Orende explained.

"Ghost?" Pruss, who remained silent for a moment, tried to ask Rebecca beside him: "Is it something like Wendigo?"

"No." Rebecca shook his head and said: "Wendigo is invisible and possessed, and since the so-called'War Phantom' can be dynamically detected this time, it means it is an entity."

"If it's an entity... then why Sergeant Davis's firing has no effect?" Orend asked rhetorically.

Rebecca lightly shook her head and closed her eyes slightly and said in a low voice: "The entity does not mean that it can be shot by rifle ammunition. To figure out what it is, you need clearer images and more detailed data."

Speaking of which.

Rebecca opened her eyes, stood up and looked at Orende and said, "Our company does not have a scanning function in the individual soldier system sold to you."

"Scan function?" Orende was a little unsure.

But Pruss, who also got up, explained to the slightly gray-haired colonel: "The scanning system cooperates with the motion detection function you know, and it can see the situation clearly even when the visibility is zero."

Upon hearing this, Orende smiled and said: "That's great, as long as it can solve the'War Phantom'."

"Yeah." Pruss nodded and said, "Then please send the elite of your command, the colonel, to act as the guide of our reconnaissance team into the city."

"no problem."