Containment control starts with the umbrella

Chapter 728 of Anbrera's archives

Anbrera's archives ...

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Project: Human Sangel Joint Government.

Read privilege: A level, and above.


Since 2026, after the Fengqian Star Battle, human beings with San Hili as the allied relationship, and defeated the Star Anscel like the main position of the Galaxy.

After the war, many alien races headed by San Hear income into human society. After several years of running, discussing and communicating, and finally set up a new government system.

Human Sangeli Government, HumanandSangheilicoAlitiongovernment, referred to as HSCG, or a joint government.

The nature of the government is similar to the UEG, that is, the parliament composed of Members to determine the transaction.

The number of Members is not clear, but it is stable between one hundred and 120.

MRARPLIT is divided into representatives of the Star District Government, representatives of large-scale geographical colonies, the advanced generals of the UNSC and Anbrera troops.

Two-quarters of the two-quarters of the parliament were San Hille.

There is no Agoi (), the Kijar ( ), and other races.

Because of these race thinking, wisdom is completely unable to compare with human and San Hear, and to avoid errors at critical moments, the parliamentary members have not been open to these races.

However, in view of these weak and small races, there is no objection to Sangeli.

HSCG, the main purpose and approach to the United Government and the UEG are not different, which is to deal with people's livelihood, economic, construction and development, and have no right to interfere with the military.

At present, the components of the army are still divided into two parts, UNSC and Anbrera.

UNSC is currently the main combat power of the government, absorbing a large number of battleships and troops headed by San Hili, as of 2042, the number of battleships is about 10,000, and the number of soldiers is about $ 2,500.

The most basic composition of the UNSC carrier combat unit is the traveler team of Human Sangeli.

The commander is human, and the rank is usually the rule or the sergeant, and the number of fifteen to twentys is not equal.

Examples of the team of twenty people.

Commander: A man.

Hand: Two blue painted helmets, San Hille, and six people carrying small caliber weapons.

Machine Gunner: Two human land warfares with smart machine guns.

Support for assistance: a human medical soldier that masters multi-racial physiological structure, and emergency treatment.

Runers: Four people with various types of calibers, anti-equipment weapons, four of the four plans, fuel series of weapons of San Hi.


Since the United Government does not have a victory like the quantity and uneven force, the current UNSC combat force only has two races of human and Sangeli.

Similar to the Weak ethnicity of the Angoi, the Kiglial family, mostly under the construction department of the government, jointly build colonial and infrastructure with human workers.

At the same time, the joint government advocates all kinds of ethnic equality, can't be launched because a race is not suitable for combat, or is also a long scenic.

The law clearly stipulates the consequences of racial discrimination, the incurring speech in the network or reality will take fines and warnings, regarding the severity of the circumstances, and the highest may face twenty-five-year prison life.

Since Anibrera provides an almost absolute remarks to be almost absolutely surveyed due to the assistance of artificial intelligence.

And the United Government also adopted an all of the Anibrera owner, William Russell's education proposal, from the shape of a young generation, began to rectify racial discrimination.

As of 2030, discrimination has got a pretty good ease of ease, and there will be a phenomenon of human discrimination against Anoi, Kagiel.

As for the San Hili, it is not concerned with discrimination, because human beings are very friendly and respectful for San Hili, and the two ethnicities have become more and more tacit.


The reading authority of this document is A-level, and the reason for the Class A is because the organization of the unstructor of the human Sanlley is still the UNSC forces, and the organization of the real scene is Anbrera.

Anbrera has absolute control of the United Government and UNSC, and its joint government members, senior officials and local officials, as well as unsc's national advanced generals, and officers signed a confidentiality agreement.

Therefore, Anbrera has absolute control to the current society.

At the end of the second quarter of 2042, the interior of the joint government has been very stable, and multi-racial life has created a diversity of bustling society.

UNSC is still in the implementation of the great expedition, which has now fully grasped two cantileres in the Milky Way.


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Project: Track Planet Defense Network.

Reading permissions: B, and above.


In 2027, Anbrera was opened through the ark of the passage to the Galaxy. After the arrival of the Bozi, which was transferred to the Galaxy, and obtained science and technology that exceeded several times by {deleted} event.

Among them, there is a technology of micro wave, namely alucy pulse wave, that is, a photovolury wave.

Within the second half of the year, Anbreras made the techniques of Ambrane through Dr. Catherine Elizabeth Russell, Dr. Ruibeik Cham Bos.

Since 2030, under the schematic of the company owner William Russell, it began the construction of the assembly of the United Government to implement the project.

Its main goal is to build a complete energy shield system in the territory tracks of asteroids and classes of planetary colonies.

The energy shield system can resist the pulse wave of the aperture, and it can also resist super, McGi electromagnette.

At present, the earth is under the original track gun system, starting to transform these track guns, and installing a device that can generate energy shields.

Therefore, the earth is also the first planet with a complete track defense system.

The energy shield of the track defense system is open, and the exclusive screening function can effectively resist the impact of meteorites, comets and asteroids, or defend the enemy forces.

However, the energy shield only exudes low-intensity rays, and does not affect light, or even assist at the atmosphere blocking radiation, the sun storm.

Similarly, because exclusive screening functions, there are various entity projects such as vessels, battleships, passenger, fighters, space stations and satellites, and satellites, and satellites.

After all, the energy shield is based on {deleted} events, and has achieved technology above three-level civilization.

At the end of the second quarter of 2042, the 60% colonies under the joint government are constructed, and the corresponding rail defense system has been built, and it is expected to complete the renovation of the existing quarters in the existing ternary.