Containment control starts with the umbrella

Chapter 740, Level 3 Weapons

"Hey! Hey!"

Carl, who is dressed in primary power, has a heavy roection on the deck.

She stepped into a slightly sluggish Arthur, and she worn her with the primary power armor. It is even more grateful to smile with a tone with a metal texture (in the helmet).

"How is it silly? Arthur younger brother."

"Ah? Um ... okay ..." After listening to Carl's voice, Arthur is also slow from the state of the nervant.


He looked up to Karl asked: "Karld, if I let me follow you, let me go to fight, I have to wear a different kind of power, it is really unjust, and it is UBCS AAESIV, or Hell paratrooper's single soldier equipment "

"No." Carl shook his head and waved his left hand, and the technicians who said that they were as calm.

"To help the young master replace the soldier equipment of the land team, remember, to give him a new single soldier, rather than the elimination equipment of the old hair without the energy shield."


Getting Carl's instructions, the technicians next to them came to Arthur and led the area where Arthur didn't need to dress up.

One of the supervisors also respectfully said: "Young master, come with us."

"Wait ... this ... Cal sister ?? The single soldier equipment of the land team?" Arthur is extremely reluctant to ask.

"Arthur's younger brother, you are not in the army, no military training like boss (Ivan), of course, starting from the bottom of the land team.

Moreover, I am very good for you, didn't let you wear an old-fashioned equipment, you are content. Karl smiled and said.

"This ... ..." Arthur sighed.

"Young master, the equipment of the Marine Corps is very good, more than the security and UNSC's army, contentment."

At this time, the technical supervisor is also added.


Arthur had to nod, follow the technicians to the dressing area, giving him the built-in combat service that got it, solder equipment and mechanical bones.



Twenty minutes later.

Human Fleet Fleet of the entry engine has long arrived at the edge of the MSS-45 galaxy, and waited according to the intelligence of the , in the exit of the Exemplary Fleet.


The 0.5ETM in front of the gods Wat, emerged in the export of a large purple transition passage, and then drove the transition channel with the exquisite fleet headed by the CAS attack aircraft carrier.

However, the exemplary fleet obviously did not expect that a group of War Groups affiliated to Anbrera is waiting for a long time.

Just look at the various amounts of the starch of the fleet, or the fuel gun is only started to make a charging, which can take the opportunity to give them the opportunity to shoot.

- ~! (X3)

Battleship upgraded version of the big and gun, two Paris-level enhanced version of 30 tons of electromagnet, suddenly locked the flagship CAS level and two CCS levels.


The ballistics of the big and guns are no longer the past 'thick' orange light, but it is more dazzling orange red rays.

The ballistics of the two electromagnets are no longer blue, but the ball of the purple rays.

The large and 30-ton electromagnet guns are all-round weapons of Anbrera and the UNSC fleet, but the power is not enough to look at 300 tons and 3,000 tons.

However, William has passed the inquiry with the original base in 2027, and thus obtaining the clothes technology, completely solving the current situation of the fleet main gun 'fire.

Like the temperature of the big and guns from the core of the sun, improve the core temperature of Zhongzi Xing, and the rush can also increase the intensity of the similar pulse star.

The surface temperature of neutrons is 10 million, and the core temperature is about 60 million degrees, even throwing the rush can also easily solve the CAS level energy shield.

(Similar to the "Avengers 3", the thunder meat is in the midrange of the neighborhood, but the power of the big and the gun is stronger than the neutron star beam.)

As for 30 tons of electromagnette, including 300 tons, 3,000 tons of super and McGi electromagnette, and a comprehensive upgrade through the clothing technology.

Now all specifications of electromagnetic guns can increase the tungsten bomb to 50% of the speed speed, and the charging speed is significantly shortened, and the tungsten bomb does not have serious damage to the electric gun of the electromagnet.

One percent of a seam acceleration to the light speed is equivalent to 400 Hiroshima atomic bombs (a certain science channel, credibility is temporarily unable to determine).

Although the electromagnetic gun can only accelerate the tungsten bomb, it is 30 tons, 300 tons and 3,000 tons of tungsten bombs, it is not a needle that can be predominated.

and so…

Boom - ~! (X3)

Therefore, in the battleship and the two Paris-level fire, the harvestor is the most competent CAS and two CCS levels, which are mainly wearing energy shields and electric shots, and the ship is also destroyed.

Two CCS grades taken by the electromagnette, the tungsten bomb after shooting the energy shield, the radio passing through the entire CCS level, and then continues to stay in the departure of the universe.

In the case of the CAS level of the big and shelling, it was the moment of the shield was broken, and the ship suffered a beam shock of more than six billion degrees ...

CAS levels are only in two seconds into ashes.

Poor, the leader of the exquisite is Auc Cui Ox, this powerful ghost face is from the "Loop War 2".

The high-gloss is alone, successfully sneaks the Sparta Red Team with Vintage Thunder Hammer, lets Scaba's 042 Dougras are seriously injured.

It is equivalent to this Aui Ox, with a hard to fight against three Spartan, and in any case, the strength is indeed strong.

But in the CAS level flagship, Auc Cui Oxus has not come to Anibrera, and it is not a slag, which is a big and slag, which is six billion and guns.

Of course, there is a battleship of the upgraded version of the big and cannon and the electromagnette, still is the first to sixth fleet of Anbrera, as well as the container fleet of Andre, and the battleship to each war group.

The UNSC's regular unit has no right to own, even if the joint government has high-priced orders, Anbrera will not be sold.

After all, the level of these weapons has reached the second-level civilization, even near the three-level civilization.

As the behind-the-scenes of the present society, and the vast majority of the government and UNSC, the grassroots commander has signed a confidential agreement, but William also hopes to stay in Anibrera.

He doesn't want any rebellion, even if the chances of rebellion events are extremely low, but not, only Anbreira troops are the true troops, so there is no possibility of rebellion at all.

Return to the moment.

In an instant to the Silitors Group, the exquisite flagship, as well as two major powerful CCS, the exquisite fleet is directly chaotic.

Some CRS-level light-type cruisers, and even opened the transition channel to escape on the spot.