Containment control starts with the umbrella

Chapter 701 is entangled in formal elite

San Hili.

The reason why it is called elite is that they are really elites.

Just adult youth elite, its monomer fighting skills and physical fitness, you can 1V5 + as a hell paratrooper and UBCS in ordinary human peaks.

Of course, the above 1V5 + case must be unavailable with armor, weapons and mechanical skeletons.

Look at this physical fitness, each elite is a super soldier for humans, so there is an elite join, and the human military aspect is further enhanced.

Coupled with the Human Assistance of the super enterprise in Anbrera, only two months, human beings have digestive, absorb and master 3 percent Star Anshi Technology.

According to this situation, the equipment of each of the human beings has been fully updated, and there are also many elite assistance, theory is not afraid of large-scale unusual phenomena.

It can be said that the strength of the human and elite alliance is completely called the overlord of the Milky Way.

However, it is occupied the entire Milky Way, and the time to destroy the Star League is required to consume, according to the estimation of artificial intelligence, at least 80 to one hundred years.

There is also a great possibility that some of the radical ghost pastures, the scorpion and the wolf will become the interstellar pirates, or the interstellar terrorists to harm the safety of the entire Galaxy.

It can be true that these are just jumping beings clowns, and they are not enough to shake people and elites.

But there is still a tricky problem that requires William to solve.

That is what I just mentioned.

Before there is no elite, wolf and , the 'government' is a UEG.

UEG, that is, UnitedearthGovernment, which is the United Government.

UNSC, UNITEDNATIONSSPACMMAND, the United Nations Space Command is established in the UEG.

The specific time established by the UEG is that William has presided over the Satellite colonial, let India-headed countries into the UNSC military system, and then derived an organ.

UEG is responsible for people's livelihood, such as immigration, taxation, people's livelihood and economic development, just like the ideal United Nations.

However, the UEG's leadership is still a whole, Huaxia, United States, UK, France, Russia.

The well-known matters are treated by UEG. Darkly is Anbrera, control, distribution, distribution military and taxation.

Despite the Parliamentary groups composed of multinational leaders, it is actually William.

As the elite is added, the UEG has such a policy, it seems no longer applicable.

Therefore, it was originally prepared from February 1 to personally went to Kenya to assist Harxi to excavate William of Mombasa, and only stayed in Hafa and Andre and Sismum discuss this.



February 1st.

Hafa Point Clock: 19: 25.

Venue: An Breira Building, located in the central Harfa City.

On the top of William Office.

I only finished William, who was customized suit, sitting at the office chair after the desk, at this time, on the floor.

Through huge floor-to-ceiling windows, William can clearly see the scenery of the whole seat.

This is in person with Wang Zhaofean to participate in the design, the super building completed in 2022, the height is 1117.17 meters, far from the highest Dubai Holifaa.

So in the office of a kilometer, naturally, overlooking the scenery of the entire Hafa, when you arrive at night, here is a great place to enjoy the Night scenes of Hafa.

at this time…

"Sismah, your people are responsible for the fight, our human beings are responsible for politics and people's livelihood?"

"Hey! No! The first prophet family is doing so.

Although I believe that your human beings will not make betrayal, but my many people are already scared, so I will never agree with this program! "

At this time, William's body is also the center of the office, and the discussion of Andre and Sismahn's two big mouths.

The center of the office.

There is a group of sofas of 'concave, while Andre sits on the left side of' concave, Salam sits on the right, and the generals of two different ethnicities are spraying each other.

In the end of the uniform, I heard the rebuttle of Salam, leaning on the sofa pad and said:

"If you don't work, Salah, since you admitted that William is a boss, it is a member of our Anbrera.

You are now a temporary leader of San Hear, and you will do it by you. "

"No." Sark is still refused.

And the elite generals wearing Anbrera for their custom military uniforms, slowing the temper, sinking:

"I think we are in the San Hear, still need to send Members to join you in the Parliament of UE ... for our San Hear for more interests.

As for other weak races, there is no use in their IQ to join the parliament, but I think it is still symbolic, let them join it, can appease their emotions. "


The William, who is sitting on the office chair, he didn't expect the seemingly fierce, no brain, and actually said that the programs of appealing emotions.

"I said ... guy, how do you not understand? Whether UEG is still UNSC, it is controlled by our Anbrera.

You are a member of our Anbrera, as the boss's William, how can you treat you?

Just a form, is it used? Andre is still shaking his head.

"We are most important in formalism." Salah is still no pill.

"All right."

At this time, William turned the office chair, reopened the two generals on the sofa, and stopped their calmness:

"General, General Ostrovsky is my pherosion, and what he said is fact, but the temper is more irritating, I hope you don't care."

"Of course." Salang also said: "But the boss, I know that our people are the best formalian race.

So the parliamentarians join your UEG's parliament is a necessary process, as long as the face of our Sanhley, you can appease our ethnic emotions. "

"Oh, this is naturally no problem." William is a smiling handle, and immediately agrees with the proposal proposal.

But very quickly, William is also awkward:

"I care about this is not this, but the leadership class in the army, after all, the San Hili once is the leadership of the Star League.

and so…

It should be difficult to accept human commands. "

"Hum ..." After listening to William's words, Sismuma also faced seriously and said:


If it is the tall Astadt warrior, or the so-called Spartan warrior, my people will not be paid more than being commanded.

As for the ordinary warriors of your humanity, most of our people will maintain awe, and they are also pleased to have a common operation, but it is difficult to accept the command of ordinary humanity.

Mainly our people are too proud, hehe ... "