
Mei Gen still nodded like it, and also conveyed the order of Ivan to Arthur who stayed in the organism.

at the same time.

The space is extremely vast stars.

"Hey ... it is wronged."

Only wearing a black-closed combat service, and just sitting on a green ammunition box, Zhang Hao, feeling sigh.

"I don't think it is."

But standing next to Arthur, illusion of Pluto, Hands who cross the chest, but some facial paralysis:

"As long as I can see the blood, I will not be wronged."

"You ..." Arthur took a little lazy face, raised his hand and knocked on the short hair head of Tulus, so he as a elderly appearance:

"Don't always kill weight, obedient, Wanda, I gave you a son, and let me have a scholar, but I can't be killed by you."


The look of Homes' skewers, think of the mother and child in the family, and the eyes flashed through the soft light, and then exposed rare soft face:

"Yes, uncle, I know."

"Hey! Hey!"

Just as the uncle's two people chat, dozens of dressed in the golden powered, and there were red cloaks, and suddenly came to them next to them.

For the first to guard against Arthur: "Arthuro young master, Ivan Young Ye wants you to lead us to the guard team, join the Great Work with the director."

In the eyes of the country, the boss will always be a William, so no matter what Ivan is position, they will call it a young master.

Heard words.

Arthur stretched a lazy waist, event, the joint of the neck, then move the ass from the ammunition box.

I took a helmet from the side of the ground, I walked, and I walked toward the nearest DR-7 transport boat.

"Okay, let's go."


Arthur's voice falls, and the Horses and 50 people will follow him to log in to the DR-7 transportation boat together.

Although it is necessary to perform the surface combat of Pluto, Arthur only wears a sealed combat service, not wearing mechanical bones or large-area armor.

After all, he has a powerful shield generator in his body, and it is enough to guarantee that he will not be harmed.

The back of the micronuclear polyverter reactor, as well as the life maintenance system, can also make him last in the space for seventy-two hours.

Like his mother Athena, His Mother is free to move in vacuum and high-intensity radiation environments. It does not require oxygen at all, and the immune system in vivo can resist any form of microbial invasion.

Moreover, those ghosts should face, are tens of thousands of Astadt, including John, Mallen and Colx 3.

This ground battle is destined to be at the expense of no injury, but there is a need to consume a lot of ammunition.

Not a level at all.

To be honest, Arthur admire the ghost pasture, even if it is the ending of the killed ending, it still chooses the resistance.

But ... His Laozi William seems to have not given the opportunity to surrender.

Beyser, Huskus and 50 demonstrations, the pilot closes the hatch below the head.

Start the engine.

Under the guidance of the Grounds of the Handheld Fluorescent, the DR-7 transport boat slowly lifted and came to the plasma body gas valve.

Then, fall down the general drove, come to the space of the vacuum, and go to the star of the star.

Also, there are a large number of DR-4, DR-7, and .

DR-7 launched John, Mallen and Corax's banned army and the jarry Astadt, DR-4 and Dragoni were launched the landed team, and the hell paratroler like a madman.

All the combatants of the twelfth fleet can all have a raft.

Although the 10th fleet is the best, the latest, the latest, the least task is the troops, but there is no fight.

Especially the ground combatants, seeing other fleets to kill their special kills in the Milky Way, they can only sit in the 'cold bench' in the solar system.

Although they know the responsibility of guarding the solar system, it is very important, and the psychology of each person is a compressor.

So this group of ghosts face is not just Astadt, as well as upgrades, four-class Ma Run, and more crazy Hell paratroopers.

DR-7 is in the cabin.

The helmet drops under the mask and closely bits closely with the combat service, and the hands behind the door behind the hatch, with the naked eye to see the front of Pluto in front of the porthole.

At present, the whole battleship of the ghost, is not sinking by the twelfth fleet, which is the independent persistence in Pluto surface, and the shield in the dome city is still not broken.

It seems that when they landed to the surface, the battle should end.

"~ -!"

Suddenly, the fuselage of the DR-7 violently swayed, let Arthur who stands behind the hatch, almost a fell.

After retaining balance, he quickly went out to face the porthole.

However, no hit goals were found, but the Pluto became 'increasingly smaller'.

Or, DR-7 is unknown by a certain stock, gravitational, quickly away from Pluto

"Arthur Master ..." At the same time, the pilot also reported through the broadcast report:

"Detecting that I have emerged in the back of our way, the engine of the transportation boat cannot be confrogated, and we will be completely pulled into the vortex after 30 seconds."

'Why do I feel this is familiar ...'


? ?

! ! !

'grass! '

Arthur is a second, but it will come back soon.

It may be within the gravitational range of Pluto, which is the other parallel universe the soaking wall intersection, and then because the 3,000-ton electromagnet can cause the space's serious distortion, open the unstable crossing channel in advance.

If it is true ...

Arthur exposed the expression of tears, turned to look at Husu, decadent: "The big nephew ... I may not see my wife for a few months."


The head of the brain, I don't know what Arthur is what.

Outside the cabin.

Just a vortex passage that exudes a blue light, like transition entrance, appears in this city.

The diameter of this channel is approximately one kilometer, which is at least 100 times smaller than the vortex passage to the Movie Universe.

Therefore, only the DR-7 transport boat carrying Arthur and Hakothi, and the squadron of six mad tangles, inhaled the vortex of the channel.

Another blinking gap, this hairy haired passage, like it has never seen the same rapid dissipation.


The stunner flagship bridge.

Due to the angle problem, Ivan cannot observe the appearance of the passage through the porthole, and his brother and his eldest son is inhaled through the passage.

However, this scene, but can't escape from the Mergen exploration of intelligent manual intelligence.

I saw her still a glamorous look, reported to Ivan Low Voice: "The boss, Arthur Shaoye is also involved in unstable crossing channels."

"Well ... Wait, why are you?"