Containment control starts with the umbrella

Chapter 972 destroys you, what is your dry?

"Are you talking about the earth?"

Mogana is somewhat not to confuse.

The Earth was scanned by the devil first before a few months. For their devil, the earth was completely a person who took off the clothes, and there was almost no privacy and secret.

But there is no foundation on the earth, and there is no fleet enough to rush everything.

"That ..." At this time, Arthur, there is no tuner that Mo Gana is thinking, but it is cold:

"Don't worry about us, now I will give you two options. First, I take the initiative to roll out the Galaxy line, and I have passively rolled out the Galaxy.

Choose one. "

"Ha?" Mo Gannai, then laughed Xiao:

"Kid, are you very proud of? Is it possible to lock us with you can lock us, can you implement a super-distance blow?"

"Well, I know the answer." Arthur's smile became more brilliant, and his eyes gradually narrowed.


? ?

! ! !

Mo Ganna is unsatisfactory, instantly waived, "Fast! Enhance the worm hole! Let the devil are quickly evacuated from the Galaxy!"

"Queen, the destination coordinate is?"

"Do you want to coordinate? Just choose one!"


Just as the Lord of Devils is in the chaos, the demon one's ship is a paint black.

At present, the Devil is in the universea of ​​the two hundred lights in the sun.

This universe has a low brightness red dwarf, which exudes dark red, and it seems very close to the devil.

The devil is moored within the gravitational range of this red dwarf.

Suddenly, the devil is four weeks, and there is a small celestial body that emits the blue rays.

Follow it.

Eleven average height is 150 meters, the size proportion of slim, wearing a black special gel, the important part has the protective armor protection of ink green painting, the head has the body of the helmet, using the back installation The device, instantly completed the move surrounded by the Devil No. 1.

The driver of this eleven devil is a super soldiers in the Phase Phase I.

All the body is equipped with a large diameter Gaussian gun, a knife, and two persons responsible for sniper, and also equipped with Gaussian sniper.

The most important thing is that these stabbed shells have a warhead that adds grams of positive and anti-substances.

Gaussian cannon projector warhead, but also a back-substance of 10,000 grams, with the same grams of positive substance.

That is to say, when the Gaussian running warhead, shooting the artillery in the light speed, and successfully hits the target inside, it can also release 430 million tons of equivalent TNT explosions.

Although ordinary Gaussian can not be so exaggerated, it can also release millions of tons of TNT equivalents.

More don't say that the body is also equipped with 'dark matter hand thunder.

Counting all equipment, in fact, a population is enough to annihilate the first level of civilization, hitting or destroying the second grade of civilization.

right now.

In an instant of the eleven gods, they raised the various Galasils in their hands, and the guns were prepared to fire.

Ri ~ - ~ -!

The Gaussian guns filled with blue light, seeing the devil first, before the devastating hits, the insect hole channel is finally opened, and the devil is also the entry in the worm hole, avoided the next place.

See here.

One of the drivers of the body.

One has an inch head, the long-term persistence, and a tough man's Sparta, open the quantum communication to the victory gods:

"Here is the captain of the soda team, Jerem, has completed the expeltion of the devil, waiting for the latest instructions."

This hard Hansbad is the red team captain who won the Red Team from the system that William from the system was released by the crisis caused by Elizabeth Green.


In the "Ring War" series, Jerom and the red team's performance is very bright.

Become the Sparta of Anbrera, Jerome also accommodates an abnormal phenomenon, and the starred Star Ansil is even more numerous.

Since John became an original, Jerome instead of John, responsible for directing the action of Sbad 1 and second phases.


The communication is sent back to a female correspondent: "The victory goddess is received, the colonel, the commander allows you to lead the body brigade to return to the flagship."


Jerem has no expression, then cut off with that female correspondent and opens a single soldier communication:

"The body team, ready to return to the goddess."

"Yes." (X10)

Driving is outside.

Elevenced opened eleven portions, immediately transferred back to the solar system, then returned to the gain of the gigant of the goddess of the victory.



Arthur with Mogana for hours.

Since communications on the earth have been destroyed by the devil, the victory goddess cannot be associated with the Huaxia government, and other governments will contact them directly.

In addition, Jacar does not want anything else to understand, contacting the Government on the Earth.

Therefore, the seventh fleet chooses to leave Huaxia's airspace, and synchronously hover on the nearby track of the earth.

Subsequently, Arthur is temporarily managed by the commandment of the fleet, and the mirror and Albeis.

