Containment control starts with the umbrella

Chapter 384: Coming to the Surface

"RoguePowerArmor, or RPA for short."

Yulia walked slowly to a suit of armor, put her hand to the armor, and explained to the men present:

"For agents, especially those of us who go to fight outside the atmosphere when necessary, there is a strong need for airtight, defensive, and stealth individual equipment.

After several applications from our colonial agents, the boss asked Hive to conduct research on new individual equipment and put it into production on July 1, 2019.

And our group of female agents were the first to get this batch of Power A. The boss also generously gave us more than a dozen sets for replacement.

So you gentlemen are here at the right time, just in time to put on these new power armors."


Hearing this, Hudson whistled at the latest set of RPA armor. While looking at the armor up and down, he exclaimed:

"The beauty of this thing is as good as the biochemical armor of the Black Ops guys (USS), tusk."

As he said, Hudson turned his head to look at Hicks and said, "The equipment of the agents is better than those of our Marines. The Marines still use equipment from ten years ago."

Hudson complained because the equipment of the Umbrella Marines came from the "Alien 2" Colonial Marines equipment that William had obtained after solving Elizabeth Green.

Afterwards, the colonial army's marine equipment received a comprehensive upgrade of the hive, and also had airtightness and mechanical skeletons.

But the Marine Corps is the Umbrella’s largest number of troops after all. Only the elite of the Marine Corps, namely the Hell Paratroopers and Heavy Armed Forces, are eligible to be equipped with higher-level individual equipment.

Although Hudson, Hicks and others have better equipment than the Hell paratroopers, they still reported an injustice to the Marines.

After all, Ma Runsi and others...

"Haha." Yulia chuckled softly, and didn't say much about Hudson's complaints. Instead, she looked at the Rogue armor and continued to explain:

"Just as the hive named it, RPA has excellent stealth capabilities, an enhanced version of the optical camouflage function, and a silent action mode.

At the same time, the hydrogen battery and life support system can continue to fight for 10 hours in a vacuum environment.

However, because of the budget, RPA does not have an AT energy shield, and there is no expensive T serum, so you Marines, there is no need to envy us too much."

"Alright." At this moment, Hicks, who was the highest rank on the scene, waved his hand and ordered everyone:

"Let's talk jokes and wait until the mission is over. All the Marines will replace RPA and other combat equipment, and then follow the lead of Yulia and other agents to the mine next to City No. 7."

Hudson and other Marines, as well as special agents including Yulia, raised their hands to salute Hicks:

"Yes, Lieutenant Colonel."

Next, the Marines, with the assistance of the agents, replaced the RPA power armor.

And considering the possibility of fighting in the dome, everyone’s Gauss firearms use special spike bullets and mufflers to keep their actions as secret as possible.

A few minutes later, sixteen elite Marines and sixteen agents were all ready to continue.

Turning on the optical camouflage, thirty-two people'disappeared' from the corridor on the second floor, and under the blessing of silent mode, even the seemingly heavy RPA power armor did not make any noise during the action.

I saw a hidden door on the left wall at the end of the corridor opened, and inside the hidden door was a forty-meter-deep hole directly below the building.

When the agents were choosing a stronghold, it was precisely the location of this strip club. As long as they dig through, they can directly enter the train tunnel below the city.

Hicks behind the RPA helmet can clearly see the outline of the friendly army through the display of the mask screen. The thumbnail in the upper left corner also shows the planned route under the hole.

"Everyone, open the helmet internal communication and follow me."

Yulia's voice came from the communication, and at the same time, the humanoid silhouette marked as "Yulia Kaikins" on the helmet screen, first entered the hole and climbed down the track.

Upon seeing this, a group of agents and marines followed Yulia, and Hudson did not forget to close the secret door before entering the cave.

When everyone passed through the hole, they came to the tunnel directly below the strip club.

There are two parallel railroad tracks for rail trains going in different directions.

"Everyone." Yulia walked slowly to the west and said, "The end of this tunnel leads directly to the junction between No. 6 and No. 7 cities, so...

Let's all run."

As Yulia spoke, she began to run along the rails towards the so-called'joint point', and with the blessing of RPA armor, she was extremely fast.

Immediately afterwards, a group of female agents followed their boss.

The Marine Corps officers such as Hicks and Hudson, of course, were not reconciled to fall behind the ladies and immediately rushed towards the west.

"Man..." Hudson asked Hicks in a puzzled manner during the run:

"Why do we have to run to the 7th in the first city, can't we go directly from the 6th to the junction? It saves so much time."

"I said, the boss made you to be promoted to lieutenant is really the most wrong decision." Hicks first teased, explained:

"There are so many witnesses who saw us and the'prostitutes' in City No. 1, not just to give everyone an impression that we would never be in City No. 7, let alone a mine without atmospheric protection.

And the company can't let Hozett Enterprise find out that the company is carrying out investigation activities against it. Otherwise, why do you think Serena gave us the status of a financial elite?"

"All right." After hearing Hicks' explanation, Hudson stopped saying anything.


After one hour.

The "convergence point" of the 6th and 7th cities.

The space here is about tens of times larger than the ordinary train station, and there are many areas separated, some of which are forbidden by civilians.

After all, directly above the junction is the surface of the four planets of Sirius without the protection of the dome.

At this time, the easternmost area of ​​the junction.

The vast majority of people here are the UNSC Army wearing airtight combat equipment, and there are also Hozette private soldiers who are much better equipped than the UNSC Army. The overall paint is mainly dark blue.

And the technicians in yellow outer space suits belonging to Hozette.

In addition to these people, there are three super large four-wheeled manned engineering vehicles nearly 40 meters long, 30 meters high and 30 meters wide.

I saw this group of Hozette’s private soldiers, protectors and technicians entering the rear compartment of the engineering vehicle, and the engineering slowly drove onto a large lifting platform.

The gate on the lifting platform gradually opened.

"Hoo-!", because the internal and external pressures are still slightly different, it caused a surging of air flow, but it quickly returned to tranquility.

Outside the gate is the surface of Sirius IV, and the lifting platform also carries engineering vehicles, gradually rising toward the surface.

It's just that Hozett's private soldiers and the UNSC Army who were present did not find that there were already thirty-two "stealth people" who climbed onto the huge engineering vehicle.