Containment control starts with the umbrella

Chapter 679 is ready for empty

Time: November 21, 2026.

Hexa: Corinth Puril galaxy

Human · Elite Joint Fleet arrived in this gauter on October 21, which only used hours to solve the invincible fleet of the city of defending Bo.

At the same time, it has also successfully performed the prophet family headed by truth, mercy, and sorrow, let the human ally Sanhley family.

Then, Selena will handle the prophet's union video to make a clip, and then use the communication equipment of the city of Bo'ao to play the Star Anshan in the Milky Way.

After several hours of executive video playback, the Temporary Mike came reported that nearly 50% of the Star League troops have defeated and defended.

After all, the current command class of the Star League is a ghost pasture, the cruelty, abuse and the degree of hazardous hand, compared to the San Hili people have nothing.

Plus a month ago Salang to disappear video, prove that Athena is the video of ancient human descendants, as well as the priority of the Sanlie's slaughter.

Wait for everything, it has made a race such as a scorpion, a wolf person, has doubts about the Star Anshan leader.

Now, the city of Bo'ai has been occupied by human occupation, the leadership class is also subject to human handling, with the 'demon' effect brought by the Extreme Legion, and the impact of hundreds of derivatives, and immediately let these weak ethnic four fleeing.

Even if the ghost pasture tries to force the power to suppress, it is impossible to resist weak ethnicity to flee the determination of the Star Anshan, and will also unite the fight against ghosts.

It is necessary to know that when the first single is the rebellion of the people, it will make the Star League to destroy, let alone nowadays are still the joint escape of a weak ethnicity.

The remaining 50% of the Star Alliance Fleet, the troops are suspended to the colonial offensive.

William learned in accordance with Mike's report, this 50% of the elite is the elite, the ghost, depending on the number and strong war, successfully suppressed the weak ethnicity that I want to escape.

But this time, the over-five0% of the war is obviously damaged, so it is suspended to the offensive of human colony, and in front of the Warship Group of Human and Elite, I will quit the hunter cantilever.

At this point, due to the William's pro teams raided the city of Bo love, and successfully occupied the city of Bo'ai, this should be the gentleman of the Galaxy of the Galaxy.

In addition to the threats in the elongated troops that open the ghost, the Star League is no longer able to shake the footsteps of human expansion, and the fate of each race is gradually annexed by humans.


Mike led the combination of human and elite counters, and the battle in Collins Pilier has not ended.

According to William's order, with the ground forces headed by Corax, Sismah, it is still in the past month, and it is still in the past month, and the ghosts and beast troops on the city of Bo. .

Thoroughly control the city of Boai, representing the goal of William, is the fearless fleet inside the World 0459.

It is a flood magic on the World surface of the shield.



Time came now.

November 21.

Atax of the Atlantic Ocean 09:21.

At this time, the city of Bo love has been controlled by the human, and is protected by CAS and CCS grade of the joint fleet.

The twenty warships of the twelfth fleet are moor on the near-territory of the shield world, as ready for track bombings, or ready to send the ground troops to the surface.


The stunner flagship bridge.

"The captain, after scanning, the degree of surface pollution below the fleet has reached more than 80%."

"The captain, tactical missile and orbit gun are ready."

"Well." I heard the ship's staff reported, sitting in the second floor of the card door, and then turned to her behind, asked:

"The boss, the surface is covered with the infectious body of the flood magic form, ask if the track bomb is immediately executed, and the ground is cleared in the ground."

I hope to the sight of the Carmen.

Only William, Selenna, Harxi and Ruibeika are standing next to the Sino Consolidation Station, and William and Selena Dressress, but only 'ordinary' commander uniforms and civilian military equipment.

"Hum ..." I heard the William's brow, the William's brow, the back of the moment:

"Ibadz captain, inform me, the captain of all the battleships, only after getting my command, I can fire."

"Yes, the boss."

Get the indicated card door to turn, continue to assist William Commanders and the 10th Fleet.

"Boss." At this time, the Ruibeika took her line from the screen, and asked William:

"We now have absolute track control, why not directly implement orbital bombing?

Even if our pioneering troops are shaped, a wave of track bombings are also help us to occupy the landing area. "

Didn't wait for William to answer, standing in the Ruibeika, Khari, will take the first to open:

"According to the information of Fengrao Raise, most of the category of the celestial levels have an artificial intelligence named 'Church Defenseter'.

They are responsible for the simple maintenance of the facility, as well as the goals that destroy any attempt to attack facilities.

If we try to make orbit bombing ...

Even if the goal is the flood magic on the surface, I think these artificial intelligence, still treat our behavior as a bombing shield world, followed by investing us. "

"Yes." William did not deny: "I don't want to provoke a bee group."

William arrived now, and also remembers a official novel that will be read in high school. A shield world called 'Okar' is the training base in Sparta.

And the surface structure of the 'Olydova' is combined by a branches of the church defense.

If the Fur Star Level is bombing the Shield World 0459, the result will be in the CAS aircraft carrier in the "Loop War 2", that is, the defendant of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred .

Slow down, William relive to the screen of the CPC, while the displayed content is in the stunner gallery.

Just look at a large number of outer skeletons as dark red, under Elizabeth Green's control, it is in an order in order to enter disposal empty bog.

The appearance of these empty bins is similar to the empty bunk barefriend, but the volume is still larger.

There is no bottom buffer injection function, only the parachute mounted to the top, the outer insulation coating of the empty bin is also a cheap disposable material.

After all, from the moment from being artificially pregnant, it is destined to consume the battle creature, so there is no need to spend money, humanity and energy, to study exclusive empty bins.

Subsequently, William stood in the right hand side of Selenna, and the sound of calmly said:

"Sereena, notice in the organizer (049), letting him and his team ready to make an air-investment after you are ready for the shaped troops."

"Yes, the boss."