
After listening to the guideline, Mallen's temperament is even greater, the left hand is single-shaking, and the right hand is a grasp of the guides.

And shouted: "Hey! You have nothing to die! If I caught it, I have to pincography !!"

"Well Mallen." Just when Mallen wanted to carefully captured the guideline, William approached, and stopped Mallen to get the way to deteriorate.

William also put away the Gaussian microfoil in his hand, adsorbed in the back waist of power, and looked up to the guilker who did not expectly toned:

"I am the leader of these soldiers, William Russell, what is your intention?"

"Hum ~~" This guideline after hearing William's words, he scored a small song, and finally came to the location of William sight.

Observing William's moment, this guideline flashes with an eye-catching orange light, and the tone is getting more and more.

"I am the leader of the big equipment 000, the sorrowfulness, code 001, I am very happy to be able to talk to your recycler."

"Sorrowfulness ..."

After listening to this self-introduction of this name, William repeated, but he did not have any memories of this guideline.

The sorrow and sorrow are continuing to say herself: "Since the flood magic has contaminated to the large device 000, then the entire Galaxy has fallen into an absolute threat ...

Hum ~ .... The armor of you (William) is also in line with the miners, come, I need your help. "

With the voice of the sorrowful sorrow, a light blue ray is covered with it, and there is William standing in front of it.

" ~ -." The two times, William and the sorrowful sorrow are so disappeared in front of everyone, as being transmitted to other regions.

! ! !

Seeing, everyone in the scene is a horror, and they have attached the guns and guns to twenty church defense outside the AT shield.

Dedicated MS cockpit.

Ivan under the helmet still maintains a calm look. He naturally hear the guides and his father's dialogue through MS, and also knows that William is temporarily not dangerous.

Immediately asked Meggen sitting in front of him: "Meigen, can you lock my father and the location of Seorna?"

"Shot." Meigen wearing a helmet should be lighter, then keep the search for silence.

After a few seconds, Ivan replied: "It has been positioned to the position of the boss, 90 kilometers under the surface of the Ark Center."

"Ninety-km under the surface?" Ivan stunned, but immediately resumed calm to Meigen:

"Help me to inform the surface of the surface base, immediately follow the transportation machine to my father's position, and, if you ask the company to lead the terminator to lead the troops for short-distance transmission."

"Yes." Get commanded Meggen quickly conveyed the command, soon, she turned his head to Ivanhui report:

"Young master, according to Kotana's answer, the area where the boss is located, has suffered a certain degree of shield, and can only be transferred to the area where the boss is located.

And I have just used a fast scan for a fast-scale carrier device, and found that the area where the boss is located has suffered serious flood pollution. "

"Um ..." Wen Yan, Ivan thought the film:

"Let's lead to the terminus of the terminator, transfer to my father's area, and take the lead in supporting my father, the MS formation will start immediately, and the remaining ground forces will be supported after entering the transportation formation."




When I was temporarily taught in the overall situation, I was suffered from the most serious Ark area of ​​the flood magic infected, and the surface is 90 kilometers below the surface.

The surface of the Ark is not a substantial soil below the surface, but it is similar to the Metal channel, platform and frame structure that uses unknown alloy.

This should have a large number of sacred guards for maintenance, inspections, etc., now, now, there is a large amount of nauseaful living root, and the air is still full of spores smog.

There is also a large number of combat forms that have evolved from the devastos, or the cohesion of the combat form, the flood magic tank.

Metal platforms and walls, there is a dense linear, which will make people infection of dense phobia.

Otherwise, from the surface, you can't find the area where you have suffered from the flood magic infection, it turns into the 'metal maze' below the surface below the surface.

" ~ -." (X2)

Suddenly, the transfer matrix that exudes light blue rays appeared on this light fainting and full of flood magic.

" ~!"

William appeared in the moment of this, Sririna immediately launched the energy shield of power A, avoiding spores on the surface of the powertrain, or within the gap of the power.

And Sherina is also an anger to scream, sorrowful:

"Your artificial intelligence has a problem! Ah !! If you don't finish it, take someone, I see that you need to be mandatory to retire! Or let you experience the crazy virus that makes artificial intelligence to illogical logic !!!"

Obviously, Jerenena is angry with the sorrowful and sorcered business without discussing, and William has come to this underground full of flood demon.

"Oh?" I heard the scream of Srinena, and the sorrowful sorrow is flashing. Its orange light is alone, flying to William's comment:

"I didn't expect that your recycler actually invented this artificial intelligence in advance, but it still failed, and the self-control ability of emotions was poor."

"Failure? You are failure! You Maple" ... "

"Okay." William stopped the 'export of Selenna, and held the Gaussian microfite in his hand.

The muzzle is the battle of the battle of the battle, and the trigger is pulled up towards its distorted half.

"Hey ~!"

In an instant, the brittle guns of the stabbed bomb, which resounded throughout the metal maze.


I heard the flood magic of the gun, and the sound of disgusting, and the position of William and the sorrowful sorrow.

"Hey ~!"

"Hey ~! Hey!"

" ~ ~!"

Judging only the thorn bomb is easy to shoot, and tears the body of the flood magic battle form, and the infection is still in the same way as the balloon.


William uses him exceeds the reactivity of ordinary people, and the substantial physical energy brought by the powertrain is started in the flood magic group.

At the same time, Seorina is also not idle, immediately uses the pulse function of the power to scan around.

Soon, she found the channel that can return to the representative, and immediately marked the route guidance on the screen, allowing William to leave this flood magic.

"Recycling." It is the sadness of the sorrow and sorrow, flying above William, and said to William:

"I need your identity to recover the indexer, so we can solve the problem of the flood magic in the moment."