Containment control starts with the umbrella

Chapter 996 Starting the Ring Array


Heart is in the shackles of the Chinese military uniform, heard the proposal of Arthur, but the eyebrows showed her very entangled.

See here.

Arthur is also a newly added smile: "Women, this is different from the destroyed civilization, you also heard, the triangle of the self-proclaimed blue, said that the battle is not a thousand years.

Like this civilization that has not yet developed, I propose to kill directly, I think, your angel should also do a lot of such things. "

"Well ..." No deny: "Although my age is smaller, the angel record is recorded in the thousands of civilizations that have been erased by our angels."


: "But I want to know that it is ... Russell General You are for our Shenhe body, and to destroy the blush to destroy, or destroy it."

"Of course it is for our body." Arthur said, but also patted his right chest with his left hand.

"I said the wife, is your angel thinking?"

At this time, I standed on the left hand side of Zhao Xin, said: "The mottled blue has invaded our Huaxia Hai, and also attacked Xiaolun, which is not to declare war? Yan!"

"This ... Ok, I communicated with Queen Yan, explain her mottled blue interest."

After hearing the words of Zhao Xin, it is no longer entangled, but immediately opens dark communications, preparing to communicate with Yan Yan in the angel nebula.

Standing on these two opposite Arthur, he only felt that he was feeding a dog food, although he already had a wife and girlfriend.

The angels currently staying on the Earth have a total of one hundred and twenty-three, and each sign has signed a confidentiality agreement.

However, if you have the justice concept of the belief, you have a confidential agreement 'lock' loyalty, but they will still be very entangled.

Just as just your heart.

But if she guards the object, that is, Zhao Xin said, I nod to agree.

The declaration of the angels is: love him, love him, to take the pain, spend suffering, no matter how poor or rich, no matter what is poor or noble, no matter what you are in trouble, I will pull the sword for him War, I will put my wings for him, and I will never give up until forever.

This side represents in the hearts of the angels, the daemon is the most important.

'God is aligned, even if it is targeted by the angel civilization, an angel is still fighting for the object.

Lenovo, Arthur just wants to say a sentence in his heart: 'This is really a fairy love ...'

After a moment.

The happy look is constant, and the two men present: "Queen Yan has agreed to devastate the blush blue."

I heard the words, Zhao Xin wants to reach out to the lying shoulders, but why is it high, can only take a happy waist in one hand, ridicule:

"Daughter-in-law, it seems that the female Wang Yan, it is better to talk to the Queen of You."

For Zhao Xin's people showing love, it is not shy, but it is a reply:

"This is not good to talk, but the situation is different. At the beginning, the Queen of Caisa has the absolute power of any civilization. Now, our angel is falling into the quagmire, and it can only rely on foreign aid to continue to maintain justice."

Speaking of this, ignorance to Arthur: "So the Queen Yan is in order to maintain our three-party affiliates, we will compromise the muddy blue."

"Well, I can understand." Arthur Road.

"So, how do Anbrera destroys a blueprint? According to our angel intelligence, the size of the galaxy is no less than your Milky Way." Heartbely asked.

And, after telling the doubts, it is clear and clear:

"Also, in order to stabilize the entire universe, then you must never use dark matter bombs, otherwise this will accelerate the crash of the universe.

Our angels have made a war with the millennium to the millennium. If your Anbrera's troops are insufficient, the Queen Yan will send 10,000 sisters to the Earth's reinforcement. "

"10,000 angels ?!" Zhao Xin was shocked.

"Don't use it." Arthur is swinging, said that there is no need for angel support.

Striked blue has an extremely targeted female angel, sending 10,000 people, isn't it let 10,000 angels 'sister' fall?

Moreover, it is true to the detonation, Arthur can apply directly to William, so that the original Robert leads the Extreme Legion to support.

'Blue Spirit' is not covered.

Slow down.

Arthur lifted the left hand, pinched the thoughts of the jaw, and looked at the heart:

"Women, I want to know the galaxy in the spots of blue, is there only one triangle civilization?"

"Queen Yan gave me the permissions of the knowledge treasure", waiting for ... "While talking, both hands are also controlled on the screen of the center console.

Soon, a holographic star chart is present in front of the three people.

"This is the galaxy in the spots of blue." He Xinxin and Arthur explained:

"The Queen of Caisa didn't pay attention to the ambiguous blue civilization. According to the treasure bank record, the Blue belongs to an extremely extreme civilization.

