Containment control starts with the umbrella

Chapter 647 begins to flicker


Getting William's instructions, Ma tea, etc.

At this time, the elite is no longer ignored by William. After all, the John three people standing next to Willey, the height is too obvious.


Even some elite hands grabbed the fence, staring at John, issued their ethnic unique low sound, like hopes to be able to fight with John.

However, William is behind his hands behind him, slowly walking to the center, coming to the elite in the cell.

Finally, William's eyes were fell on the elite they were detained in front of him.

I saw that the elite facial is full of scars, if you look closely, the lower right corner of the four-haired mouth has lost a piece, and it is like an elite veteran.

The 'veteraine' is not as excited as other elites, just sitting on the bed in the cell, also observing William.

"Ha ha."

Seeing, William sizes smiled, and Those, Ivan and John three were still behind him.

"This, I want you to lead the fleet and investigate the highest commander of our colony."

William took out his most good and good smile, and said the "unspeakable 'old soldier' ​​elite," said the above sentence.

In fact, William has passed the information given by Ma Te, knowing the 'old soldier' ​​elite in front of him, is the elite in the brown gold helmet.

However, ... the scene, always talk about it.


The commander elite is still staring at William.

It is not it doesn't want to pay attention, but it doesn't understand what William is talking about.

"Hey, ..."

When the atmosphere should be caught in embarrassment, Srianda standing on the side of William suddenly opened his mouth, and he said the Star Anshan language.

? ? ? !

This, all the elites present are all gratitude and confusion, and they have not thought that 'human' can learn their language in a short time.

In fact, Srianda is not human, human beings don't learn the language of the Star Leagna, just the procedures written by Harps, trying to translate the words of William.

And the language program written by Harcy now has now uploaded to the company's network.

This represents the landing team, hell paratroopers and all combat troops, can use universal computers to load this language program to translate the language and text of the Star League.

Although the accuracy is still uncertain, it can also communicate with the Star League.

Now, after Willians see the elites, they know that his magical wife and success help him solve a problem.

After standing, the elite of the commander was in silence.


Subsequently, it is like an sigh standing, after walking to the fence, look down on William to say something.

"Yes, I am the commander of the investigation fleet, N'THO Sarm (N'THO SROAM).

For respect for your warriors, I will tell my name, I don't know if the name is ...? "

Through the translation of Selenna, William also understood this Salah's words, and then responded with a smile:

"Thank, I am the boss of Anbrera, the general command, can also be said to be the highest command, William Russell of Human."

"Yes ..." Sismumi is silent, and let go of the tone:

"It seems that my luck is not bad, even if I was captured, I can also see your race's highest leader, hahaha!

Also, this thought that your human beings are a weak race, but they did not expect your warrior but so powerful, it is really unexpected.

If it is not a prophet's command, or you are not the existence of our gods, I think we are race ...

You should be able to come with you.

But unfortunately, the difference in beliefs and philosophy, destined to megadownload megadownload megadownload.

So you can't get any useful intelligence from me, don't kill us, don't let us go back. "

"Oh." After listening to Salah's words, William is still a smile that does not change color, and said to it:

"Thank you for praise my children. They are the strongest soldiers in the Milky Way from the beginning of the training.

Oh, yes, when did you find us human?

Also, can you explain, how is our human beings ? "

"." I heard William asked, Sismi was very uncomfortable, and explained to William:

"This planet has the ruins of God, and you actually grow crops on the planet! It is really enough!

Of course, your human beings may not know the existence of the ruins, then in this one, it is still affordable.

According to the teaching and guidance of the prophet, let us know that your human existence is the will offenders.

So, in order to make the pilgrimage trip, there is also to show the belief of God, so that you will be our human beings will be our San Hear, no ...

This will be the main goal of the Star League! "

When it comes to the end, Sismi's tone is more exciting, even if there is a kind of hate, William,

Confused William.

"Hahaha, good!" He just laughed and looked up his hands.


This makes Sappam have some can't understand, and the temper is nowhere.

Slow down.

William this puts down the hands of the applause, back your hands, and ask Salang:

"So Saim ... general, I don't know how your rank is, just ask you general.

General Sappam, I want to ask you, have you inherited the system? For example, the father will leave the child's legacy. "

"Heritage ..." Sismumi, and said:

"We won't give a lot of help, let alone what heritage, forcing their own power is the right way.

However, future generations can inherit their father's honor and title, and we can also get our respect. "

"That's good, take the honor to give you a better than." At this time, William hit a smile, said:

"If you are about to inherit your father's honor, people people also treat you as your father's most proud son.

A sudden one day, your father came back a stranger, ready to announce the strangers to the entire ethnic group, is your father's true biological son.

And you are not.

What do you do in the face of this situation? "

"How to do it? Of course, I listened to my father's order and admitted the status of the stranger." Salah did not want to reply, but also added:

"But with my ethnic self-esteem, I think I should have challenged the stranger, and the light is big and defeated him, and it is true that I really qualified to have honored people.

If you have a single failure, then I am willing to have a wish, because the other person is eligible to have honor. "