Containment control starts with the umbrella

Chapter 651 goes to the forerunner remains

"Hey !!!"

With the big scream of Sisma, other elites are also followed by ''.

See the scene in front of you, standing in Carl after Willey, can't help but look down on William whisper:

"Boss ... Why is this elite, so like the huskies I have, I always like to call it?"

"Ha ... cough, hum ..."

I heard Karl's Tucao, William n't looted it, so he quickly coughed twice, stopped the idea of ​​wanted to laugh.

Slow down.

William's whisper is Carl Road: "Okay, don't talk, you will be unhappy."

"Yes ... the boss."

Carl also touched the laughter, revert it to the glamorous look, standing on the body as William

At this time, Saim raised his right hand, all of all the elite roads in the field: "Since the prophet is a family wants to drive us, why should we make a knee?!

More! We are for a common goal, that is, pursue the footprints of our gods pioneers and complete the so-called pilgrimage journey.

But now, the trip to the pilgrimage is able to destroy the Milky Way, we must remind people! Stop this ignorance! "

"Hey !!"

"I will wait to follow the general !!"

With a speech in Sisma, all elites present, it is also exciting and thorough.

Then Sappam is a waving, and the elites will remain quiet and turn around William solemnly said:

"Russell, about the world that I led the fleet to invade you, and the battle of your warrior's death is deeply sorry.

However, your warrior also killed us a lot of people, I think this is flat.

I swear with my own life and reputation, as long as you can send us to return to the Star League, I will persuade people to get from the Star Anshan, no longer the prophet.

If the prophet is insisted to launch a war with your humanity, then I will also persuade my people to cooperate with your humanity.

I don't know what you mean? "

"I don't object to alliance with you, but ..." William is also expressive:

"But don't forget, now you are a group of residual soldiers, return to the starring in this gesture, or even the general prophet is not good.

So what is the next thing, don't use me more reminded. "

"..." After listening to William's words, Salang silently took a moment: "Do you have a better way?"

"Of course." At this time, William is also exposed to the smile of the day:

"But before that, I need you to sign some things, just write your name, very simple."

Sismi wants to answer: "No problem!"

"Very good." William said, turned his head with Yu Guang to see him behind him, calmly ordered:

"Seorina, inform the flagship to prepare enough confidentiality agreement, wait for me to sign our elite allies."

"Yes, the boss." Selena respect.


In the case of unknown, Sismi is unclear, and it is now completely hostile prophets and ghosts.

Under William's leadership, they boarded the transportation formations consisting of special dragonfly, and went to the stunned flagship in the hollow city.

Then use 'a little' time to teach elites, how to use human pen writing.

In the end, the elites of Sappahums have signed their respective names in the confidentiality agreement.

After signing, William also heard the system alert:

[Detecting the Miso Salah, the total of forty-four San Hear signed a confidentiality agreement.

The confidentiality agreement is equally effective for San Hillers. At present, Enzo Sism and all signed confidential agreements have 100 loyalty to the hostess.

At this point, William once again flicked a group of 'aliens' signed a confidentiality agreement.



The interior of the Star Level Flagship.

It has a large dock.

The set of the Star Level Flagship is completely different from endless numbers, and is not the regional respective models.

Instead, it will be able to accommodate Roger Yang-level and Paris-level docks, and are integrated with regional carrier and ground armor carrier, which is equivalent to only one gale.

Look at it.

Bright light,

Neat deck,

With a strong role style, you can also use 'vast' to describe the stars of the stars.

After all, there is no more than 500 meters long Roger Yang-grade and Paris level, only the carrier machine parked on each deck.

Also, the next part of the gase is also the 'door opening', no obvious air valve traces.

Even open hatches, also distributed like a CCS cruiser library 'film', just the color of this ray is green.

In fact, while Harcy is designing the stunning battleship, it has begun to plan the reconstruction of the next generation of warships in humans.

One of the most important items is to use the 'plasma' instead of the valve.

As early as humans annihilate the harvesting civilization, and the technology of seized the civilization of the harvest, there is already a technique of plasma body gas valve.

However, At that time, the Abslasses were very mature technology in the technology of the reduced pressure, and the plasma gas valve cost is expensive, so there is no update.

When you start building a star-level battleship, Anbrera has had the ability to integrate all poliology and national capital.

Coupled with the plasma cost has been alleviated, the Shipyard of Anbrera is being replaced by the battleship in an orderly manner.

It is expected that three years later, give all the battleships to the plasma body gas valve.

As for the original Material tea, add hundreds of rows, etc., when seeing the plasma body gas valve of the CCS-level cruiser, it is considered that the Star Anshan in this area is higher than human, because ...

The area where Feng Ruo Xing is too far away. Their observer is waiting for three years, will receive the notification to the warship.

at this time.

The bottom deck of the organism, you can see William, Harxi, Selenna, Ivan, Athena and John 3, and 30 of the banned Astadt.

At the same time, there is also a confidential agreement, fading of prisoners, replacing the original helmet's Sark.

In the absence of this group of people, it is a transporter area that is arrested, DR-4, DR-7 transport boats.

Then, everyone entered three large DR-7 transport boats.

Three DR-7 transport boats launched the engine under the control of the pilot, suspended.

Under the guidance of the ground personnel, through the plasma body gas valve, leave the gallery of the Star Level Flagship.

The trailing is a black painted vacuum strike in three DR-7 transport boats.

Six strikes from the moment of leaving the organism, speed up the speed to keep up with three DR-7, act as a guardian of the transport boat.

The purpose of William, is the remains of the forefront of Fengrom's.