Containment control starts with the umbrella

Chapter 306 UNSC and Civilian Girls

After William was rewarded with a non-disclosure agreement "lock loyalty" and successfully included Athena under his command, he considered letting 049, Elizabeth Green, and other humanoid shelters also sign non-disclosure agreements.

(096 was not considered at all.)

When the construction of the space containment center was completed and the containment items were ready to be transferred, all the humanoid containment items were signed with a confidentiality agreement after various'coercion and temptation'.

Like 049, William only promised that it would have'endless' experimental materials after signing the agreement. The wise epidemic doctor signed the agreement without hesitation.

The restrained 049, although still a bit strange in the tone of speech, is more in line with the company's various actions.

William knew about the confidentiality agreement, but Andre did not.

"William, you have to think about it. I don't object to 049 coming to help, but the Elizabeth Green who caused hundreds of thousands of casualties... is a bomb that walks at any time."

The veteran raised his concerns.

"Don't worry." William said with a smile on his face again: "After Catherine's debugging, Elizabeth Green has been able to completely obey the company's instructions, right, Catherine?"

With that said, William looked at Halsey standing beside him.

"That's it." And Halsey nodded without changing his color: "Most of the humanoid containment objects can indeed cooperate with the company's various actions."

"Really?" After hearing Halsey's assurance, Andre's worried expression disappeared a lot.

This rigorous old man, compared to William saying the same thing, hopes to be Halsey like a genius doctor.

After all, Halsey's qualifications and knowledge are there.

In fact, the "debugging" that William said does not exist at all, and Halsey just gave her husband a step down, a perfect interpretation of what is meant by "fu sing and sing and follow".

"Okay General." Then William said to Andre:

"With the assistance of shelters, Umbrella should be able to end the epidemic caused by the rebels as soon as possible, but before they arrive, the company and UNSC's forces should try their best to curb the spread of infection."

Seeing William put down his smile and gave the order, Andre no longer worried about the contents of the containment, but saluted the'pro son':

"Don't worry, boss, although we don't have a clue on how to eliminate the virus, the elimination and control of'zombies' are the masters of containment forces."


Time: October 5, 2018.

Baghdad local time: 04:14.

Location: Shira City, 70 kilometers south of Baghdad.


Within one hour of the outbreak of the unknown virus in Baghdad, its scope almost covered the entire border of Iraq, which had a great impact on the remnants of the rebels, as well as the UNSC and Umbrella’s “coalition forces”.

The rebels with the largest number of deaths encountered the "resurrection of the dead". In the face of former comrades and brothers, the remaining rebels had no way to start. This also led to the complete destruction of the rebels within an hour.

The coalition forces are also facing the same problem.

However, Umbrella's method of handling the resurrection of the dead is simple and rude, that is, to use physical methods to make the fallen comrades and brothers ascend to heaven.

Moreover, the Umbrella forces that raided Baghdad were all UBCS, hell paratroopers, heavy soldiers and second-phase Spartans who carried out orbital airborne, so they had good airtight protection.

So in the face of virus erosion, it did not suffer much loss.

But UNSC's regular troops are not so lucky. The vast majority of soldiers have become asymptomatic patients, carrying a lot of viruses in their bodies.

Coupled with the shortage of nanoserum, these asymptomatic soldiers will sooner or later become diseased and turn into zombies who only know how to consume calories.

Moreover, when the UNSC and Umbrella executives issued instructions to withdraw from the theater, their combat troops were already facing zombie attacks, the resurrection of dead soldiers, and other phenomena beyond reason.

The chaos of the communication and transmission systems between the combat troops has also caused the vast majority of the teams to be trapped in the theater.

Among them was a corporal named Ryan Klose.

In a residential building on the north side of Shira City, Corporal Ryan was sitting paralyzed in an abandoned apartment, breathing quickly because of tension.


Outside the broken glass window, the zombies' growl and howling faintly resounded.

I saw that Ryan was a UNSC standard army, with dark green combat uniforms, exoskeleton and armor, and a small holographic mirror on the left eye of the helmet.

Well, the standard'big head soldier'.

Since the nature of the Army is to defend the Earth, Reach, and other terrestrial planets suitable for human survival, as well as various asteroid colonies, it does not need a closed combat uniform like the Marine Corps.

It also saves a lot of overhead for UNSC.

From then on, when mankind entered the interstellar age, the status of the Marine Corps, which was originally "Ma Run", was greatly improved and became the main combat power of mankind in the interstellar.

As a result, the Army's equipment became vulnerable to attacks from zombies and viruses.

Ryan originally followed his company to attack the outskirts of Baghdad, but faced the attack of zombies, especially the agile zombies, the company was once in chaos.

Once bitten or scratched, the injured comrades will also turn into zombies in just ten seconds.

Ryan's company had not waited for the retreat arrangement, and was defeated under the wave of zombies, while Ryan followed his class while fleeing while in chaos.

After more than ten hours of escaping and fighting, only Ryan was left in the six-person class.

Thanks to the army also equipped with mechanical skeletons, the army's speed and strength can be significantly improved, otherwise Ryan will not be able to persist.

but now…

The battery of the mechanical skeleton can only last for half an hour at most, and the M41A only has a full magazine, and the grenade is already empty.

"Huh...ha..." Ryan leaned back under the window, listening to the movement of zombies outside the window, trying to stabilize his breathing.

Then opened the newsletter and reported softly: "This is Corporal Ryan Klose, requesting to evacuate, please reply if you receive it."


However, communication is just a string of electric current tones.

"Made." Ryan cursed in a low voice, extremely unhappy: "Communication is the least reliable thing in the world."

"Ah!! Oumi (Mom)!!!"

Just as Ryan was complaining, there was a call from an immature girl in the four-story corridor of his apartment.

"Roar!!!" This movement instantly caused the zombies inside and outside the building to roar.

Ryan immediately pulled down the helmet's holographic mirror to turn on night vision and shooting calibration.

At the same time, he squatted and squeezed the M41A in his hand, pointed the muzzle at the closed apartment door, his facial expression was extremely tangled.

But the two eyes closed, and then they opened suddenly, a face of death-seeking expression in a low voice:

"Forget it, it will be dead sooner or later anyway! Might as well die more meaningful! Mad!"

With that said, Ryan rushed to the apartment door, ready to check the girl's condition, and fight to death with the zombies.