Containment control starts with the umbrella

Chapter 961, Archives Analysis of Anbrera High-tech Weapons

Project Name: Dark Material Weapon.

Read privilege: A level, and above.


Before the human beings did not get a pioneer technology, there was a theory of the dark matter in the universe.

According to the name of the name ■ "The pioneering technology provided by the pioneer has confirmed that there is a dark matter in the universe and occupying 87% of the total quality of the universe.

The dark matter is an extremely inert medium, which leads to the race of humans, Sangeli to observe.

The team of Dr. Catherine Russell was studied by Dr. Catherine Russell from the beginning of the Iraqi Technical.

Up to 2 June 2050.

Anbrera preliminantly controlled the use of dark matter, which helped Anbrera in artificial stars, planet works, and also assisting Anbrera mastered powerful weapons technology.

It is only necessary to 1 micrograms of dark matter doses, which is equivalent to the power of quantum bullets {}.


1000 micrograms = 1 mg.

1000 mg = 1 gram.

A micro is equal to one million points.

In view of the power of the dark matter weapon, the company stipulates that only A class of employees, there is the right to read the relevant information of dark matter weapons.

The use of dark matter weapons needs to be approved by the Olympic Board of Directors.

The destructive force of each dark matter bomb is equivalent to the 7 million quantity bullets while exploding.

According to Srinena, Cocana, etc., can only test and calculate, and draw a dark matter bomb detonation, enough to destroy the two-one solar quality star nuclear fusion reactions.

Note: The volume of the sun is 1300,000 times the earth, and the quality is 33,000 times the earth.

In theory, the vast majority of the star's stars 'extinguish'.

Once the star is lost, the civilization in this star system is lost, and the final result is only in the dark, destroyed.

This is also why it is necessary to obtain approval of the Olympic board when using dark matter weapons.



Project Name: Anti-material weapon.

Reading permissions: B, and above.


The so-called anti-substance is actually an anti-status of normal substances.

When the positive substance collides with the anti-substance, when encountering, the two sides will annihilate to each other, and almost can play a change in energy to energy.

One gram of anti-object collided with a gram of a positive substance, which can release nearly 43,000 tons of TNT equivalents, which is equivalent to three times that of Hiroshima atomic bomb.

Even the Hector II hydrogen bomb is also only 25% to 27% of the quality transformation.

In fact, before human beings get a technology technology, it has already mastered how to extract against antibosic, as well as the theory of manufacturing anti-substance bombs.

However, in the early 21st century, it takes nearly forty-year time to extract a gymnium, and $ 62.5 trillion per year is required.

At that time, the US GDP in 2006 was only $ 15 trillion, and human beings had no technology to retain back substances.

During the late Human, Star Anshan War, technology is more than human beings temporarily leading the Star Anshan, which is also unable to control the anti-bacterial weapons.

After the Ark Incident, Anbrera has initially mastered how fast, effectively and stable refinement, and can safely store against substances.

All of the company's William Russell, in the first quarter of 2045, in the next decade, let the straight-tier of the Ambrand weapons in the next decade, complete the large-scale columns of anti-material weapons.

As of the fourth quarter of 2051, Anbrera has completed the preparation of anti-material weapons, and will be taken to the Plenuttt troops in the first quarter of 2052.

The elongated troops of the second echelon, such as UBCS, ghost agents, San Hili veteran, the special unit of Hell paratroopers {}}, the high-hidden agent of the first line, will also be completed in the fourth quarter of 2052.

At present, the anti-substance weapon is divided into two levels.

1 single soldier.

2 battleship level.


1 single military level;

Just as this level is named, weapons used in universal operations.

Usually a burst bomb, a stabbed bomb, an improved type of non-pulse bomb.

Examples of explosion.

100 mg of positive substances in each burst, and 100 mg of ant substrates.

Astadt can operate the explosive equivalent of the burst of the blasting warhead by single soldier system.

When solving a normal enemy, Atartt can choose the traditional explosive equivalent.

If you encounter a large bio-objective, military fortress, large carrier, Astadt can adjust the explosive equivalence of the burst of warhead according to personal preferences.

The maximum equivalent is 4,300 tons of TNT, which is equivalent to a tactical nuclear bomb.

However, this level of equivalents is not enough to break all the energy shields of all AstattTham Tertitium, so it is indeed a single military weapon for Astadt.

However, only the Astadt troops have such sizes of antimicast weapons.

For example, the elite troops of the second echelon have only 1 mg of positive substances, as well as 1 mg of ant substrates.

Because the unit properties are different, the extensive troops of the second echelon can only use anti-substance weapons in the extremely crisis.

2 battleship level;

The anti-substance weapon for bathamps, is the type used in the abundant battleship tactical missile, and also banned the position of Hector.

At present, the battleship level has three echelon.




The mg-level anti-active weapon, the target is the general-purpose carrier tactical missile, which is used to destroy small universe units, or provide firepower support for the ground forces.

The gram-level anti-active weapon, the target is the carrier nuclear bomb, hydrogen bomb, is used to implement devastating strikes on the ground objectives.

Kum-level anti-material weapons, the target is the amount of bullets, which are used to destroy the target of the planet size.



Project Name: Portal Technology.

Reading permissions: B, and above.


The transfer door is self-proclaimed, and you can achieve the true 'instant' arrival in the true sense.

And according to the passage of January 11 to March 23, 2051, we know that once there is exact coordinates, it can also achieve the transmission of cross-universe.

At first, Beretila can only rely on the fearless battle of the pioneer, carrying out the transfer of an ultra-long distance.

The current Anibrera relies on the clothing technology, which has been fully controlled to minimize miniaturization.

As of 2052, the Direct Fleet of Anbrera, the fleet vessels belonging to the Unsc have been assembled.

At the same time, Anbrera is also a technology that implements the 'single transfer'.

The so-called single soldier is actually applied to the elite, Terminator of Atarta.

As of the fourth quarter of 2052, the terminator dynamics had completed the upgrade, and it can be accurately transmitted within 100,000 light years.

Similarly, five primary Sbad's primary powertrain, also installed related upgrade accessories.