Time: April 18, 2011, 02:45.

Location: Multinational Alliance Air Force Base.

The command center of the main building.

There are a large number of computers and screens here, but the number of staff is obviously much smaller.

After all, there is an anomalous phenomenon of the "War Phantom" raging in Chisinau, making various military operations impossible.

And the staff at this time, temporarily put the center on the rescue operation carried out by Lieutenant Adam.

I saw Pruss, Rebecca and Orende also standing in the command center.

After confirming that Second Lieutenant Adam was returning on the UH-60M through the live video of the individual soldiers on the screen, most people were relieved.

But the atmosphere of the command center did not relax much, especially the expressions of Pruss and Rebecca were more solemn.

The US military does not know the true strength of the USS, but they both do.

As Umbrella’s Black Ops unit, USS has the peak combat power of mankind, and can consume physical and mental power to release psychic shocks when necessary.

After ordinary humans suffer psychic shocks, the luckiest result is brain death, or maintaining some intact body tissues.

However, those anomalies that have been turned into'battlefield ghosts' by the locals are only temporarily repelled after being impacted by the psychic energy of the USS, and cannot cause effective damage to them.

Thinking of these, Rebecca analyzed Pruss beside him: "Captain, it seems that these'ghosts' are not real spirits.

Otherwise, in theory, using USS's psionic attack can directly make them "scattered", but this is not the case in fact."

Hearing this, Pruss said with a deep face: "Doctor, there are more and more sighting reports in Chisinau. If this invisible and unkillable thing can multiply...

Then I think it’s time to apply to the Olympus board of directors and prepare to throw hydrogen bombs here to prevent them from spreading out from here."

"Hydrogen bomb?!" Orende was taken aback for a moment. It was obvious that this young female captain would have said such a ruthless decision.

But the colonel could not refute, because according to the trend in Chisinau, it will be completely fallen in a few days.

So the hydrogen bomb...

It's the most correct choice.

"Not for the time being." Rebecca waved her hand, indicating that the two of them should not be worried for the time being.

After learning Li Mu's calm personality, she looked at the screen in front of her and said, "Isn't there a USS in the rescue team who had close contact with them?

If anomalies cannot penetrate biochemical armor, then they also have weaknesses.

Now I only need to wait for the second lieutenant and them to return to the base, and let me analyze the biochemical armor that has been impacted. It should be able to directly analyze the true face of this abnormal phenomenon."

Feeling Rebecca's calmness, Pruss, who was still worried, said quietly: "Yes, Doctor."

As for the rank of Colonel Orende, he can only nodded in agreement.

Subsequently, the colonel, who is over fifty years old, will have full power to intersect Pruss and Rebecca in dealing with abnormal phenomena, and he is ready to direct other military operations.

More than ten minutes later.

Three UH-60Ms carrying Second Lieutenant Adam and Delta, as well as two trapped persons who were severely frightened and unconscious, arrived at the airport outside the base.

And Pruss and Rebecca came to the runway of the airport and saw three UH-60Ms flying slowly down.

Landed and stopped.

Pruss immediately asked the Umbrella technicians who came with the mobile task force to step forward to check whether the USS led by Captain Adam and the group of deltas were abnormal.

After confirming that they were correct, Delta and USS participated in the rescue operation and followed the technicians to leave, preparing to dictate the course of the operation and enter the file.

The USS, who had actually been in contact with the abnormal phenomenon, removed the biochemical armor with the assistance of technicians and left the airport on a stretcher cart for treatment.

As for the two trapped persons whose consciousness has returned to normal, they followed the technicians to separate rooms.


Interrogation room.

A square table and two chairs.

The trapped person was sitting on the side against the wall.

Rebecca sat on the other side, behind him there were two USS wearing biochemical armor to ensure her safety.

Rebecca: "Hello, I am an investigator under Umbrella. You can call me a doctor."

Trapped: "Hello, I am Sergeant Kenster ■■ of Delta."

Rebecca: "Then sergeant, can you tell me how you met those'ghosts' and how you survived?"

Kenster: "(Nodding) Yes, before Sergeant Davis was killed by the'Ghost', our squad was already deployed in Chisinau to carry out reconnaissance and clearance missions.

Then we encountered a large number of rebels ambushes, but we rely on Umbrella’s individual equipment to gain an advantage.

At this time, those invisible things appeared.

I saw with my own eyes a rebel who was shooting at us. His body emitted a light blue shock wave for an instant, and then he fell to the ground and lost his life.

Then more and more people began to die unclearly. At this time we realized that the thing that killed Sergeant Davis was beside us.

Do you know the sense of despair that your teammates suddenly fell to the ground one by one, but the target is invisible at all?!"

At this point, Kenster's emotions are a bit out of control.

Slowly, he continued: "In the end, only David and I (the other trapped person) were left. We both hid in the bathtub in the bathroom.

I don't know if it was because of God's favor. Those things didn't find us, and then they were rescued from the damn city by the friendly army who came."

Rebecca: "Very well, I have one last question. Is your bathtub made of ceramic?"

Kenster: "Yes, it must be ceramic, and there are many tiles in the bathroom."

After getting the information she wanted, Rebecca stood up and smiled at Kenster: "Thank you for your help, Sergeant."

After speaking, Rebecca opened the door and left here.


A conference room in an air base.

I saw Pruss standing behind Rebecca, who was operating the laptop, and asked: "How about Doctor, do you have a clue?"

"Of course." Rebecca nodded, then turned to look at Pruss and analyzed:

"This anomalous phenomenon belongs to the non-visible spectrum. It can use extremely low temperature to make people touch to death, but it cannot penetrate ceramics.

The composite armor of the biochemical armor contains ceramics, and the two survivors are also hiding in the pottery bathroom...

Although I am not an authority on physics, according to the various characteristics of anomalous phenomena, I think they are Bose Einstein condensates."

Hearing Rebecca's answer, Pruss looked puzzled and said: "Bose...Einstein?"