Containment control starts with the umbrella

Chapter 794 is dissatisfied with 'God of War'

The Lawn Square of the White House.

Just look at the six-dimensional tall banned Astadt, wearing black shorts and short-sleeved military training suit, with a naked upper body, the lower body is also struggling with the youth of the same black shorts.

"~ -!"

" ~ -!"

Six of the banned army is difficult to capture the fist with the fist, the fist style, whistling, and resounding on this open lawn square.

I saw this besieged youth can easily escape the siege. After one after another, it is easy to pull the distance from the six bans.


When you fall on the lawn, youth stabilize your body, and burst into the roof kick, kick it to your nearest banned army.

"Hey!" Sully sullen, that the banned army is directly flying away from the original place, and smashed the brothers in another banned brothers.

"Hey!" The two bodies talled, and the came to hit each other.

at the same time.

A banned army is a quick reaction, and a twisted, the youth is swaying, but ...

The youth did not dodge, but instead extended out of his right hand, launched five fingers, and took the ban on the army.

"Boom ~ -!"

Just got a young body shape, but there is no feet of the shoes, but because the ban on the army directly enters the soil, the dirt suddenly turns out, and it has formed a depth of half a meter.

And the punch for the banned army has not been used up, but this is also enough to get the power of the ban, and the teenager who is easy to resist this punch, it is not an ordinary mortal

It is followed by the other three prohibited troops, and the youth is attacked from the youth, or the lock, or the punch, it seems that it is not prepared to speak.


At this time, the sky came from the pleasant female, and the four non-fighting army stopped.

Heard words.

If the forces of the Forces, I will have a short-term step, and the youth maintains a certain distance. The other two, the prohibition of the bureau is also standing up, and the faceless hands are behind the back, straight back Standing in place.

Although the face is unhappy due to the abundance of the fight, there is not much to say anything, but it is only a ban on these six players who play with him:

"Unfull, temporarily here today."

"Yes." (X6)

Six prohibitions were still nod, and then they turned together, leaving the lawn square of this White House.

See the banned army leave, youth this turns to look at the sky.

I saw the double wing behind the fan, and the white dress and .. the angel of white safety pants, the angel of white safety pants, landed in front of the youth.

Caesar is smiling to the youth persuaded: "Holiday, I can feel that your mood is very quiet, properly control it, can't be controlled by your own emotions."

"Milk ..." Hidden The name called Pierce, and the grandfather did not let me fight ...

It is too boring, hey. "



But she did not open it clearly, because now the company's internal top of the company knows that she likes William, now this Hosus admits her relationship with William, and Kease is happy.

As for the young people in front of Case, Ivan and Athena's son, is also the grandson of William and Harxi, Husu Russell.

Hudus knows that the relationship between Caesar and his grandfather is a little uncleary, so he will call the other person as a grandmother.

The heart is secretly slow, and then it is still a smile to persuading the Husu persuaded: "Child, you are still teens, can't always think about killing, otherwise killing will make you become more and more violent Maybe will eventually erode your mind, understand? "

" ..., father mother ... and grandfather said that I am a contemporary war god, but I have never expressed opportunities, it is too wrong, I want to fight against the enemy ..." Husis is still not full .

Holiday is not just inheriting Athena's ability, even personality, more or less is also like Athena.

Athens is very easy to cross when fighting, and the killing means is also cruel, because this can make the enemy fear, but in the case of normal, Athena does a very wise goddess.

However, Hudus seems to only inherit anger, impulsive this aspect, as for wisdom ...

It may not be completely stable because the age is still small, and the Palsefuni is also the Holiday of this evaluation.


Cases didn't say anything more, she just reopened the double wings that had been converged, release her personal biological stand to cover Holly.

And feeling the warmth of Holiday, dissatisfaction and blame in the heart, is finally eased.

"Big nephew !!"

Suddenly called, attracting the attention of Holidays and Kaza.

Wonder the sound.


"The big nephew, I heard that you really want to fight the enemy ... Is it?"

"..." Seeing Arthuri, the Husishus is very uncomfortable frown.

It can be the blood relationship. Arthur is his father's brother. He is his father's son, so Arthur is indeed his ... Uncle.

Not cool.

Holiday is still very respectful, then nodded: "Well, come to this world for a year and a half, but I can only play hands with the ban on the army every day, but those super warriors can't make me happy. "

"The nephew ..." Arthur asked the smile of the sound of the sound: "You are the fifth generation of Greece, and the position is also the god of gods in Greek, then ... I don't want to fight against the southern euro mythology. frame?"

"Of course!" I didn't want to answer the loud answer, and I haven't hidden the expressive look: "I have long thought to make my hand!"

"Good!" He saw that Husis is so strong, and Arthur is a shot of this big nephew, saying: "Let's get ready, let's wait."

"Yes!" Husu did not ask specific details, immediately ran to the White House, prepared to make simple packages.

"Arthur." Seeing Husis running, Kaza asked in Arthur: "Is there anything recently?"

"Well." Arthur did not hide the reply: "Shortly after I will lead a small force to London, then take the opportunity to go to the gods in the Northern Idah, Asa."

"Hum ..." Caisa didn't understand the Mount Movie Universe. She converges the blessing and biological stands, and asked: "Do you need me to help?"

"No, Cairi ... You only need to focus on getting my father." Arthur is running, nor will the Caisa response time.