2024 on August 12.

Twenty four hours of capturing thumbps.

During the 24 hours, Andre, in accordance with William, in accordance with William, in accordance with William, in accordance with William's requirements.

The entire motor infantry of the third far-rectification army learned to know the federal high-level ugly face, most of them voluntarily choose to sign a confidentiality agreement.

Only a very small number of ghost agents that need to be supervised, use their spiritual energy to express the 'friendly', and let the federal soldiers who are reluctant to cooperate with the agreement.

Coupled with the equipment of the Marine Corps, these motor infantry finals have ushered in the 'bird gun replacement. It has also become one of the power of Anbrera.

Although the training of motor infantry is far more than the Ambrace's land team and UNSC's Army, it is not to be underestimated.

The entire ship of the captured third expedition fleet also completed the modification in the case of tens of thousands of Anbrera, overtime.

The third expedition fleet of the federal, contains 32 ships with various tonnage and function.

A aircraft carrier transport ship as a flagship has two cruisers, six destroyers, and finally the twenty-three guard ship ships for the federal carrier.

At the same time the first two months, the overall human beings were shocked, and Anbrera also reclaimed hundreds of scrapped ships.

These ships have been forced to scrapped, and it is too high for maintenance. It is far better than re-build a cost-effective.

However, these ships have many recycled devices, including each grade AT energy shield generating device.

Therefore, the engineering team uses these recycled 'second-hand equipment' to install AT energy shields for the third far-programs, and this to resist the Arachi PM attacks, as well as artillery from human federation.

In addition, the engineering team also has a certain fire-control upgrade of each ship, installing a lot of large diameter of the 'second-hand', beam particle and the ghost gun, and the Gaussian anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-fire cannon less.

The inside of the ship has also been transformed, and the hell paratrooper and the Astadt special rail are installed, which can be implemented in the next war.

These modifications and maintenance costs, for William is still not a month 'zero money', but also a full fleet of far-federal firepower.

As the absolute merchant's William, I only feel the coolness of this sale.

Subsequently, William left Astadt, 20,000, who were originally a federal motor infantry, and six thousand Anbrera's land team, and all kinds of land and staff left-behind Pars front line replenishment base.

All of the remaining combat troops will travel to the third expedition fleet, and then all fleets rose to the near-territorial track of Pars, and prepare to perform tracks to the solar system.

That's right ...

Human federation in the movie has many high-tech weapons and equipment, but they have given 'points' in the technology lines of universal equipment, but the single soldiers can make up for many shortcomings.

The federation has a high level of medical technology, as long as it can be used to retrore the residual limbs, the loss of the limbs can also be installed.

As long as the brain is not dead, or the important organ is irreversible, it will be able to rescue in time.

And the speed of the federal warship seems to be slower than the transition engine, and it is possible to have a lot of fast.

Not to mention the "Star Corps: Invasion" in the Animation Edition, the Boumen's battleship also holds the insect hole engine, which can achieve the effect of 'instant' arrival destination.

So the current Harxi and Ruibeika are still staying in Pars and how to study and crack the entry of the entry.

Although Ruibeika is good at bio and chemistry, she has learned in all aspects, far more researchers in super Anabrera, can also provide some key suggestions for Harps.

Moreover, even if they can't crack, when the federal can get the full drawings after being banned by Willia, they are now going to the 'Brainstorming'.



At 14:20 at the Atlantic Ocean.

The edge of the near-territorial track of the P star surface is completely belonging to the third far-evolutionary fleet of Anbrera, is waiting for the next raid in the debugging direction.

And there are hundreds below the fleet, emitting a blue rays, and some fascinating insect mill.

The rising speed of these carriers is slow, but it is still possible to hit the third far-reaching military fleet at 2,000 kilometers.

But after the upgraded vessel, it also exudes an intoxicated green rays, and its AT energy shield relaxed against the attack of these mass mass.

The carrier's bridge.

William wearing the uniform uniform of Anbrera, standing back in front of the front of the bridge porthole, looking at the P star under the foot '.

Sereenna is also wearing a strong army civilian uniform, and the hands are in front of the belly, quietly standing behind Wilong.

Suddenly, her doubles flashed Blu-ray, and then reported to Willianshui: "The boss, all battleships have been ready."

"Very good." William was slight, then the back of the card door sitting in the captain, raising the command of the voice:

"Ibadz captain, ready to inform the whole fleet to enter the speed sailing, take us back to the solar system."

"Yes." The Carmen that has been replaced on the Anbreira-level officer uniform, and the William respects the staff, and then the whole ship will order:

"Check if each item is normal."

"There is everything in the entry engine."

"All air valves have all closed."

"Captain, we are ready."

Listening to the report of the ship, the face of the Carmen is also gradually serious, and the starry sky outside the portrene said:

"Very good, inform the captain of all battleships listen to my countdown.





One. "

When the word of the card door, the scene outside the window is distorted, the aircraft carrier, and the warship with all the expedition has entered the speed state.

Seeing, Carmen reported to William: "Boss (BOSS), it is expected that the entire expedition army will arrive near the rails of Geneva."

"Well." William should continue to view the outside view through the porthole.

It is different from the transition engine to create a transition channel independent of the real universe.

The entry engine is in the real universe, manufacturing a manual 'bubble' wrapped entire vessel, the space compressed, to achieve a number of magnitude of the number of optical speeds.

The vessel does not actually 'super-speed speed', but use the compressed space to adequately avoid the 'time expansion', and the object can only be close to the light speed, but cannot exceed the relative argument of the light speed.