Once they find the planets with water resources, they will be mandatory, regardless of whether there is other civilization on the planet.


They will slaughter all the wisdom of the planet, except for the creatures of their triangular form. "

"I am going ..." Zhao Xin said: "This is straight to the jealous order with your angel."

"So, the galaxy in the bluisher is there, there is no other civilization survived?" Arthur Road.

"Yes." It is extremely unhappy: "If it is not because Mo Ganna's Bi Po, the Queen of Caisa has prepared to trial of the spots, punish this triangle civilization for all the universe life."

"Daughter-in-law, you will still squat on the street?" Zhao Xin did not dare to confuse.

After all, in the impression of Zhao Xin, it is completely the appearance of a prostitute, and what is dirty, I have never said.

"Remove Devils ... Our angels will instinctively hate it, and this 'Bi Po', I am also learning from the Queen of Cairi ..." I was shy.

"Oh." I was fed in Arthur, I could only laugh at it.

In fact, after a long time in the play, Zhao Xin is waiting for a long time, this day is really angel, and finally learned a large number of "beautiful" Chinese vocabulary.


Arthur is awkward: "Since the wife is saying this, it is well solved because we have more effective weapons than dark objects."

I am so curiously asked: "Do you have more effective weapons than dark substances?"

"Albeis." Arthur did not answer directly, but first let Alta Misan imaging, and then the artificial intelligence:

"Contact Chairman, saying that I want to apply for the use of Ark and the use of 10,000 kilometers of aura, because the seventh fleet needs to remove the entire galaxy at one time."


The imaging in the right side of Arthur's right side, and immediately reported to Arthur's instructions, and applied for William that is in the main universe.

There is no way to take a few seconds: "The chairman has approved the use permission of the eucalyptus and Ark, which is expected to be in the universe we have in our place."

"Well." Arthur was light and continued to Alta Misans:

"Just whisper has entered the system's position of the Blue Star system, waiting for you to manipulate the Ark and the aura, implement a counterattack."

"Yes." Albeis was finished, and his holographic imaging was dissipated.

"Russell Major General, I don't know if this is ...?" I asked.

"Wait for you, you will know." Arthur smiled.



Shortly after.

"Super God" universe.

The location of the Cosmic Earth is 2 TM, and a super-giant transfer gate in diameter can reach 14,000 kilometers is generated.

Follow it.

The diameter is more than ten times in the earth, and the universe of the "Super God" is coming to the universe of the "super god". It is the seven radiopes of a diameter of 10,000 meters.

The port does not dissipate, but is in a state of continuous opening.

However, the Ark is shot, but the blue beam is shot, and the upper diameter of 20,000 kilometers is carried out in the upper floor of the Ark.

Next, seven-aura is sequentially deployed into a mottled Blue Star system in turn through Ark's 'small'.

The picture is turned.

Like God's perspective, 'overlook' mottled Blue Star system.

The galaxy in the spots of blue civilization, is different from the Milky Way in the human beings, and is one of the vortex stars.

The central point has quality, large black hole, with nearly 300 million stars, with a diameter of about 300,000 light years.

The mottled blue civilization belonging to the triangulation, only the evolution and development of thousands of years, accounting for a galaxy size, which is really worthy of Caisa's attention.


Boom ---------- ~! (X7)

The Blue Star is full, and suddenly the seven groups of seven groups larger than the stars, and this is still spreading at speed speed.

Like a steady pool, it is suddenly throwing seven boulders, and the corrugations are quickly ripple, ripple, and finally spread to the entire pool.

Almost a moment of time, the entire galaxy is taken by this seven sets of aura '.

Less than ten seconds.

The mottled Blue Star is recovered, as early as the beginning, like anything, has not happened.

The medium mini pulse wave radiation released by the aperture is pushed first, and then in a short a few seconds, it finally reaches an almost unlimited propagation speed.

Why is this, the aura can be emptied to the whole galaxy in 'instant'.

In fact, according to the pioneer literature collected by Seorna, the phenomenon of causal confinement occurs when the annular belt is initially started. For example, the 'precursor' of the pulse wave has occurred before the ring belt.

The only way known to avoid pulse is to go to the Shield World to seek shelter, or escape from the range of hits.