Containment control starts with the umbrella

Chapter 534 withdraws the "Star River Team"


Under the somewhat requirement of Sereen, the MS squadron of the United States entered the OM-1 star atmosphere to confirm the current state of Bihado.

Subsequently, John, Harxi and Ruibeika, who were notified by Seorna, were also returned to the bridge, and they gathered next to the Sino Consolidation Station of the Bridge.

The holographic screen of the center console also used the head image of all MS body under the control of all MS body under the manipulation of the MS body.

Just got into the atmosphere, the MS squadron hoved over the ground, shooting to the ground seems to be a violent 'earthquake'.

And due to the gap produced by the earthquake, a large number of giant tenthers, attacked the Arachi Warrior on the surface.


"Boss ..." Ruibeika looked at the holographic display, took the lead reports: "Through the reaction of the warrior, they should have no infection, then ...

(See William)

Then this shows that Bihan Cotto is infected with an insecticide virus and is not subject to its own attack. "

"Well, yes." Harxi is also attached to the side.

Listening to the two doctors' words, John, who is crossing the chest, is still a cold look:

"It seems that our actions are effective."

"Okay." I have long known the answer to William, waving the left hand:

"According to the medicinal effect of the insecticide, how long does it take for the OM-1 will become a semodious death planet, and it is not what they have.

So our goal is done, ( ), inform Hiya to return to the aircraft carrier. "

"Yes, the boss."

Listening to the William's instructions, the double immediately saved Blu-ray, informing the Hiya and the MS team immediately returned.

Subsequently, William said to the card door that has been returned to the captive position, and raising the voice: "Ibnezea, when the MS squadron will start the entry, take us back to the earth."

The gods whispered, still a respectful look, to William's head: "Yes."

Shortly after.

The MS squadron of the Hiya temporary team, relying on the promotion of the harvester civilization, separating the grade of 0M-1 and returns to the aircraft carrier library.

Waiting for all staff anti-ship, the Caben is a member of the ship leader, but also let the aircraft entered the speed sailing, returning to the earth in the solar system.



When William personally led the troops, successfully solved the 'insect God' on the OM-1, and other offensive troops also have a rules, and sweeping the entire Arachi.

Due to the large number of planets in the insectic space, the new federal attacking force is a battleship 'patronize' pair of planets.

And at least the six people in each warship deployed a Six people, and then with the new federal 'people' tactics, successfully deepened into the virus.

The team responsible for the initiation of thresholds is also the elite troops of the new federation, as well as the four original Spartan of Carl, Mallen, Robert and Colx.

One of the planets with 'insects' (anime movie "invading" insects), the number of insects of Arach, far exceeds several times the planet of other mindps.

Learning to Corax in this mindset, after the last time 'hand torn' a giant Titan's achievements, this time, Corax completed a deepening of the nest, 'hand tore and throwing a virus.

Like Mallen, the 1.25cal heavy-duty burst gun, with a thousands of insect groups, or the precise killing of Carl super distance, and Robert's rolling tactics ...

All the new federal soldiers and officials have deeply experienced the power of these giants, and they also know that the failure of the original federal is inevitable.

And follow these original and Astadt's motor infantry, and more hopes to apply for immigration and go to Mars under Anbrera.

After a few days of Zerg cleaning activities, the insecticular isolation zone in the Milky Way is about 90% a few days ago.

At this point, the Arachi Zerg never makes a great threat to human and federals.

On September 4, Atlantic Time, participated in the full battleship of the insectic action, has returned to the solar system.

William also rely on the achievements of this action, let the commander of the hard bone group Jean, from the military rank of the colleach to the middle general.

It can be said that Ji En, who is dead because of the tank beetle, after meeting the appreciation of William's boss, its rank is much higher than that of the film in the movie.

From Sino-Sino, it can be said that in the modern and history of the universe in both sides, it is extremely rare existence.

But still borrow the words of the old countryside, 'I think about what I can do.

As the actual Power of the universe of the two sides, William is naturally the right to enhance the rank of any soldier.

Moreover, Jean is promoted to the middle, and the new federal military officers and soldiers have no complaints.

Because Jean leads the hard bones, than the original federal to the army and the Member of the Assistance, the combat power must have a grade, but they are in a single military equipment.

Now there is a single soldier equipped with UNSC empty divisions, (simple version of ODST single soldier), the hard bone troops have considered the new federal 'ceiling' war.

The universe from William led a large number of troops withdraws only a few days left, he naturally needs to pick out and can compete for the general command of the new federal army.

Coupled with William's one-time execution, a large number of senior generals, leading to the newly associated military officers, only fewer number of orders left.

Then the Rui Ge's tutor is also a great commander of Jean, which is the best candidate in William.

As for this position in StarCraft, William is still temporarily agency commander, and let Carl Jenkins have become his secretary-general to help address new federal transactions.

After all, Karl is still too young, and there is no substantive merit. If you use it directly, you will not serve the public.

Carmen Ibnez, William was in the universe that she stayed in the "Star River Team" was still the flagship aircraft carrier of the third fleet.

According to the potential of Carmen, she will become the general command of the federal fleet early evening, and can effectively improve the fleet of the new federal.

However, Carmen insisted on the universe of William and others, she couldn't work, and she will also apply through the immigrants of the new federal official website to join the Anbrera's engineering team to build on Mars.

In the end, William is also returning to his 'main universe' together.

Just, the endless captain has always been the success of Selenna. Now it has a more crazy 'genius driver, and William makes the cart door as an endless number.

September 12th.

William and the All Anbreira troops took the new Joiner, Tz, Carmen and other federal soldiers, returned to the main hosteon through the P-star channel.