The conference cabin next to the cabin 4.

William is sitting at the top of the U-table table, Andre and Mike sit in William's left hand side, as the 'guest' of Constantin sitting on the right hand side of William.

As for the other, the two people are standing behind their respective fathers.

"William." The old man's Andre, looked at William to open the road:

"I listen to Tina, said that the company is recently being attracted to our world from the" Star River Corps "universe, right?"

"Yes." William was told, and the sound explained:

"For the current Anibrera, or the entire race of human beings, the most difficult to supplement resources, never gives minerals such as gold, titanium, and tantalum, but the population.

Heavy metal minerals have almost taking advantage of our current development, inexhaustible.

But our population resources, only our human beings are unique, so this is the most difficult to add 'resource'. "

"Well, William said it is right." Mike is attached.

"However, ...", Andre made some opposition:

"I think Tina passed the information, I think the way to join the Anbrera is not too single? Only if you sign the engineering team, I always think that some violent ."

"Oh?" William is interested in: "How do you say?"

"Cough." Andre is clear, explained to William:

"In fact, you can also open other recruitions, such as choice Join Anbrera's Marine Corps, or the Unsc Army and Marine Corps.

Although the federal war in the "Star River Team" makes me see can't see the eye, it is definitely an individual with high quality. It can also choose elite.

Conditions ... It is definitely to accept cruel training, give the welfare, I think it is necessary to distinguish between the addition of the project team to give real estate benefits.

However, what is the details, I will give it to Tina and Selenna who want to go. "

"Well, you are very reasonable." William is also a face-ended expression.

Then add: "It is not just to join the troops, you can also add researchers, technical personnel, etc., so that the immigrant will choose the profession you like and good at it.

Of course, these are the options for joining Anbrera, UNSC and other companies can also announce advertisements for immigrants ...

Eh? Yup…."

Said, William is a flash, lifting the left hand, pinching the chin, and self-speaking, the analysis of the words:

"You can make Jerenena like the position of the job, so that the immigrant will choose the opposite company and the planet, and you don't have to let Ambranda offer welfare and residence, food.

Even if you can also collect your own restrictions and advertising fees to those big companies, and make it unresolved ... um ... not bad. "

Subsequently, William looked at Andre, and the more you felt that this big old will always bring some good luck or good ideas that you can't say.

"Okay." William looked down: "I will let Sutinna will refine the application channel again."

Then he asked Constantine: "Constantine, what is your caravan?"

"Agreement and rules, and the universe of both parties has been finalized.

The remaining only rely on actual operations and transactions, accumulating experience and discovery vulnerabilities, and filling those vulnerabilities in time. "Constantine smiled.

"Very good, you are worthy of the Thai family's family, huh, huh." William praised Constantine.

"Little means, help you also help you, this kind of trading between the universe, must also make me more and more.

Also ... "said that, Constantine reached the left hand, and screamed William Road:

"Help you do this is not helpful, say good 'remuneration'?"

"Oh, Nova's admission notice." William didn't care about the treasure:

"After waiting for it, I will return to Harfa, I will make an email in her mailbox."

"Admission Notice?" (X2)

Hearing the dialogue of William and Constantine, Tita and Nova standing behind their respective fathers were exposed and confused.

"Oh." At this time, Constantine was also exposed and smile, turned to see Nova said:

"Yes, I let you worship uncle, gave you a notice of admission of St. Mary, so that you can go to school."

"But my father ..." Nova asked someone: "Don't you want me to go to Stanford? How ..."

"Nowa." Constantine was in the face of so many people, and did not say something more relative, just to Nova:

"You have grown up, so, I will not educate you again, go to pursue my life and happiness you want."

"This ..." After listening to Constantine, Nova finally heard her father's deep meaning.

Then, her eyes are born red, nor does it care about someone else, and I have a hug for her father, and I am somewhat. Thank you:

"Thank you, father."

Constantine took the back of Nova, and Ausu said: "Okay, so many people look."

"Yes ..." Nova is again stood well, and also used her left hand back, wiped her eyes.

"..." is standing on the opposite side, although it is still a well-behaved, but it gives people a feeling of working hard.

Seeing this situation William, can only laugh helpless, and bless him in his heart:

'Self-seeking Du Fu, kid. '

Slow down.

William stood up and said to everyone: "Calculate time, now the twelfth fleet should also return to the track of the earth, then everyone is also back to their respective positions."

After saying, William smiled again: "Shiya, Nova, this time, the universe of the" Star River Team ", you can say that it is very big.

There are still some days from the beginning of school, first go home with your father, take a break, prepare to go to school.

The rank will always stay for you, wait until you graduate, continue to fight for the company. "

I heard William's, the second woman was also in the same way: "Yes, uncle."


After ending this short meeting, Andre led his health, and took the lead in Raifei under the escort of the UBCS Division.

Constantine is also a Nova, riding a civilian , returning to the US estate villa.

Mike, no daughter, is also delivered by his reinforcing guard, returning the flagship of the first fleet, continues to host the ground forces of Anbrera and Unsc.

William is the bridge to the bridge, discussing with Selena, and then leading the family to return to Hafa.