Continental Hero Senki

Iron with emotions

In this Ostomark Empire, nationalists can be described as a considerable minority.

I think it's something different when you think about it by previous world standards, maybe because the very idea of nationalism is a modern, futuristic idea in this world. Thanks in part to the lower inter-ethnic barriers caused by the policy of unification of languages and religions of the Continental Empire.

Maybe this inter-ethnic difference in the world is just a provincial private difference in Japan in the previous life.

That's why I don't see why those who become Gin Berkson attacked Governor Crosno's office.

I don't know, because I lived as a mediocre Japanese citizen who was almost a mono-ethnic state in my previous life?


April 28.

Few knew Jin Berkson. Instead of being from Crosno in the first place, he was also not from the former Silesian territory. A few years ago, the only hard fact I found was that I moved to this crosno.

He lived in Crosno's Glades. As you can see from this, he is not financially wealthy. It is still understandable that those living in economic poverty will be sensitized to nationalism and move to radical action. But all I can say is that in this land called Crosno, where there is a high sense of belonging to the Ostomark Empire up to the poor, he is an anomaly.

"Berkson? Oh, no, you haven't seen it lately.... you mean him? I don't know. I don't know. It's not like we had a deep relationship."

"In this town, is that normal?

"I don't know. It may vary from person to person."

"Your story is fine."

"Hmm, right. I often hang out with people. It's common sense to share information about where you have a day job or a church cookout."

"... is that, regardless of ethnicity?


"Yep. You are a Silesian...... do you have that kind of relationship with the Livonians, for example?

"You bet. Money produces the same effect regardless of who uses it. Just coins."


"I don't think there are any Livonia's poor..."

I asked some people around, but this was the most useful information. When I gave him one piece of copper coin as an information fee, he vanished into the alley in the Glades. Your wallet is a little lighter.

By the way, Mr. Fine is not with us today. I'm the only one who can gather this kind of information, and if you think about it, acting with the First Livonia nobility and asking the Silesians in the Glades about the situation, it's a foolish thing to say.

Um, but you're stuck.

I couldn't touch the core of the person to be Berkson, and I don't know why he went into radical behavior.

Let's change our perspective a little bit.

As a resident of this town, not a Silesian, let's be Jin Berkson.

That's how I lay on the spot. Like street dwellers, ascertain the feeling of the ground with the nerves of your cheeks. Well, in a previous life, there was a detective who suddenly fell asleep on the ground to find out how the victim felt in some kind of drama...

It's only noon, but it's a little cold. The ground is still cold, and it's hard to sleep because of it. At least the pillow...... no, even the newspaper at this time. I want something between my body and the ground for now.

I was complaining about the ground (bed) for a while, and I think.

Was Berkson feeling this hard and cold ground without support from anyone? If so, I think that's a pretty lonely thing to do.

But there will be no radical ethnic movements in this state.

If I were in this state, my desire for my place of origin would come first, rather than my awareness of my country, which I have never been to. If it were me... right, in cadet school? You'll remember the days Sarah kept beating me up.

If we don't pinch him between the steps yet, we won't know how he feels.

"You'll catch a cold sleeping in that place, Captain"

Suddenly he was called out, and when he opened his eyes haphazardly, Mr. Fine stood before him. If I may be exact, there was a pair of shoes Mr. Feene was wearing.

Thank you. I was too obsessed to think about it, and I didn't seem to realize it until just before. Though you had your eyes closed, you'd notice it in your footsteps.

"It feels good to be out there, Mr. Feene."

In the meantime, I'll respond with a lie down.

There are, naturally, socks on Mr. Fine's shoes, and if you look further up, you have raw feet, and if you follow your gaze further up... you'll see later?

Move only the eyeballs so that Mr. Feene can't sprinkle them. A little more, a little more...

"Captain, I have a report for you. Just wake up."

"Do I really have to wake up?

"Yes, because I'm a little concerned about the captain's gaze."


I got up and sat down for now. I feel like I'm losing a lot when I stand up. When this happened, I thought I'd just watch my legs, but Mr. Feene noticed where my heart or gaze was. Mr. Feene moved next to my right and sat down on the spot for what he called a girl.

Well, is this Ali?

Young men and women in military uniforms sit at the edge of the streets of the slums. What is this?

"So, what was the captain doing?

