Containment control starts with the umbrella

Chapter 922 "Next City Lord"


The mirror is with Arthur to the side of the seat, putting the plate on the desktop, pulls the seat and sit down, continuing to explain to Arthur:

"Yesterday, if you are not your shot, the quiltor team may be destroyed all over the army, which will also cause the lighthouse to die.

Therefore, in accordance with the formula, you are the main hero of this collection task, which naturally will get a lot of contribution points. "

Arthur drank a half cup of fruit and vegetable juicers, put the cup on the desktop, and the left hand came to the mouth and asked:

"Formula? What formula.

"Nature is the system to determine if a person has valuable formula, such as whether there is value after the injury is valuable for medical assistance, and if the treatment cost is greater than the scope of the lighthouse, then the formula will determine whether there is no medical value."

The posture of the mirror is not as casual as Arthur, and it is slightly elegant. While eating, what is the 'formula to explain to Arthur'.

Just she is skilled with iron spoon to cut the fried egg, one pick, and then get the protein into the spoon, send it to the mouth and swallow, and continue to tell Arthur:

"According to the judgment of the system, you are the most elite troops on the lighthouse, so it will be subject to the best treatment."

Said, Mirror is looking at the sandwich in Arthur, and glances at the glass cup of the eye:

"Your breakfast belongs to senior food, rich in protein and vitamins, telling truth, even I envy your treatment."

"Oh? Is it?" A few mouthfuls of Arthur, some drums in the cheeks, and some mutters:

"Reassured, the lighthouse has us, you will let Mrs. Mirror eat fresh vegetables, otherwise there will be less vitamins, it is absolutely unable to violent."

"Hey ... ~."

Just drinking milk, I saw the oast of cordis, and then with his somewhat tone. It was originally cool, but it was a smile.

Arthur swallowed in the food is also a smile: "Miss Mirror, what are you laughing?"

"Nothing." The mirror shook his head and said:

"Right, since we are all colleagues from today, then there is no need to use Miss, and Mr. is called each other, you will call me the mirror."

"Miss the mirror, I know Miss Mirror." Arthur is somewhat not to say.


"Oh, don't be angry." Seeing the expression of the mirror south, Arthur quickly put his hand:

"Just joke ... joke, then breakfast has eaten, then take me to see the lighthouse, and virgin."

The mirror is seeing Arthurn's deputy hangs and gorges, and the heart is instantaneous. There is always a feeling that he is going.

But she expects what Arthur's next sentence is not adjustable, after all, most of the women are contradictory.

Slow down.

Just look at the appearance of the mirror to go out, and calmly: "Come with me, our first stop is the living area of ​​dust."

"it is good."

Arthur was thinking of taking a circulating plate, but he just got together, there is a cleaning worker wearing a white apron, helping him pack the table.

The lighthouse retains the type of work such as cleaning work in the Youth District.

See this, Arthur does not say much, and leave the dining area directly and the virgin and go to the dust district below.

During the destination, the virgin will also introduce the basic rules of the lighthouse, such as the waste of food and drinking water, may not hinder the city defense forces to enforce the law enforcement, can not have sympathy for dust, etc.

And Arthur, also converges the morning's monster, and listening carefully from the introduction of the virginan.

No more than ten minutes, the two came to the area of ​​dust aggregation.

Most of the dust people are doing hard work, but there are also no work arrangements for the time being, staying in their respective houses, sleeping and ... starving.

The dusty food is mostly insects, ie the food cakes such as such insects, similar to the "snow country trains".

The adaptation of the cockroach is extremely strong, even if there is no sufficient thing, or there is no male, female individuals can also carry out alone.

Coupled with a generous protein, with some small amounts of vitamins, it is enough to make the dust to maintain life.

Because the dusty people who follow the lotus people move, the remaining dusty people have a small way to contribute and have fewer ways, and they have to eat these free sepage pie.

Even if there is, the contribution point is not enough, because there is only two cups of drinking water, and you need to contribute more to buy.

However, there is enough contribution, or you can purchase some people do not need, and canned canned and plastic foods.

At the beginning of 4079 'high-grade' biscuits, actually only expired biscuits, it will definitely make a stomach, but at least you can have a mouthful addiction.

When the dust district, Arthur has suffered from the dust, and the heart is really full of sympathy and mercy, but the face and the look do not have too many expressions.

Although Arthur likes to flick, this does not mean that Arthur is a mouth, actually belongs to the action.

Instead of talking to dust, "I will bring you a better life", or to the city defense army "how you can do this", it is better to directly converge of materials to improve the life of dust.

During the period, Arthur was also observing the look of the mirror, and found that the female commander has also been full of pity in the eyes since she brought him to the dust district.

It seems that he is as good, but it is not a great character.

At this time, Arthur observed around, seeing there is no many city defense forces stationed here, and then he whispered to the south:

"Mirror South, I want to ask ... Who is the next city owner in your mind?"

? !

When the eyes of the virginan, the cherry is slightly opened, and it is obviously not expected to ask Arthur.

See the appearance of the virginity, Arthur is very natural, raising the shoulders of the south, bringing her to the edge of the street.

The edge has a high wall, and below the wall, it is a thousand-meter high and the barren Gobi.

Some secret words here, the city defense army in the distance is naturally impossible.

Also, the contact of the mirror is not much inductance for the contact of the limbs, but the re-elevated look whisper:

"Luo ... what is the meaning of Arthur, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean?"

Arthur launched the left hand of the mirror, and then slammed his hands on the wall, looking at the scenery below the surface, saying with a friendly tone of a friend:

"Mirror, yesterday's court, it is before I mentioned the evidence that I will be able to pass the lighthouse, so in order to avoid the fall of the lighthouse, then the next city owner must have the ability to provoke the burden."


Seeing that Arthur suddenly became so serious, and the mirror is not known for a while, but the Lenovo ghouses and the incidents who have confronted each other, her looks a deep way:

"I think that only let Mark go to the city owner, you can let the lighthouse are far more."