Containment control starts with the umbrella

Chapter 796 Hiya: I said predict?


Seeing the appearance of Daisy frozen, the Hoshis's eyebrows are wrinkled, like the handle who can't see it, and uses the power to disperse the raindrops above Daisy.


Seeing, Daisy glanced, and then gratitude to Husu.

However, Husu is still exposed before, the head is awkward, and the eyes are staring at Lei Shen Sol, who is not far from the gather, and holds a fist immediately. The body is also excited because excited.

It was found that the nephew of the war seems to be directly with Sol, and Arthur quickly raised his hand and pressed the right shoulders of Husu, whispered:

"The nephew, now I am doing with the Solbi, if you are playing here, you will definitely cause a lot of death, know if it is."

I heard Arthur's discouragement, the Holiday is very unwillingness, but finally nodded.

"Very good." Seeing that Husis did not impulsive, Arthur was facing the expression of peace of mind, and then continued to lead the people in Sore.



Arthur took out and the most smile to Sol: "Mr. Oson, for a long time."

The full name of Ray God Solo is Sol Osdon.

In the Myth of Nordic, the main god child's last name comes from his father's name.

For example, Odin's father is BOR, then Odin's full name is O'Don, Borson.

Sen = Son = son.

Sore and Rocky are the surname of Osunden.


Confused Just and Jane, I felt cooked when I saw peace, but I couldn't always remember who Arthur is.

However, when Sore saw the ten gods Astadt after Arthur, he immediately recalled the scene of the war of Manhattan, and the look of Sore was also nervous, and the right hand holding a hammer was also used.


I saw the standing gesture in Sorina, and the Husishus was very uncomfortable and the dress was quickly replaced.

Just like his mother Athena, after a dazzling white light, Husu has replaced the Pluto armor with a strong Greek style.

The left hand holds a gold battle shield, and the right hand holds a gold war spear.

It is also God, which also has red cloaks, but the Helmers of Holly, the warriots and battle shields are more drawn.

"Wow ..." Seeing the rapid exchange of Husisus, the chin of Daisy was shocked, and she also remembered the scene two years ago and asked:

"Handsome guy, it is a giant two years ago."

Hidden is still unfangled, but he nodded with a small amplitude and responded to Daisy's problem.

The look of Sol has become more downsful, because the thunder God can feel that the Holiday of the eyes is also a god, and the gods that are not judged by Astgard.

"Hey! Don't come back ... Ah!"

Jane to standing next to Sol, is very obstacles to Sore, and want to reach out of the right arm of Sol, but she just met with Sol right arm, a red pulse The wave suddenly poured out from her body, impact around the horizontal horizontal plane.

The sudden impact, directly let the Daisi fell away from the ground, and even the police and police cars are also overturned.

Confused fiarth, Horses, Hundreds of columns and Wattim et al., Seem to completely ignore this shock wave, and standing safely.

After the impact wave, a constantly rainy rain is also abundant, but the sky is still gloomy.

"Amount ..." At this time, the simplicity of it, the body is soft and weak.


Seeing the woman who is in mind, Sor is no longer talking to Arthur, Huskus, but immediately supports Jane, holding her in his arms.

"Shu ... so painful ..." Daisy is also a standing station.

Immediately, the policemen who have tried the male college students are also standing up, and the trend surrounded by surrounding Sol, Arthuri and others.

One of the young policemen, the right hand opened the police with a crowbar, gradually approaching simple and Sol, tone slightly slightly trembled:

"Hey! (Staring at a drowsy) put your hands on the head! ( )) Please return!"

"This lady is very uncomfortable, she needs treatment." Sol was returned to a sentence.

"Take a step!"

Just as the police would continue to warn, ten of the five rigorous blood rows, and the five-wearing helmet's postgraduate fellows immediately, separated the group of police and Sol.

The police did not pay attention to this group of Astadt, but the police know that the current UK has become the occupation area of ​​Anbrera, nature is also aware of the existence of Astatt.

Therefore, after seeing this transaction in Atarta, the police can only be scattered, and no longer ask Jane.

In fact, it doesn't blame the police. Sove, but Sol is a high popularity in North America, but Sol has disappeared for two years, and because of the emergence of Ambrand, the heat of Avengers and the visibility have already been dispersed.

At the same time as the police leave, Arthur is also under the Guardian guards of Hundreds of escort and Wattim.

Arthur said, "Mr. Octus," Mr. Osamun, seems to have some kind of special disease, and our An Brera is known as biotechnology, it is better to take us? "

"..." Soli, a nine, staring at Arthur who is slightly shorter than yourself, like it hopes to detect from Arthur.

But Arthur's pair of eyes, clear can't be clear, Sol is completely discovered.

However, Sor is still shaking his head, directly refused: "I have to bring it back to Asaard."

That tone, it is totally not believed that Anbrera can cure it.

"Your guy ..." Husis is very uncomfortable, welcoming the Tights of Sol.

"Okay." Arthur first raised his hand to take the Horses, and later said to Sol: "Mr. Oson, since you insist on Miss Foster to Ascad, we will not block .

But I have an unfortunate, that is, I hope that you can take us also to the Astgard. "

"You have to go to Asaard? Why." Sore is sinking, the sense of vigilance is getting more and more obvious.

"Yes, it is to help you to go to Guardiaza." Arthur said straightforward.


I heard Arthur's discourse, Sol's eyebrows, and the face is also a more gloomy.

If it is the past Sol, it is definitely a lot to laugh and say that Astard is the god domain, and there is no invasion.

But I have experienced the suffering of the mortal ("Thunder 1"), and the ominous energy burst from the brief body, so that Sore caught in meditation.

"Mr. Oson ..." Arthur and timely supplements: "My nephew is a witch, she can predict the future, according to her speculation ...

Asae will encounter the invasion of the Dark Elf, and the mother of the gods will fall in the invasion. "