Containment control starts with the umbrella

Chapter 1033 Subscribe William


The Senna Station is in place, and looks around to find William.


Exceedcharge. "

At this moment, Selen suddenly heard the waistband marketing sound from around, and ...

A large amount of cone with deep purple rays, like the 'with air', the top of each T-107, so that the T-107 is spiked in the original land.

Then, the same amount of purple is the same amount of T-107, sequentially passed through these cones, and suddenly 'shot' has a T-107 tyrant.

"Boom ~ -!"

The cone disappears from the purple rays, which is replaced by all T-107 explosions.

And the flame generated during the explosion is light purple, and each of the T-107 that is burned is also an identification of 'Y'.

Then, it is still William in Upphiilong's state, reappearing in front of Selena.

Just that scene, William uses its own [Juli], breaking free of the formation of Caesar, then enter the state of [fast moving].

Then remove the cursor, insert the chip, and then install the cursor to the slot of the right calf, and finally the energy fill is performed.

Ipson's photon blood reserves are enough to make William's one-time shooting of hundreds of cursor locks.

Relying on the state of [Rapid Mobile], William has used Epson's must-killing skills to each T-107 -


It is equivalent to FAIZ [Deep Red Electric Drill], Caesar's [Gold Crush] or Delta's [ ], but the power is more than ten times more than the above three.

After all of the T-107 was solved in one time, William took the phone and directly relieved Upphydron's transformation status with the electronic sound and purple light.

He turned his head to see Linna, still in a daze, smiled and said: "These tyrants are not low, use your salary."

Severna did not reply, but used the same step to relieve transformation.

After the transformation, Srinena went to William, showing unscrupulous worships: "William, I didn't expect Upphydron to match your data, but also test other accessories?"

"I can't make it temporarily." Willia took the cursor on the right side of the belt, and the observed at the same time: "I haven't been there for this thing."

Said, William hung up the cursor back on the belt, walked toward the gate of the gate, and waved the left hand to say that Joseena will keep up.


The two passed the disinfection hallway, returned to the corridor outside the trial field, ready to return to the ground.

Walk during walk.

William asked Thorine: "How is the transformation progress of the Leo belt?"

"The technical department has replaced the belt system, but also improved the data, increased the exclusive amount of carrier gun, and it is expected to be in progress at the end of the year." Senna replied.

While two people talk, they have come to the lift.

William looked at the closed gate, sinking the film: "Thelina, set the latest Leo belt to hidden special weapons."

"Yes." Sereenina nodded.

When the Lee Bracelet is mass production, the hidden agents can no longer use heavy, complex mechanical bones and individual equipment.

The portability of the belt is obvious, which makes it easier for the agents to be more likely to do in an emergency.

Make sure it is safe while it is safe, but also has stronger combat capability than black tyrant.

Soon after the end of the two people, the promoter arrived at the underground layer of the headquarters building.

The gate opened, the two walked out of the lobby of the landing hall.

Come to the lobby of some cool.

In the first floor hall, there are only a few front desk and several security, there are still a few aunt being cleaned, after all, now I haven't arrived at the time of lunch break.

Moreover, William also knows outside the door 'ambush' with massive reporters.

There is no way, because William is officially completed, and also has the identity of the Chairman of Anbrera, as well as the well-deserved richer, and the like, making him bring their own top traffic in the network and society.

The Headquarters of Anbrera is located in the center of Havaw, which has commercial streets and fast food restaurants, which can make reporters who can stay in front of the building.

Waiting for William which day chooses to take the ground team, or if you choose to go out, these reporters will swar up.

However, the approach to the status quo of William, if the luck is better, can be short-lived with William, at least a few months or even a few years of bonus.

Although security is trying to drive away these reporters, these people are hiding in the distance, even when they are dressed as tourists.

This morning, he and Srinena came to the ground team, and the team parked in the underground parking lot on the other side of the building, responsible for the ghost agents, also in the parking room in the parking lot.

I thought about it.

These days have been taking the ground team, and I want to drive a flying boat in my heart, and I will let Chilen notify the ghost agents to put a holiday.

The two then take the elevator of the lobby and go to the flying boat parking area in the middle of the building.

Come to the middle, picking up two flying boats that have been a little fried in a surface.

This flying boat, William remember to stop here half a year, as for the reasons left here ...

He had already forgotten.

It is mainly much more.

Vehicles and flying boats that are moored in the palace garage are all commemorative or limited editions of other companies. It is like this horses aircraft.

Up to 2 million, you can't distinguish it.

car key?

There are selina, this is not a problem.

Open the car lock, start the engine, and expand the folding door on both sides, and the William selection manually manipulate in the flying boat.

Floating rising, and leaving the building to the palace manor to the suburbs under the guidance of the humanoid navigation of Seorina.

At present, Harcy and Ruibeika are assisting 049 to study aliens within the Institute of Pluto, which is said to have a significant breakthrough progress.

Since the signing of the confidential agreement, it is gradually incorporated into 'plague' and 'vaccine', and Anbrera also opens his information to make him better into society.

Every half a year, 049 has a 20 day holiday.

With these holidays, 049 will travel to earth or individual colonies, and even treat patients with students.

Patients who have been treated by 049 can rehab them in a short time, and until now, Anbrera cannot decipher the medical means of 049.

Of course, during the vacation of 049, there will be two groups of hidden agents for secret 'protection' to ensure the safety of 049, and the security of human and other races.

After returning to the palace, William and Selena put the belt carrying with you in the equipment box of the maid.

Sereenna took the equipment box of Caesar, William was put Upphydron with the Earth's equipment box in the master bedroom, waiting for Hari to return to her belt.