Lenovo to 'Hongmen Banquet' ...

William has to say that the ethnic head of the elite is a little less spiritual, or you can be deceived by the first tribute, or even ten centuries.

"Trap? Why is this a trap?"

After hearing the words of Seonna, he asked in a doubtful look.

"Amount ..." Sereena is like a do not know how to explain, slow slow, and said to the elite General:

"Three prophets sent Karahai to all fleets, the troops as the commander, and recalled that San Hille returned to 'Bo'a Love City', according to our artificial intelligence ...

70% of the possibility is that the prophets want to take advantage of this opportunity, and solve the Sang Hear commander with high prestige and strength.

Look for some excuses such as your San Hille has publicly betrayed the Star League, making the gods of the gods, and let the Kirahai famous to the refused fleet, the troops command.

Then, this can minimize solving the split problem, and can also consolidate the loyalty of the Kirahai.

Even if there is a Sanlie commander who has not responded to the recall command, the members are fortunate to be difficult, but it has not been able to make substantial changes to the overall battle. "

"Hey !!" After listening to the explanation given by Seorna, Sismi was extremely angry and said:

"It seems that the old things, it doesn't want us to safely exit the Star League!"

Said, Sismuma turned his gaze to William, and there is some pleading in the tone:

"Russell, I can't see my people who are killed by the old things!

So I hope that when I have people, there are those confidential agreements that are weak and small ethnic signs, let me lead them into the city of Bo love!

If you can approve this command, then I will be willing to call you is 'boss (boss)', although I still don't understand this. "

"..." Wen said, William didn't immediately agree to Sahi's request.

"Sereena ..." is standing in Mike next to Willey, and the first is the first to say:

"You have just mentioned the word of 'Bo love City', is it a political center of Star Anshan? Which galax is in the planet?"

"General, the city of Bo'ai is indeed a political center of Star Anshan, but it does not belong to any galaxy, nor is it on any planet."

Jerene is also a handle, the data and images of the city of Bo love, presented in the center of the holographic screen of the center console.

It is a buzzer like a super mushroom, but also represents the purple 'mushroom' of the starry color.

However, the data next to this mushroom, so that Mike's old will not be embarrassed.

The diameter is approximately 350 kilometers, the height length is about 500 kilometers, which can be said to be a celestial plane.

"This ... is the city of Bo'ai?" Mike silent.

"Yes." Senna nodded did not deny it and continued:

"When we artificially intelligently invaded the Star Answa's communication network, we captured the word 'Bo'a Ai City', so attempt to invade the Star Answar's information and navigation network.

Although we were interfered with some advanced defense measures of the Star League in a half-minute in invading data and navigation network, and forced to withdraw from the information and navigation network, but ...

This half a minute makes us artificially intelligent, understands the vast majority of the Star Anshan, including the Political Center of the Star League, the city of Bo.

The city of Bo love is currently located in the outer edge cantilever position of the Milky Way, and a unnamed galaxy and has far beyond the range of our hunter cantilever.

About 70,000 light years are about 40,000 light years away, and the speed engine is sailed, it takes five days. "

"Um ..." The Sarkah in this time has been slow from angerous state, and then took the words of the words:

"The city of Boai does our politics, military center, and the city of Bo love is protected by a 'invincible' fleet.

In accordance with the definition of the rating of you, this invincible fleet has six COS super aircraft carriers, at least forty CAS attack aircraft carriers, and two thousand CCS grade and CRS grade heavy, light cruisers.

Not to mention there is still a small small vessel, there are hundreds of millions of carrier and transport aircraft.

Even a self-employed fleet, the invincible fleet will not hesitate without peers.

To know…

Whether it is aircraft, battleship, or such a big (lifting the right hand holding boxing), the invincible fleet can also monitor the resulting, and will not be destroyed by it. "

"Then you just apply with the boss, you want to lead a soldiers and will attack the city of Bo'ao, you are not distinguished from the death." Mike interled the road.

"But! I can't know that it is a trap, so that people are so easy to be trapped and killed by old things!" Sismumi is angry.

"All right."

At this time, William finally speak, first to illustrate two generals that do not belong to the same species, and then stare at the hologram of the city of Bo'ai, and analyze:

"Sismah, I can understand what you want to save people, but only three hundred COS, CCS and CRS levels on Fengqiu ...

As Oddona, this is undoubtedly the behavior of death.

Moreover, only more than one hundred warships can navigate and fight.

As your ally, I can't see you to send death.

Also, before Sherina said, according to our human entry engine, at least five days can be reached in the city of Bo.

In these five days, we can't guarantee whether the city of the love will be transferred.

In addition, when our human beings are sailing, it is extremely easy to detect, and the navigation in the territory of our belongs is not a problem. The outer edge cantilever should be your starry site ...

The row of racing in the rank, which is undoubtedly the behavior of our humanity.

As a boss and commander, I will never agree with the actions of the city of Bo, so I am sorry, I can only have a sorry for your people.

The main goal of now is to solve the starry fleet of our human frontiers, gradually expand the results and collapse, and worse your people.

The step-by-step rebuild is the most correct strategic approach. "

Sark is slightly low, silent for a few seconds, only some depressed say: "This ... ok ..."

"Right, the boss ..." Sereena looked to William, supplemented reports:

"I mentioned that there is 'some kind of advanced defense measures in the network of Xing Alliance', and the data is compared according to the data I entered into the forerunner's remains, and I found it fully consistent.

Therefore, the city of Bo love is theoretically aircraft of the pioneers.

Moreover, I also found that there is also such a 'defense measures in the garage of the city where the city of Bo'ai. "