Cairo City.

It is the capital and largest city of Egypt, and the largest city in Africa and the Arab world, straddling the Nile River.

On the outskirts of the city, there is the Pyramid of Khufu, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, as well as various unsolved sphinxes.

But at this time in Cairo...

It was like "cracked".

To be precise, the entire city of Cairo seems to have disappeared due to a collapse, and a huge gap has been opened on the ground.

The crack exudes a scarlet light that rises to the sky.

In addition, there are huge humanoids on the outskirts of the city, which cannot be seen clearly because of the distance.

Obviously, this abnormal phenomenon is not an existence that can be explained by science at all.


John's face behind the helmet sank, and his brow frowned slightly and asked Cortana:

"Cortana, can you find out the current situation in Cairo directly."

"Sergeant Chief..." Cortana appeared on the screen, shaking her head bitterly:

"Impossible, unless I am close to the outskirts of the city, then it is possible to scan the cracks and the contents inside."

"it is good."

Hearing the answer, John immediately got up, ready to turn around and leave the sand dune, discussing countermeasures with Michel and other hell paratroopers.

"Huh? Wait a minute."

At this time, Carl, with the best eyesight, seemed to have discovered something and looked towards the road northwest of the dunes with a sniper scope.

Holding a rotating Gauss gun, he left Myron and squatted on the ground, and asked, "What's wrong, Carl?"

"Look at it." Carl pointed his hand to the road.

Hearing that, John walked slowly to Carl's left side and squatted down to maximize his farsightedness.

What I saw on the screen were ordinary humans and the'soldiers' who were escorting them.

The group of people and'soldiers' gathered on the road are heading towards the crack that can be seen no matter how far away.

Although the hyperopia function cannot see everyone's appearance, they can still be found in ragged clothes, and some people are walking limping.

And the'soldier' ​​can tell at a glance that it is not human.

They have different forms.

Most of them are skeletons with a weird red glow and a scimitar and buckler.

The one who commanded these skeleton soldiers was a mummy with a spear wrapped in white cloth.

"My goodness…"

Mellen, who also saw the road scene, couldn't help but wonder: "Does it really make me right? That crack is hell, otherwise where are the ghost soldiers?"

"We don't need to worry about whether it is hell or not, we only care about the task immediately."

John whispered back, and then ordered Cortana, "Cortana, record everything we saw, and upload it to Dr. Halsey as soon as we exit the barrier."

"Yes, Chief Sergeant."

"Yeah." John nodded, turned and left the dunes.

Then Myron and Karl looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders together, picked up their weapons and followed John and left.


Return to the landing area.

The four-wheel off-road vehicles painted in dark green have been assembled.

Some are two, one fort at the rear.

The turret is equipped with large-caliber Gauss guns, or rotating Gauss guns, or missile launchers and other weapons.

In addition to this attack type, there are six transport type off-road vehicles to provide high mobility for the blue team and the wild tooth shark.

This type of off-road vehicle has a unified name, "Warthog".


The Warthog is a multi-purpose light vehicle developed by Halsey himself. It can transport troops, fight, reconnaissance, and air defense. It can adapt to various terrains and is extremely fast.

What better reflects the "light" performance of the Warthog is that it can be easily assembled and disassembled.

The components contained in every two special airborne tanks can form a Warthog, which can provide good ground'services' for the hell paratroopers.


Michelle, who had just assembled the Warthog convoy under the command, saw the returning Spartan Blue team.

Then he stepped forward and asked, "Sergeant Chief, what is the situation facing us?"

"Not optimistic." John said solemnly:

"The anomaly has an army of dead corpses made up of skeletons and mummies, and Cairo has disappeared, replaced by hell-like cracks.

Cortana, share the video just recorded."


When Cortana responded, she also shared the "cracks in hell" that she had just seen, the ordinary human beings escorted on the road, and the ghost soldiers like hell messengers.

Soon, the helmet screens of Michel and the wild tooth sharks showed what they had just detected.

Upon seeing this, Michelle's tone became more serious and asked: "Then Chief Sergeant, what is your order?"

Hearing this, John looked at the Warthog fleet and thought about the countermeasures.

Said: "This anomaly has an entire army, and our scale is really eye-catching, so...

(Look at Michelle)

We rushed to the highway to exchange fire with them, provided Dr. Halsey with some combat data, and then obtained some useful intelligence

Then we split up.

Major, you lead the Frenzytooth Company and use Warthog's high mobility and abnormal phenomena to deal with.

On the other hand, I led the blue team to Cairo on foot to obtain more detailed data on the anomaly."

"Is it just the three of you? This is too risky, and without the Warthog, how do you make a quick assault? This is simply going deep alone, no!" Michelle immediately refused.

"Don't worry, Major." Myron, standing behind John, helped explain:

"With our Spartan's physical fitness, coupled with this Thor's Hammer armor, the running speed is no less than these iron bumps."

With that, Myron raised his hand and knocked on a warthog.

"This... hey..." Michelle could only sighed: "The boss once said that your Spartans are as powerful as gods. To be honest, we might be your burden."

"No, you are equally elite." John waved his hand.

Then he turned and boarded the gunner's position of a Warthog, and ordered: "Major, get ready to move."


Michelle saluted John, and raised her voice in the newsletter: "Paratroopers! You all heard the commander's words!

Cover up your airborne bins for me, and the fleet will help us recover them after the anomalous phenomenon is contained!

Twist your fat ass!Move quickly!We are going to go!"


Inspired by Michelle, a group of wild tooth sharks shouted the Marine Corps' favorite slogans in their helmets, and then began to move quickly.

Not long.

As the elite hell paratroopers, the madtooth sharks cleaned up according to Michel's orders and quickly boarded the Warthog.

Start the engine.

A convoy of thirty-four Warthogs drove out of the oasis and drove on the desert like flat ground, rushing to the northwestern highway.

Everyone is ready to fight the ‘ghost soldiers’ to provide Halsey with an effective combat record.