Containment control starts with the umbrella

Chapter 599, is a single-sided vampire

Go to the corridor of the cabinet four district.

William has inserted in the trouser pocket, and the brow is walked.

Thinna seems to be very good because of the past two days, the mood seems very nice, and it has been with a smile behind Willey.

As for William, why looks a bit anger because he has been thinking about the old saying of Huaxia, 'Marrying the daughter, splashing the water'.

In this year, Ye Lianna is no longer wrapped in him as before.

Although William doesn't care, and Li Lie is very satisfied with the image, personality, etc. He is very satisfied.


William is still a somewhat 'vinegar' meaning, and always feel that the daughter is going to be arched by the pig.

The more I want to get angry.

Immediately, William's back is to the Selenna: "Recently, I will surveillance Li Lie, once he dares to do anything to Ye Lianna ...

John and banned Astadt immediately, taught the children, telling him what is a real super soldier. "


Severna, who heard William's discourse was somewhat confused, but soon she also reacted, then todped with a smile:

"Yes, the boss."

Next, I won't say it all the way.

Soon, the two came to the extremely spacious organory four districts.

And before entering the organism, William also picked up the following expressions, with a good look, and those mercenaries and archeologists.

Only the center of the cabinet four district.

Mercenaries and students in Flin and Kuil have already gathered, as well as hundreds of extreme Astatt, and several banned Astadt.

Robert, a group of technicians standing in the center.

And in Robert, it is a black sealing box for two meters, a width of seventy centimeter and a high half meter.

It seems that the 'Sleep' in the vampire of the ancient castle, Frad II has been passed by Robert into the storage box.

Flin and other mercenaries, all of them are an expression of envy and embarrassment to Astadt power armor and weapons.

Praneous guns, plaques and hot melting guns, these weapons can't be able to buy even black markets.

More importantly, the explosion of the gun is a weapon specially designed in Atartt, and ordinary humans cannot be flexible.

Single is the rest, you can make ordinary people's arm dislocation, even likebithic.

As for Professor Kuil, it is still around the observation of 'Wow'.

Like the endless internal structure, there is also a close view of Astadt, and people who don't belong to the company, they are not imagined.


At this moment, the Astadt, the technician and Robert, after seeing William, all have respectful.

"Well." William was just nodding.

"Mr. Russell ..." and Professor Kuil also raised his hand: "Don't know what you call us, what needs?"

"Yes." William did not deny:

"I heard that professors can translate ancient Romania's language, and these vampires seem to use the ancient Romanian.

I want to interrogate the previous ancestors of the vampire and see what the goods know. "

"Well, I will try to help you, Mr. Russell."

Professor Kuil has no reason to refuse to reason for William's request.

"Robert." After William looked at Robert, swallow: "Open this containe box."

"Yes, the boss."

Robert responded, ready to open the containember.

"Please retreat, keep a certain distance, the limit legion to prepare for defense."

The deputy official wearing a hundred husband and helmet was also made to William et al. To the rear, and the Astatt of the Extreme Legion was warned.

Follow it.

Under the eyes of the entire person, Robert opened the storage box.

" - !!! Hey ..."

"! ! !"

I saw the moment of the housing box opened, and a larger 'vampire' smashed and jumped out.

But I haven't waited for this 'vampire' to start arrogance ...

Robert is reaching out of his right hand, clamping this blood ghost neck, making it impossible to make any snoring again.

And, Robert also used his left hand to give it the abdomen, and he had a number of punches.

"Amount ... ..."

'Vampire' tries to open the right hand of the neck, the legs can't stop, and it looks extremely painful.


In front of the three meters high, there is only a single-sided cultivation in front of the original ancestors of the vampire.


After the back of William, I laughed in Robert: "Good Robert, let this Degola can talk, otherwise I can't ask it."


Robert is told, then the left hand is placed in the right shoulder of Degola, and then ...

"- ~!"

"Hey !!!!" and a scream of Degola.

I saw that Roberts made his left hand finger, 'inlay' into the body of Degola, holding the scapula in the meat.

Then, Robert released the right hand of the clamping Degra neck, left the left hand to pick up Degola for William.

I saw that this skin is white, and the face is also closer to human, and the physique is also more strong. Degola is already a strong and intimate gripping.

Although Degola must have a more powerful healing capacity than ordinary vampires, it is also unlike Robert.

In the end, it can only be dismissed.

"Very good." I saw Degula, William was subjected to the top, and said to Kuil who stands beside him:

"Professor, help me ask if it is Frad I, how is it becomes like this.

Also, how did it be held here? "

"Well." After listening to William's words, Professor Kuil used the ancient Romanian who baked Baba, exchanged the Degula who was picked up by Robert.

More than ten minutes.

Professor Kuil said to William: "Mr. Russell, it is indeed the original Frad II.

It said that at a few days ago, he felt the strangeness of the body from the military camp, and he saw and smelled blood when he was fighting the enemy, so that it made a crazy bit bite down neck drinking.

Since then, it has become a vampire army, but ...

In addition to the vampire, you can't live directly in the sun.

As will be closed here, it is because they make the human forces throughout Europe, which is expelled into this cage cast. "

Speaking here, Professor Kuil took out the glasses cloth in the pocket, picking up the silver mirror and wiped the rubber sheet, and sighed:

"Mr. Russell, I as an authority of an archaeological circle, I don't know if there is still a war with a vampire and a vampire. This is ...

It is really incredible. "

"There is no unbelievable professor." William is still smiling:

"This world, there is something that is more 'magical' than you."