Containment control starts with the umbrella

Chapter 655 War is in touch

"Although I am not good at commanding the battle, I think the things to find the world can put it first.

After all, there is no permissions of our human beings, even if the Star League is the first to find a shield world, they are also unable to start the 'weapon' of the foreigners.

So I think we are now the top priority, it is to repel the two super aircraft carriers that Salah.

The winning victory is crucial, and we also need to wait until the arrival of the first fleet, use a certain time to cultivate and breed the profiled to deal with the flood devil in the world.

What do you think? William. "

"Well ..." Hearing Harcy's proposal, William did not have a reason to refuse, and then nodded:

"You said it very reasonable, if you defeat the two super aircraft carriers and thousands of battleships, it is indeed advantageous in this war.

Moreover, we can also capture a large number of elite families to incite the internal forces of the Star Anshan.


In order to ensure the absolute advantage of the combat, I and Ivan will drive the body together, I hope you will not mind. "

Speaking of this, William is absolutely sorry for Halcy.

Obviously, I will guarantee that she will never go to the front line. Who knows that it is not idle in recent years, attacking Yuli, "Terminator" and moderatures ...

It belonged to his boss's most happy.

"Haha ~." Wen said, Harcy suddenly smiled, and didn't care about:

"What can I don't care, now the company and UNSC need you to drive morale, Ivan's child also needs to get a higher prestige, I also agree that your father and son go together.

Moreover .... "Said, Harcy looked at the talents sleeping in her arms:

"Moreover, now Russell's family has a big man, even if you and Ivan have any accidents, Russeu's family will not be broken."

"Amount ..." After listening to the words of Harcy, there is no sense of negligence when William, even also spit:

"Although you are telling the truth, I always feel a little unlucky? Hey ..."

"Okay, don't complain, hurry to wash sleep, keep the spirit to deal with the war." Harxi softly.




Time: September 27, 2026.

Atlantic Ocean: 11: 27.

Location: The giant gaseous planet of the Epson Indian Star, within the gravitational range of EL-3.

Only phoenix, Roger Yang-level, Paris and battleships, as well as all kinds of battleships and small warships, and the vessels are in the side of the EL-3 facing the side of the star.

In this mixed fleet, which is close to the nine hundred warships, the most prominent endless flagship, as well as the fleet's most central strange flagship.

Twenty-two mixed fleets are from UNSC, Anbrera, is the first and fifth fleet.

The first fleet arrived in the near-territorial track of Fengroma on the 26th, and according to William's orders, it is responsible for guarding Feng Raoxing, and the team of 049 will cultivate a shaped army as soon as possible.


In the mixed battleship group, there is a 'point' with dense linear reflecting rays in EL stars.

Close up.

It is found that the number of large carrier machines, the number of types is invisible.

Among them, a quantity of a carrier machine is the 'single-eyed' MS body.

The model and painting of these body, most of which are dark green, some special models of painting is dark or dark gray.

'One-eyed' MS is the Zagu MS designed for UNSC.

There are also a few in William's eyes, like the body of 'New Anzhou', 'Shazi'.

These special body are actually customized by UNSC to the hive and the Abshara Factory.

Special albums are the exclusive body provided by UNSC for the ace driver, and the performance is the presence of a regular model strike and Zam.

The MS gathered in the 10th and fifth fleets, most of which are also air, guns, and swords, but there are also a few special models.

The painting of these body is changed according to the preferences of the ace driver, and the shape is similar to the strike, but the backpack has different.

There are a lot of ms that is similar to 'God', 'dawn', 'justice' and 'free' model.

Counting the MS of each model, the total quantity of the carrier is around 10,000.

The quantity is definitely less than the Star Aeda as the 'bee colony' carrier, but the quality is really crushed the presence of the Star League carrier.

As for the absolute fate of the human side, the body formation is not there.

Just as human beings are tuned ...


More than a thousand sizes of quiet purple vortices suddenly emerged at 0.5ETM in front of the human battleship group.

Then, the number of silver, purple coating warships, drove out these purple vortexes, presented in the field of view of the human battleship.

This is the starry fleet headed by two COS super aircraft carriers.

Their appearance also represents a comprehensive war in the Star Anshan's territory.

And this fleet with two COS super aircraft carriers, in accordance with Sismah's statement, the Star League in order to defeat the human beings.

As the most eye-catching COS level, it is naturally observed by humans.

The appearance of the COS level is brightened, and the length is more than five kilometers more than the human stars.


However, the COS level gives people a direct sensation of a 'head weight', it is indeed a super aircraft carrier, but it is not a super-warship.

Some loosened.

It is not like the overall compact of the stars in human beings, and the stunned sides of the head, but there is a two-pole-eye-eye-catching Maggi electric gun.

After the starry fleet is completed, it maintains a distance from the human battleship group to the human battleship group, not close, and there is no initiative to initiate an attack.

The human battleship group is also like it is in mutual observation.

at the same time.

The stars of the stars.

The gas valve of the plasma has been launched, and there are very few combat carriers in the organism. The remaining transporters and transport boats, as well as the armor units in the ground.

Located in the center of the organism, it is the parking, trimming and replenish area.

I saw that the twenty poppy is ready to go.

Among them, the fourteen is the first phase of John Scen, the five is the aristocratic team of Carter, and the other two is special equipment for special equipment and painting.

Among them, the integrated capacity is the red poppy of Ivan.

At this time, the body formation is on the deck of the organic library, and it comes to the edge of the gas valve door of the plasma, like waiting for William's order.

Dedicated to the driver's rim.

William wearing a touch of driving, both hands are holding the handle rod, watching the space outside the air valve through the panoramic screen.

At this time, Selenna stood on the control desk on the steering desk:

"The boss, the commander of the Star Leag is trying to contact us, and it seems that it is to publish the war declaration."