Natasha. "

It is not how the Bird's Political Director, looking at the direction of Arthur and others, and the Natasha why is still alert:

"Mr. Russell, no matter what method, it is necessary to have the relationship with him, remember, whether in any way, our God shield ... or the entire society needs to cooperate with the other party."

"Yes." Natasha did not have any objection to the light, and then quickly left the meeting room.

Natasha is very respect for Ferry. If there is no Frei, she may have already died in the encirclement of many forces.

So she embossed a lot of Freuri, which also included valuable male goals.

"Dear!" At this time, Ferry raised the voice, and proposed to everyone in the field:

"Through the incidents just now, we also deeply understand the powerful strength of Anbrera, even if they are now a solitary, it is also the ability to reload the earth.

The other party also has 20 super-warriors wearing heavy power, as well as those super soldiers ... 'Mother', even the young master also has a certain fast-moving super power. "

"It also has a power than I strong." Rogers standing on the left hand side of Ferry, and added a sentence.

"Throws these biotechnology ..."

Shittak, which has been faded into cutes, sorted out some pleated shirts, looked around, and rare exposure is a Shen Xiang:

"Anbreila also has a perfect electromagnetic technology, according to Romanov report, the white hair beauty has a single soldier electromagnetic (Gauss) gun ...

Universal electromagnetic gun ... I would like to ask you, do you know what this means? "

"Electromagnetic technology, in fact, our US military has already owned it, but it is not perfect, it should not be too high-level weapons ...

Is it? "

A navy collee in Rose, I originally didn't care how to do a single soldier, but I saw that Starke was full of sarcasm, I began to have questions about what I said.

"Mr. Stark, please tell it directly." Pierce said.

"Dear ..." At this time, the Steak hand in the trouser pocket, then slowly went to Jaweis Control, re-recovered to the 'box' Mark Qi.

Kicking the Mark Qi, who is almost exploded to play with the foot, and then explain the people present:

"Universal Electromagnetic Weapons ... representing the unique electromagnetic guns with Abslas, the electromagnetic weapon experiments made by the Navy and the Army, and all of them were performed using the blade of the gun.

And Farm Ambrera has passed the scales of the gun, which can develop a portable single soldier sniper, and represent the other's electromagnetic guns.

To know that a needle accelerates a certain speed, you can produce a power of notazed to tactical nuclear bombs, let alone a projectile that weighs more than 10 tons or bombing needles. "

Said, Steak took out the mobile phone from the right pants, and the hands did it.

Subsequently, the holographic projection system of this conference room was easily subjected to use holographic projections to present a Paris-level satellite shot.

Continue: "According to the layout of the other party battleship, there is also the gun of the head of the ship, I can clarify the main gun of the warship is the electromagnet.

If the other party uses tungsten alloy to make a projectile ..., then the main guns of this warship should be between 30 and 40 tons, and the warship we have seen, its projectile has sufficient acceleration distance.

Suppose this warship's electromagnet can reach more than 400 meters, then the speed is at least four percent of the speed of light.

25% of the speed of light ...

Dear, they opened a gun, our capital of Washington is gone, and there is no radiation pollution, pure natural 'green' super weapon.

Coupled with super soldiers who wearing thick power, the individual weapons used, actually able to bounce my mark seven ...

Whether it is a single soldier or a battleship, we can't compete with the opponent. "

If Carl is still here, it will definitely be a horrified ability to integrate with Starke.

After all, Carl said that the earliest Anbrera fleet is too arrogant, and also knows the initial Paris-level frigate, and its electromagnette's tungsten pill is 30 tons, which can reach a percent of the speed of light.

It is worthy of being able to create a 'time machine', and it can be comparable to the mortal Iron Man.

But Stark is finally a person, I don't know that Ambranda's clothing technology will be accelerated from the rapid speed of the projectile to 50%.


After listening to Steak's speculation, Rose and Pierce and others have more embarrassment, and the look is more downsful.

Fortunately, Nick Frere said personal views, giving everyone a new thinking route: "Everyone, it is hard to pay for the other party.

Especially in seizing the young master, forcing the other party to succumb to the way, it is based on the strength of we have strong, and the best is only based on the strength of the other party.

The strength of the other party is in front of our eyes, which is already we can't confront, let alone the other party has a large weapon with great possibilities.

So we can only cooperate with the other party, and the Russell Master does not seem to do things, and there is also a thought of our long-term cooperation.

What's more, when we are in trouble, the other party directly chose to assist us, rushing this, the Russell Master should also be the same as Starke ...

The surface looks unruly, in fact, is the rich second generation of human and social security. "

"I just like this to praise me." Stark is slightly uncomfortable.

I heard the words, Rose's brow wrinkled: "It can be like this ... It is equivalent to handling the country's safety, handing it over to an attitude of the boy ... It is a bit unacceptable."

"..." Pierce didn't say anything, but it also bodies deeply.

"This doesn't worry." Nick Ferry Word visited the crowd: "Just use enough time to earn the trust of Arthur Russell, or the invasion of alien forces in the future, we always have the opportunity Get the weapon of Anbrera.

More importantly ... "Ferry handle to Stark:" We have Mr. Steck, as long as we can get the other's weapons, then how long we can get equal technology.

After all, we can't put life safety, full press in the premise of a 'good person', so you must master the technology of Anbrera to get real peace. "

Only the eyebrows of Takhak wrinkled, but did not say anything, like the default.

It is always a silent Rogers, seeing this group of politicians and Nick Furre, still spending his mind to get a high weapon, both hands can't help but hold fist.

The captain seems to be a face of this helper.

However, Rogers also learned to be smart, he did not fire in the face of these big characters, but turned and left this conference room that made him deeply disgusted.