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Project: Reuse of the aura array.

Read privilege: A level, and above.


In the first quarter of Juibrera in the first quarter of 2027, the use of Ark with absolute control of the absolute control, transfer the seven-seat aura in the Milky Way to the solar system.

When the aura is transferred to the solar system, Anbrera and UNSC have implemented a joint action, and the guidelines of each aura are all annotated.

Subsequently, Anbrera announced that the aura is an Absum's property, any other form of government, organization and company universal research and development.

And Ubrele dispatched the engineering team to the company's semi-colonial base for the company under the orders of all the William Russell's orders.

There are many researchers, and the technicians have a sustainability study of the radon, and two Marine Teams are responsible for security tasks.

Various natural factors such as climate, humidity, oxygen content, and other natural factors such as radioplast surfaces can be commissioned through a central control, so it is very suitable for crops.

Therefore, in addition to the employees of the company, a batch of farmers and animal people through screening and signed a confidential agreement are also recruited, which is used to allow Andulla to maximize the economic interests of the Angle.


In the third quarter of 2040.

Since the defense system against the acuphogeneous pulse wave has been improved, the seven-seven gullets are re-transferred to seven stars in the silver river, and the pulse wave radius is completely capable of covering the entire galaxy.


Affiliated archives;

Name: Conventional weapon process of the aura.


The company recovered in 2027, the diameter of each of the aura is 10,000 kilometers, which is equivalent to a large celestial creature.

Due to the mass and quality, only the fixed galaxy, act as the defense or attack weapon of 'fixed point', is not appropriate to follow the fleet to fight together, not to say that the soldier is fighting.

Therefore, the company owner William Russell in 2032, let Catherine Russell led the hive research team, according to the existing radon technology of mankind, and started the collocal routine study by {deleted} incident. .

After the study plan, Dr. Catherine Russell has indicated that it is necessary to let the aura routine, then the combined government of Human Sanli must have a sound colonial orbit defense system.

At the same time, the energy shield of each fleet must also be updated, and can resist the intersecting of the allenoid.

Based on the above two points, Dr. Catherine Russell and its research team began research on the routineization of the aura.


In the third quarter of 2032, there was a major breakthrough.

According to the procedures prepared by Catherine Russell and its research team, use the intelligent manual intelligence to control the arcade, you can create a 'small race ring'.

The small-race has a diameter of one kilometers, one hundred meters thick, one hundred meters wide, and there is no atmosphere in the inner surface, and there is no complex natural place second, just the metal surface of 'bare'.

And under specially prepared program operations, the Ark has not smashed the AT shield generation device and the entry engine.

According to the prediction, the small-emitting ring launched the micropon wave after the cross phase, and its radiant radius was a thousand light years.

At the same time, the conventional speed of the small-race has been the same as the ordinary battleship, and it can fight with the battleship.


Despite this, the small-race is still not in line with the 'routine' of the company 's William Russell's mind, because the company wants to achieve a single soldier of the aura.

Therefore, the special requirements of the company owners should be, Dr. Catherine Russell has put forward the corresponding premise.

That is to let the aura single soldier, you must let Ambrans and UNSC's ground combat troops, each soldier's individual equipment must have a microbial polyverter reaction furnace, which is used to provide energy shields that can resist the acuvers. .

This premise has been accepted by the company owner William Russell.

Subsequently, update replacement is carried out on existing combat units, whether there is a battleship, carrier, ground armor, ms, body, power, or single soldier equipment.

First start from Anbrera's fleet and troops, subsequent Unsc fleets and troops, their energy shields are equipped with the function of resisting the photocopy pulse wave.

Even the universal equipment prepared by the Marine Corps and the UNSC Army has also begun to accelerate the processes of the shield, but still need to turn to the land team and the Army for ten to fifteen years.

After updating the replacement plan, Dr. Catherine Russell also led the research team and tried to achieve the company owner's aircraft single soldier.

In the end, the program has made breakthrough progress in 2034.

At the end of the first quarter of 2034, the first single soldier aura in the hive of underground facilities in Hafa City '.

Although it is a single soldier, there is still two meters, the width and thickness are ten cm in diameter.

However, this single soldier has a small number of five hundred times more than a small emitting ring, it is indeed a single soldier expected by the company.

Moreover, the single soldier radon also applies the anti-gravity system of the harvester civilization, and does not need to be handled, and only the universal equipment can be manipulated.

According to the intelligent artificial intelligence of participating studies, Selena's inferior, the pulse wave of the single soldier aura is sufficient to cover the entire solar system.

All the company's William Russell is to test the descendant of the single radius, in the second quarter of 2034, in the second quarter of Mike Ordona, it will be put on a Garahai (Ghost Franc).

The Earth's Atlantic Time is subject to.

On May 01, 2034, a Paris-level frigate with a new energy shield technology arrived in JG-234 gavel through jumping flight.

That is, the galaxy occupied by the Killahai.

The JG-234 galaxy has a quality of five times the sun, the volume is twice as large than the sun, with four types of planets and three gaseous planets.

Two of these planets are colonial planets with atmospheric transformation, and there is a lot of space stations in the galaxy.

At the Paris-level frigate, the transition channel arrived in the galaxy, and he suffered the defense power of the galaxy, and the Killahai's fleet also began to attack the Dawn.

However, as the dawn immediately starts the energy shield to defense, and launch the unmaniflower radius, the defensive force of the galaxy is thoroughly turned into black.

Outth of the Dawn Shouting of Everything is orally described below.

"When the light shines throughout the galaxy, I have a feeling that I can't say it, just like the whole galaxy, quiet, dead and general."