Continental Hero Senki

Wangdu Silonsk

The most populous and economically powerful city in the Kingdom of Silesia, that is the King's capital, Silonsk. It is not only an economic, but also a political, cultural and academic centre, with a wide variety of institutions and a wide variety of people travelling between them.

History is also ancient, and more than 1500 years ago it seemed that Silesians had built cities and countries here.

There is a military ministry building in the heart of such a king's capital, Silonsk, in an administrative section with dense facilities for political relations.

It was on 3 November that the military ministry building was reached via a temporary barracks inside the garrison on the outskirts of Silonsk. We were put through by the accounting bureau, not the HR bureau. Does that mean the accounting bureau? Paycheck, I guess.

Is it the great guy from the accounting bureau? A three-fold official named Bald Glasses Fat came to say hello to us. That's amazing, you.

"Uh, you had a long trip. I will now give you five years of cadet school and salaries by the army of the operation now. At the same time, vacation."

"... are you on vacation?

"Oh, yeah. The Human Resources Bureau contacted me... er, where did you put it... Hey, there it is, I'll read it." The cadets belonging to the 33rd Infantry Platoon of the 38th Independent Mixed Brigade will be given a lump sum and seven days' leave. I will also announce where I will be assigned after graduation after vacation. "

We did it. Besides, can I get a week off?

"Uh, then I'll call it in order now so I can get paid. At first…"


When I say pay, not all cash was handed in. I was given something like a payslip plus a deposit ledger divided by 2, except for some money. If you present this deposit ledger to the Royal Bank desk, they say it's a mechanism through which deposits are withdrawn. Well, is this neighborhood with the past life?

Finally, let me explain that the currency of this country consists of three types of metal coins: gold, silver and copper. Gold coins are worth 10 times more than silver coins, and silver coins are worth 100 times more than copper coins. It seems that the banknote has not yet been born. I think it would be nice to have some banknotes because I have a bank and a deposit ledger.

The numbers on the ledger... Yeah, well, they were in there for about the money I worked so hard to save, and because of the military allowance, a lot of that money is being transferred to my account.... I also feel cheap for the thought of dying... well, come on.

I'm on vacation after I leave the Ministry of Military Affairs, so I'm already free to move. You can go back to the makeshift barracks because there's nothing in particular to do, but I've been in cadet school for five years, and it's my first king's capital. I'd like to go for a walk or sightseeing.

"What will everyone do after this?

In the meantime, I'll ask the former Troop 334th member about his plans for reference.

"My house is in Silonsk, so I'm gonna take a peek"

"What, Radek lives in Silonsk?

"Didn't I tell you?

"It's my first ear!

You live in Wangdu or Bonbong. Oh, that's the son of a merchant. It would be quite a house because there are so many orders from the nobles. Yeah, I'm curious.

"Can't I peek, too?"



"No, somehow"

Somehow it was rejected. A visit to my friend's house for the memorial! Let's go. I don't want to go that far.

Radek ran off on his feet as he appropriately greeted the other three. Something further towards the heart of the city.... I'm not sure I live in the city centre. That's the realm of nobility. No way, huh?

"Dear Emilia... I thought you were going to say hello to your father?

"Naturally. There's so much I want to ask you."

So what?

Oh, Sire Franz. Please be well.

"... please give him a break"

"It's up to your father."

He's the one who'll never let this go.

Please, think about the extent. Because I already feel sorry for the father my daughter hated. Because I won't look at it.

"I shall accompany Emilia, too. I must report to Your Majesty."

"Why don't you escort your majesty at the end of the report?

"No. I'm Emilia's escort."

I wonder if the two of them are consigned to assassinate His Majesty the King.

Dear Emilia, when I escorted your line to the royal palace, it was only me and Sarah left before the Ministry of Military Affairs. The other cadets seemed to be scattered everywhere they wanted to go.

Sarah says nothing in particular and stands still like the cat she has borrowed. And for some reason, I don't try to keep an eye on this one.

"Um, what about Sarah?


"Um? Alive?


I don't have a penis. Looks like it's just a spring.

No, what's really going on? In the meantime, shall I wave?

I'll shake my hand in front of Sarah. Still got a reaction... hmm, there it is? Something grabbed my hand. Grabbed with great force. It hurts, Mr. Sarah. I've tried the resistance for now... but instead of letting me go, it becomes critical and tight. Ho, I think my bones are saying Mississippi!?

Sarah walked out holding my hand. Naturally, I walk out in the shape of being dragged, too.

"Um, Sarah? Mr. Sarah? Where are you going?


I don't have a penis. It's just a noose.

I can't even read your expression because you don't point your face at me this way. The only thing you can tell is that Sarah's hair is still burning bright red. He's stretched to his shoulder, but I wonder if he won't get in the way when he waves his sword.

With my doubts and slight resistance, Sarah took me to the new town of Silonsk.

Something about this.