It also arranges Mark, Mo City and others with Liu Wei, Rui Meng Meng and the blue to negotiate, and obtain information about this universe.

The armed angel is starry, after the scan of Altais, draws a star of the stunning body and gods, the similarity reaches 50%.

Greek gods have extremely high energy, similar to 'nuclear fusion', is a unique technology that is pioneer.

And the reason why the stars of the body seems to be used in this type of biotechnology, but the scientific and technological content is not as high as the pioneer.

That is to say, the laminated star, can not rely on routine medical means such as taking medicine, dressing, surgery, need to be supplemented with enough energy for her.

It happened that the control of Nuclear fusion is described as a heart.

Therefore, with the assistance of the technical staff of the ship, a bed is transformed, and the accessory engine of the victory god is connected.

In this way, the heavy injury coma is lying on the bed, which can supplement the energy to achieve the effect of healing.

Arthur is to go to the personal bedroom, check the related information handed over William, which is the "super god" that William is exchanged from the system.

Day late.

After a few hours, Arthur finally finished reading "Super God", and has a certain cognition of this universe.

At the same time, Arthur also learned why his dad William, only let him watch these one.

Although he has doubts about the "super god", William does not explain, he will not take the initiative to ask.

After reading all the plots, Arthur's science and technology in Anbrera is still full of confidence.

The higher civilization in the play requires the use of naturally formed stars to perform interstellar combat, however Andlara has mastered the technology of manufacturing stars.

Just super genetic technology with angels and demon civilization, for the ground forces of Anbrera, still constitute great threats.

Astadt is stronger, then Titanica has a fight in vacuum, but the angels and demon soldiers, but the body can directly expose to the space fighting of the universe.

Like Yan Yan, chasing, cold such a three-generation angel, there is a small number of high-order two-generation angels, can only jump in the transition.

There is also a void engine, a void soldier.

Arthur hopes that Alta Misans and other artificial intelligence can compete with the void.

As for the concept of Mogana, freedom, chaos, Arthur is actually doing a cold.

In the play.

Moganan kill Dukaio of the most strategic mind, took the goddess's 'nurse' language piano, and destroying the justification of Kaza leaders, leading to the invasion of multiple forces.

When the earth finally expelled to the solar system, and started to establish a black Great Wall in the periphery of the solar system, the Earth population was sharply reduced to 3 billion.

Forty billion people died because of a series of operations of Moganna.

Without Caisa's suppression, Huayuan led male angels strongly returned, which caused great threat to the civilization of the entire universe.

Destroy you, what is your dry?

Who makes the earth don't have self-protection? Therefore, you can only suffer from Mogana, and other forces.

Now, human beings have the support of the seventh fleet of Anibrera ...

Then it is the civilization of the whole universe: "What is you doing with you?"

At Art of Arthur, the first thing to go, the first thing is to go to the bridge, let Albeis try to lock the Devil No. 1 within the Silver River system.

Even if the Galaxy of different universe, Altamester still has the ability to draw a star map of the Milky Way.

Subsequently, Alta Mismit used the volatility of dark matter, and successfully detected the devil No. 1 in concertial state.

As a result, Arthur let Alta Mitans use quantum communication, invading the Demon, and negoties with Moganan.

Although Mogana directly killed hundreds of millions of people (transformed evil) in the play, indirectly killed 40 million people, but the current globe has not suffered such a casualty.

Moreover, Mogana in the play is also to deliver the rose, intercept the ten low equivalent anti-substance bombs launched.

With this, Arthur did not have a devil team leading to Jerem, and the clenched command.

Otherwise, the body team will take out the moment of passing the door, and will implement the Gaussian firepower blow to the Devil No. 1, rather than letting the guns screaming.

Return to current.

The gods of the victory is in the bridge.

After the Mo Gunna is expelled out of the Milky Way, Arthur is awarded Aremiis, pay close attention to the trend in the Galaxy line, ensuring that the devil will not sneak back.

At the same time, it is necessary to let the seventh fleet of all artificial intelligence, pay attention to the space status of the seventh fleet.

After all, Mo Gunna likes to do things, that is, when others relax, open the worm hole and put a cold gun.

After processing it all.

Arthur asked Albeis, who was in his holographic imaging, and how is the situation of the female angel? "

"The current state is stable, but I haven't recovered awareness." Albeis is a way.

"Good." After Arthur, he said:

"Let Liu Wei, Rui Meng Meng, the blue three people come to the bridge, I have to receive them personally."
