As of the end of 2023.

Abandoning D-class personnel and non-staff personnel, Umbrella's number of employees has grown by an appalling 900,000.

Although the scale of the number of employees is not as large as Wal-Mart's million, Umbrella's overall scale is several quality levels higher than Wal-Mart.

After all, there are only a few asteroid colonizations controlled by Wal-Mart, and there is no private army of more than 600,000 Umbrella.

Compared with the UNSC's combined military forces of ninety-nine countries, Umbrella's combat force of more than half a million may occupy an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers.

According to Umbrella’s artificial intelligence simulation results, UNSC has almost no chance of winning.

For example, in terms of strategic weapons, UNSC's electromagnetic acceleration cannon, particle beam cannon, and plasma cannon are all purchased from Umbrella.

The number of UNSC’s nuclear warheads is about 20,000, and if all detonated, it is equivalent to 2.2 million times that of the “little boy”.

But since Catherine Russell led and developed the Hector II hydrogen bomb, the maximum equivalent of a hydrogen warhead alone can reach 1.7 billion tons of TNT, which is 85,000 times that of the "little boy".

The Hector II hydrogen warhead inventory owned by Umbrella is 240 by the end of 2023.

Therefore, in terms of thermonuclear weapons, UNSC has no advantage at all.

Not to mention that Umbrella currently has more than 10,000 superhuman soldiers. It is just a five-person Astarte group that can deal with hundreds of ordinary human soldiers in street fighting.

If you add the divine body of Sparta I and II...

Then the ending is destined to end in the failure of UNSC.

Of course, as the only arms supplier of UNSC, Umbrella, unless it is'idle', otherwise there will never be a war between the two.


As mentioned before, there are very few countries on earth who still hold their own views and refuse to join the UNSC, a community of shared future for mankind.

There are also many organizations that dislike the existing social conditions of mankind for many reasons, such as religious beliefs, differences in values, etc., or they have anti-social tendencies.

Therefore, various terrorist organizations have been born in the interstellar space, some are looting civilian sailing ships, and some are carrying out terrorist attacks on colonies.

And because of the expansion of human territory, and each star system is equipped with only one quantum communication device, this also caused the selfishness of the colonial officials to gradually expand.

Despite the current marginal colony, nothing has happened yet.

However, it is foreseeable that in the near future, the extremely distant colonized galaxies that require several days or even dozens of days to make a leap voyage are likely to have conditions demanding'independence','out of jurisdiction', and'reduction of taxes'.

As the population soars and the number of mining colonies soars, the command system in the solar system will become more bloated.

By then, the colonies in the marginal area will most likely become completely independent due to'inconvenience in transportation', or due to various reasons such as taxation, fairness and importance.

However, according to Umbrella’s artificial intelligence calculations, this situation is less likely to occur before the human population reaches 50 billion.

Therefore, the current living environment of mankind is still in a state of prosperity, prosperity and stability.


Time: June 3, 2024.

Location: Wine Sea Colony on the Moon.


Although Jiuhai is the smaller moon sea on the moon, it still has an area of ​​84,000 square kilometers, equivalent to the area of ​​five Chinese capitals, Kyoto.

And the reason why Umbrella chose the Sea of ​​Wine as a colony was that the Sea of ​​Wine was surrounded by the Pyrenees Mountains, and it was a perfectly concave circular plain.

At this time, the scale of the Jiuhai Colony has completely covered the entire Jiuhai under the continuous expansion of the Umbrella engineering team for more than ten years.

To this end, the engineering team also built a super giant dome, covering the entire wine sea.

For safety reasons, William Russell, the owner of Umbrella, also allocated sufficient funds to the engineering team in early 2022 to symmetrically set up AT energy shield generators on the edge of the wine sea to resist meteorite attacks.

It took only half a month for the engineering team to complete the installation of all AT energy shield generators, which also gave the wine sea colony the largest AT energy shield position.


Inside the wine sea colony.

Throwing away the resort area built on the fringe, the city buildings are connected to each other to form a large city with an area of ​​60,000 square kilometers.

Although the city is large, it can be counted as a floating population. The total population of Jiuhai Colony is not more than 30 million, so it will not appear crowded and traffic jams will basically not exist.

The edge of the wine sea colony.

The airport at Airport No. 7.

An improved civilian version of Um-255 entered the airport with normal atmospheric pressure and air through the decompression gate and decompression chamber.

Um-255 landed vertically in the designated area according to the guidance of the tower.

Stop steady.

The tractor driven by the ground crew pulls the gallery bridge to dock with the Um-255 side door, so that the passengers in the cabin can go to the terminal building smoothly.


Inside the covered bridge.

After the airport staff and the flight attendants of Um-255 cooperated to open the side door of Um-255, the first to walk out were several bodyguards dressed in suits, sunglasses, and equipped with underarm holsters. 'Men.

Immediately after.

Following the group of bodyguards out of the cabin were the teachers in the uniforms of Umbrella Comprehensive School. Following the teachers were the students in school uniforms.

That's right, these students are the teachers and students from the Umbrella Comprehensive School in Hafa City, and the "bodyguards" are the Marine Corps plainclothes to protect the teachers and students.

Since everything along the way from the flight to the passenger plane to the colony is Umbrella’s property, the clothes are allowed to board the plane with pistols and do not have to undergo security checks.

Moreover, the teachers and students who took the flight are all K-12 high school students in the Hafa City School, and they are a group of children who are in the midst of springtime.

Soon, the girls in school uniforms similar to those in Scottish skirts walked out of the cabin under the leadership of their teachers.

In the crowd of students, a tall girl with a perfect curve in school uniform was surrounded by a group of female girlfriends.

The features of her face seemed to combine the best balance of William and Halsey, with her waist-length golden hair, like a fairy in a fairy tale.

She is the "princess" of the Russell family and Umbrella, Yelena Russell, who is fifteen years old.

When Yelena and her friends walked out of the bridge, a group of boys in rugby school uniforms also walked out of the cabin under the guidance of the flight attendants.

The one who walked in front of this group of boys resembled Yelena in face.

However, his facial features are tougher, and his height has reached more than 1.85 meters, and his figure is between standard and strong.

The name of this boy is also ready to come out, he is Ivan Russell.