Containment control starts with the umbrella

Chapter 791 William: Bustlers must first be in Anni (no chance to bring back the thorn)

The Milky Movie Universe.

June 2014.

Since William leads the mixed fleet to arrive in Washington, Anbrera is involved in this universe for a year and a half.

During this time, a large number of new technology is brought into this universe, and the engineering team has also continued to pass through the passage, and this earth is thoroughly transformed.

On the current earth track, fifty-five space stations have been deployed, and it is expected that the human mother of this universe can be a veritable fortress planet.

In May 2013, William has stabilized the occupation area of ​​South and North America, and the occupation area has changed the earth-shaking change because of the emergence of the engineering team.

Transportation is more convenient, the surveillance video is increased, and people's live security has been effectively improved, and they have also left the tax of three years.

This makes the support rate of Anbrera's public opinion more than the US government. After all, the US government's work efficiency is extremely slow, and only the attitude towards the rich will be efficient, and Anbrera has always adhering to the principle of tongue.

Plus the US captain Steve Rogers 'official' guidance, let the occupation area, especially the occupation area of ​​North America quickly stabilize.

Of course, it is possible to maintain a stable reason, and the giant battleship that does not hang in the main city, and the deterrence of Astadt, elite and other troops under Anibrera.

It's good to have someone, and that person will slowly feel that it should be, and it will eventually become a presence of greed.

But if you are a height of two meters, the body is strong, but it still kills the mammon, but it is still a smile, but the man will be surprised to accept it, as for greater? I don't want to think.

The so-called Ens is so moving.

What's more, the artificial intelligence such as Sherinena, Tina and Cotana is also promoted on the Internet. Let Anbrera have an angel, which can become a giant War and other videos. The photo is quickly spread, gradually obtains people who have faith support .

In particular, people who believe in Christianity, Catholicism, believe in these two sects, accounting for about 35% of the total population of the earth.

Angel is the most effective prove that 'master' is the side of Anbrera.

However, this move has made An Brera sinned the big bishop, the pope, etc.

These upper people actually know that the so-called 'master' does not exist, the hosts just use religions to control believers, and then converge a large amount of money, people and resources.

Therefore, the Pope in Rome, Italy, tried to publicly rebuilt Angella in the Internet is fake, and the real angel will not care about ruthless killings.


As long as trying to publish online, it will immediately be blocked by Anbrera's artificial intelligence, only in Italy's localized newspaper industry.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a large-scale spread of the pope, William has been able to make efforts to occupy the whole world.

First of all, it is European Europe that is not very stunned from ancient times.

France did not look forward to expectations, and did not wait for three Paris (Paris)-level frigate to arrive in Paris, French President immediately took the initiative to connect with William, expressing France to voluntarily cooperate with Anibrera.

The translation of the popular point is that France surrendered.

Sure enough, the online sentence "no one can surrender Paris before the France, is not just a terrier.

However, the spit is spoken, and the French president knows that any form of resistance is in vain in the face of Absilary.

If you choose to resist, it will definitely cause no necessary casualties, so choose peace cooperation is the best decision.

Without a day, the vast majority of European countries have chosen peace together, and the Roman Pope also suffered a ghost agent arrested by Pruscium.

Subsequently, there was a lot of pope, and there were a lot of loving photos, videos, videos, and private discussions, and private discussions.

In an instant, Christian, Catholic, etc. are going to collapse.

That, at this time, the angel Kaza has lived in William, so that the spectators have resumed faith, and they are deeply desirable to the parsives of the Pope and churches.

This time, Anbrera has directly banned the position of the church and has also supported nearly 2 billion believers.

The next half, Europe, Southeast Asia, Australia, and some Africa are also included in the ruling scope of Anbrera.

Not all countries, all countries have chosen peace cooperation, so it can only be convinced with 'physics'.

The Huaxia in the eastern Asia, William did not let the Anbrera interfere, but through real diplomacy, consultation.

At the same time, Anbrera is almost unconditional for China, providing a large number of advanced technologies, using gold to trade a large number of weapon equipment, etc.

This move is very unhappy in the country around Huaxia, but can only be angry, because these countries have no longer exist in a certain meaning, and it has become the occupation area of ​​Anbrera.

September 2013.

When Anbrera is incorporated into the ruling area, Wasanda took the initiative to negotiate with Anbrera, and the 'official' of the negotiations is Jija, which is the future of the black Leopard, King Vaanda.

According to Arthur's suggestion, William has shown a lot of respect to receive this young prince.

In fact, William himself is also distressed from the heart, and is completely different from the faculty and generals facing the US government, military officials.

Through the conversation with Chia, you can learn Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, just like Arthur speculated in Wasana.

Since January 2013 to September, these people have been secretly observing what Absrera is to confirm that Although Anbrera's act is too radical, it has to be recognized that the Anbrera is active, and the overall human beings The most beneficial, effective.

In the end, the King Vansa sent his son Charra and William to negotiate, indicating that Wasanda is willing to cooperate with Anbrera, but I hope that Anbrera does not interfere with Wasanda and the world.

There is no objection on the surface of William, which is pleasant to agree.

Finally, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner have returned to normal society, and the two Iron Man and the Green Giant have also joined the Avengers league dominated by Rogers.


How can I get a chance to bring to others with William?

Although William's surface reached an agreement with the high-rise of various countries, regions and organizations, but privately sent a lot of ghost agents, secretly allowing these seniors to be forced to sign a confidentiality agreement.

Among them, Japara, Stark and Banner were also included.

In May 2014, Anbrera had completed the entire earth.