DR-7 transport boats in the cockpit.

"I am a leader of the Quarter, the lighthouse, please answer, here is Mark, please answer."

Mark's call sound on the exclusive channel, passed through the cockpit radio.

When Mark agreed to lead Arthur to the lighthouse, he gave them the channel exclusive channel, so convenient to contact the control room of the lighthouse.

The pilot and gunner still sat in the original position, and Arthur is behind the pilot, and the eyebrows are slightly frozen, and the eyes are slightly smashed, and the flying formation is high in front of the lighthouse.

Giant mushrooms.

This is the first impression of Arthur see the first eye of the lighthouse.

" ... this ... is ..."

When I observed the lighthouse in Arthur, the radio sound came from the radio, followed by communication, and the voice of the female operator:

"Here is the lighthouse, is it a Mark leader?"

"Here is the quiltale." Communication also came to Mark's voice: "We have completed the collection task, request return light tower, and ...

We have also discovered some survivors, and their flight formations are above our team. I hope that the lighthouse will come out to make these buddies to moor in the lighthouse. "

"... ..."

Mark's voice falls, communication is only subtle current, and the other party does not answer immediately.

It seems that there is a panic because of the arrival of Arthur and others.

Direct until after several minutes.

The teams have arrived below the lighthouse, the DR-7 flight formation, and the position of the lighthouse 'mushroom' below the Lighthouse 'mushroom, but still did not get the recovery of the lighthouse control room.


Arthur is to see a lot of people on the lighthouse, or standing on the street below the mushroom, or at the high-risk suspension area, pointing to their flight formation, like a very rare thing same.

"I am the general command and virginity of the lighthouse control room." Suddenly, the communication channel came another female voice, and said:

"Mark captain, welcome back, the lighthouse will drop the ES01 platform, please lead the team to the designated location.

As for the new friends ... "

When I said, the general command of the name called Mirror was suddenly talked, and then he continued:

"The lighthouse has been cleaned up for you for parking, follow the light instructions to the designated location."

The sound of the voir, the lighthouse is flashing, and the driver guided by the driver of the flight.

See here.

"Thank you." Arthur had a smile on the communication, and he was afraid of shooting the pilot's left shoulder, a calm voice:

"Take us to the other person's instructions."

"Yes, Arthur's young master." Flying staff.

Arthur didn't say anything, just put it back and returned to the cabin.

Outside the cabin.

The quiltile fleet on the ground came to the lower part of the lighthouse, and the rear lighthouse also offset the large lifting platform for the team to return the lighthouse located in the air.

As for the flight formation of the DR-7 and the , it comes to the side of 'mushroom' below the indication of the lighthouse.

Judging only this area launched the opening of the opening, which followed, a square platform extension, for flight formations to landing and mooring.

However, this platform has a small area, seven transporters need to land sequently, and also need to mooring with each other.

Fortunately, all the pilots drive technologies, just a small part of the bumps, but this is no harmful and elegant, barely put all the transport planes on this platform.

Subsequently, the platform is recycled, carrying the DR-7 and the number into the inside of the lighthouse.

Gate closed.

DR-7 is in the cabin.

At this time, Arthur has put the hinders of the helmet in the seat, and took the nephew and fifty kids after the hatch.


With the slowdown of the hatch, open, it is also possible to make Arthur and others in the cabin, you can appear outside the cabin.

The warehouse light outside the cabin is bright, but there are several light bulbs, but suddenly, like a long-term replacement, there is still a lot of empty mount boxes on the deck.

Of course, there are more than 100 colored Berret, as well as the 'soldiers' of the optical mask.

These soldiers handle the old-fashioned rifle, more than a group of more than a group, standing in the tail of the Pelican, and waiting for the DR-7 head.

Open the door.

These soldiers raised the rifles in their hands and aligned the guns in the DR-7 in the DR-7, the kids, and the mad tooth sharks in the .

"Hey ~!" Qi Qi's weapon is overwhelmed in this warehouse.

These soldiers are another wave of people in the lighthouse, the city defense army.

The city defense army, as the name suggests, its duties are the urban safety of guarding in the lighthouse, while also supervising the dust, ensuring the safety of the people, etc.

The class with the lighthouse.

However, the war is obviously weaker than the queen, after all, the things doing the quiltors, but in the mouth of the phantom to grab the material.


Arthur suddenly walked out of the DR-7 cabin, leaving the left eye and poked at his city defense forces, and there was no fear on his face, and it was unhappy.

"Is this the way to stay in the lighthouse? Just like this, you can't come to Ma Wei with us?"

Said, Arthur shrugged and raised the voice of the voice:

"Division, mad tooth shark, teaching a guy, what is the gun."


"Hey ~ - !!"

Arthur's voice falls, this warehouse has a sound of a weapon.

I saw 50 people who were disguised, standing around Arthur and Hoshis, the burst of the .75cal caliber, to more than ten cities that are not far from the previous one.

Rosen led the mad tooth shark, and looked up in the Gaussian mini, rifle, machine gun, confronted with the city defense army.


Although the city defense army still maintains silence, from a few people's limbs, the city defense army has lost.

Lower Ma Wei, but there is no success, but it is destroyed with your air.

"." Arthur is disdainful and loud, looking at the four weeks, but also raising the voice:

"The trouble hurry, otherwise I may not care about what instructions ... Let me think about it, yes, for example, order to capture your place, um ... You can not get together."

" -." (The sound of the internal gate opened.)

"Hey ~, ~." (High heels on the noise on the deck.)

Just finished, the gate to the inside of the lighthouse opened, and there were several people in this library.

These people are wearing a blue uniform, there is a man with a woman, and they don't wear any form of armor, only in the thigh, and a gun.

The person headed is the source of high heels.

She is wearing a gorgeous uniform with the corner of the neighborhood, there is a black long hair, the sword eyebrow, the lips, and the long phase.