With the entry of Arthur, the four-way power that is just becoming the chamber.

And under the opening of Pierce, the representative of the four-party forces also entered the seat, Natasha was very consciously walked to Nick Frerega.

Rogers came to Ros that represents the US military. After all, the US captain's captain is given by the US military.

Coupled with the chaos of Arthur and Silver Wars, there has been a little butterfly effect, actually let the US government and the military pay attention to Steve Rogers 'American Captain'.

However, in Arthur, the US government and the military are more like this title to save some people.

Sifang forces, sitting on the square of the square wooden table.

However, the number of people in Arthur is a bit thin. Only he and the Karlo, but it is the most powerful forces.

Everyone is sitting, sitting in Pierce, opposite Arthur and Karl, is still the first to open the opening:

"Mr. Russell, recent society or our senior officials, are very interested in you Anbreila, so ...

You can explain it to us, what is the nature of your company? Or which country and organization are also affiliated?

Why will it have such a private force? What is your identity? "

Heard words.

Arthur is just a smile: "Our Abslas will have companies that are not affiliated to any organization and country, but have companies that have lived in the country and organize strength.

As for the nature of the company ... we are companies that do their own bio-medicines and arms, and now they have covered all kinds of industries such as the entire society, entertainment, culture, and several industries, all industries, are taken by our Anbrera.

And large private companies, have a large-scale private force, I am ... is the second child of the chairman of this company. "

I heard the answer given by Arthur, Pierce's body poured forward, the elbow relied on the desktop, and the hands of the hands of the chin said:

"Since your company has reached this place, why didn't we have heard it? Until now, the largest aircraft company is still a Steak Army."

"Actually ... we are also very confused." Arthur is also a hypothesis, so that the innocent look, the letter is said:

"I and my kids were originally jumped, ready to travel on the edge of the Milky Way, and suddenly, a sudden vortex, transfer us to the back of the solar system.

So you ask me, I still want to know the answer. "

In fact, as early as one day, Jahi was encrypted with Ma Te, but also let her lead the blood chaven fleet to the Jupiter track, thereby reducing the chance of discovery of the Earth government.

Galaxy edge? !

Dear team? !

This, most officials and generals present are not calm.

A company has a private force and is not unfortunately, and it is unfortunate ... This army is only one of this 'Young master', and it has the ability to sail in the Milky Way.

This represents the company's strength of Anbrera, far exceeding most of the imagination of politicians.

Among them, the face is the most embarrassing, which represents the US military's Air Force General, who also dispatched the F-22 show to the muscles before.

Of course, there is still a small part of politician and general nothing care

It's not awkward, starting with the mobile phone from the meeting, I will finally have some interest in listening to the 'jump', 'Galaxy edge' and other keywords.

Put your phone on the desktop and look at Arthur on the right hand: "Arthur guy, I think you are actually another universe."

Arthur Mima is not asked in the heart: 'Just waiting for you. '

"Another universe?"

"Starke, what do you mean ...?"

The US government and the Council have asked.

Seeing so many people asking, Starke has to explain to everyone with a good person: "It is simple to say that it is parallel universe.

This is a guess after our universe in the last century, a guess after micro-world research, that is, there is no one in the universe, but there is an unlimited multiple universe.

There may be humans in multiple universe, or there may be no human, civilized grades and time are different.

I think this birk, who is called Arthur Russell, and his troops should be from one of these unlimited multiple universe.

Then this can easily explain, why have we never heard of Anbrera, but An Brera is the reason for the biggest aircraft company. "


Steak also looked at Arthur: "According to the jump of Arthuri, I think this should be some kind of avoidance of relativity, but it is possible to reach the technology of super-light.

It is also because of this ultra-light speed, which leads to them to our universe. "

"It turns out like this ..."

"Is parallel universe?"

Sure enough, the US government and the Council people heard Starke's words, although there was still doubt, but also reluctantly accepted the explanation of the parallel universe.

Steak has a poor attitude towards the government and the Security Council, but Starke is still 'own people with the Anibrera of Arthur.

The parallel universe spoken from the mouth of Starke, credibility is far more than Arthur himself.


Arthur is also a pulling out: "I want ... I only have this possible, after all, this solar system is in the heolar system.

In order to get more detailed information on the earth, plus my own person is also idle, so I will lead some bodyguards to the surface.

When we came to New York, I just met the invasion of those aliens.

Balling everyone is the original intention of human compatriots, I will help my bodyguards, then I will let my private force main force, I will come to Manhattan's overhead. "

Say here.

As the army, Rose, the eyes of the two eyes, first in the dark, and then loudly see Arthur's Shen Sheng:

"Even if your original intention is to help us, you can have the act of the two battleships, which is still in violation of our American native airspace without notice.

Not don't say you and your bodyguards, you also carry unregistered guns in our territory. "

"General Rose." What happened to Arthur, sitting next to Scarkes, sitting in the left hand side of Arthur, but with a fierce tone:

"Is there such an important thing before this threat to all human disasters, the US territory, the legal rights? Well?!

If there is no assistance to these two warships, what is our loss? ! and also…"

Said, Nick hoped to sit in the opposite Council, more unhappy:

"The captain struggled with the heroes such as Romanov agents, as well as Mr. Russell to help hitting those aliens, ordered to launch tactical nuclear battles toward Manhattan?

Don't use it, please remind it? "