"Hmm? Yeah. Well, you know, I thought I'd find out what kind of person Berkson was."

"... so you were asleep?

"Well. Mr. Berkson, who seems to be a street man, wants to know why he did it. So, I just tried to be Berkson to find out. Well, I don't think it worked very well."

If I dare say so, is it to the extent that I was a little happy to meet someone I knew (Mr. Feene) when I was feeling a little sentimental?

I can't tell you how embarrassed I am about that.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. So what is a report?

"Yes. Late, here's some information about what the captain was concerned about. This way, sir."

That's what she said and handed me the documents she had beside her. Three pieces in number, but the information obtained is significant.

When I looked to the right, worried about Fuji's gaze, Mr. Fine looked at us as a giddy for some reason. What is it? Is there something on your face?

"Captain is amazing."

Mr. Feene praised. It's been a long time.

"What's the matter, suddenly? There's nothing to praise, is there?

"I'm not asking for anything in return. 'Cause I just said what I thought."

Speak what you think, huh? That's not a word worthy of a person named Mr. Feene.

Is it rather weak, not by appearance?

"Nothing. I'm not great. I'm just using the information Mr. Feene's been working on."

If Mr. Feene hadn't been here, I might have been pursued by now as an embassy member on the verge of annihilation.

But Mr. Feene seems to have a slightly different view.

"No, I didn't do anything"

"But even this information..."

"That information is the result of an examination by the Earl of Linz family. I just put it together, put it in writing and gave it to the captain. Not only that information, but all the information I've given you since I met the captain is from my father's work."

In those words, I think I got a glimpse of why she's been depressed the last few days. Still, was he doing his job by trapping that depressing feeling in his own mind?

That would be a commendable action. If I were you, I'd want to throw it all out and get away from reality.

"... I said something nagging. I'll tell you more about the information."

But this can't last long. It would be better to drain some gas before it's too late.

Erotic people said people are as prone to depression as people who don't put their emotions on the table and seriously do their duty.

"Mr. Fine."

"What is it, Captain?"

Though I said...... how can I put it? Be manly and say, "Cry with my breasts!" or something? "No, I'd rather not pull it off. And I can sue you for sexual harassment.

... Simple and good? If you think about it, it's a weird story to think too deeply about and consult with people who get depressed.

"I can always talk to you."


Don't you see? Or do you pretend not to know?

"Mr. Feene, things have been strange lately."

"... that's not true"

That's not true! I can't say strongly. The other person just becomes solid. She's a man of high pride.

... a man of high pride. Half of humans with high pride say they are building high pride as a wall to hide the weakness of their minds. The other half is just a narcissist, by the way.

"It's fine to be strong. But no matter how many iron hearts you had, there's a limit. If you beat the iron dozens or hundreds of times, it will break your heart."

"… but the sword increases its strength by tapping the iron over and over again"

Seems like her, it's an insightful objection. That is also the proof left that her spirit is still in equilibrium. But that's only the annotation "so far".

"'Strike the iron while it's hot,' I've said for a long time. But, Mr. Feene, that also means it works because it hits hot."

Not if Mr. Feene is in a hot state right now. If I beat him in this condition, he'll just break it down with metal fatigue.

Because all she needs is "get hotter. Whoa, whoa, whoa!" But, well, you can't do that. I can't contain the first burning and rolling passage. Mr. Fine is not Mr. Fine anymore, is he?

"Mr. Fine's iron (heart) has already been completed. That's why I'm sure it's still durable enough to say the strengths, but that would also be the limit"

"... So what do you want me to do?

She still has a cold voice that doesn't put her emotions on the table. But thank you. I don't rely on no heart.

Maybe she's not killing emotions. I guess you don't know how to get your emotions out well.

"Iron cannot communicate his heart to others. You can only wait and wait until you break and crush yourself. But..."

But she's not iron. Inorganic, untouched, tasteless and dry, not unspeakably cold metal.

He's an iron-minded, emotional person.

"Mr. Feene is human. I have feelings, I'm human."

It'll be easier if we talk. That sounds like interrogation to me, but that's the most important thing to her right now.

And I'm an emotional person, too. So I can do enough to listen to her words in silence. Probably.

Of a few minutes of silence, she slowly and with a small voice began to vent her own mood. That's not even like her in a way, but it's not a good idea to keep it hoarded forever.

Let's be happy now that Fine von Linz walked out.