Continental Hero Senki

Castel Carinino

It was at 8.30 a.m. on 6 June that the cavalry and Princess Emilia, led by Lt. Col. Darius Meisel, arrived at the Siresia-Lasquino border. As initially planned, he switched horses in the lean of the rear base of the Royal Army and ran at all costs, so he arrived at the border in just one day, a distance that would take 10 days at the original march speed.

"From here on out it will be another country. I'll go negotiate, so the squad will be right here."

Copy that, sir.

Prior to the cavalry entering Laskino were Princess Emilia and her escorts, as well as Lieutenant Colonel Miesel, the commander of the cavalry, and Captain Sarah, who took part in the Laskino War for Independence. But when you say immigration, there's not something on the border. In this country, which has not been around long since independence, we cannot put as many troops as we can at the border.

Carinino is half-day away from the border with his horse running at all costs. Thus, on the evening of June 7, Emilia One Line arrived at its destination.

Carinino is a fortified city protected by a castle wall that is more splendid than the old town of Lasquino. But at the outset of the Raskino War of Independence, fewer than 300 independent troops defended the city, so they have surrendered lightly to the Imperial Army's repressive forces. But lucky or unhappy, unlike Raskino, which became a fierce battle, the city had suffered less damage.

When the War of Independence ended in the victory of the Laskino Independence, the Imperial Army also withdrew from Carinino, he said. It is unclear why we let go of Carinino, which was an important city as a base against Silesia, but anyway, Carinino also made up with the Free State of Laskino.

Princess Emilia was able to enter the city's interior in minutes when she revealed her identity to the soldiers guarding the castle gate.

It turns out that the city, like Laskino, had a majestic castle in the centre, and, unlike Laskino, was protected by walls in the form of almost true circles.

Emilia wanted to take her time sightseeing, to be honest, but remembering that it was not the time now, she quickly proceeded to walk to the castle, which combines the central Carinino government building.

But there was an unexpected person waiting at the entrance to the castle.

"It's been a while. Dear Emilia Vistula, No, Her Royal Highness Princess Emilia Silesia, you were."

"... Yes. Long time no see. Lieutenant Colonel Nikita Tarasov"

The man, known as Nikita Tarasov, is an officer of the Imperial Army of the Eastern Continent, who once led and braved an elite sword army on the Raskino offensive southwest front and was a prisoner of the Raskino Independence Army.

The only person familiar with him is Emilia, who made a direct surrender recommendation on the southwest front. She looked at the person in front of her like a rare beast, but Sarah, who was beside her, quickly put her hand on the pattern of the sword when she remembered Tarasov's name. Until a few months ago, you fought as an enemy, and if you are still an Imperial Army officer who may be an enemy, that response is correct.

But when Emilia quickly stopped Sarah from pulling out her sword, she went one step further and asked him.

"... may I ask why Lieutenant Colonel Tarasov is here and why?

"I don't mind. But what is it here? Please go inside."

He urges him to do so, while exposing Emilia to a row of defenseless backs and walking out. It was also a sign of intent that he was unwilling to put his hands on Emilia's line.

Tarasov took the lead in answering Emilia's questions a little while earlier.

"I'm here for a couple of reasons. The first is that from that moment I was taken prisoner, the Empire has no place for me"

"... why?

"In the Empire, it is forbidden for officers to be taken prisoner, at least before they are built. It is permissible for junior soldiers to be spoiled and taken prisoner, but those above the rank of sergeant are kept confidential, so there are military disciplines that forbid them to be taken prisoner."

"I mean, you think there's just a military law conference waiting for you when you get back to the empire?

"Exactly. I know it won't be capital punishment, but it will be disgraceful discharge."

Emilia, hearing that, had to laugh in her heart. That was not to laugh at Tarasov, but because he remembered the presence of Luis Gromoiko, senior general of the Imperial Army, who was taken prisoner of Silesia in this war. He doesn't just spoil himself and become a prisoner for what he wants to help, he even gives orders to disarm five Imperial Army divisions that were besieging Yaroswav. No shame, no hearsay, he was throwing away all things to protect his life.

Regardless, she also knows that that is not a common perception of high-ranking Imperial Army officers. At the end of the Zalesier meeting, Senior General Wallery Popov, Chief of General Staff of the Imperial Army, has taken his own life after accepting the Royal Army's recommendation to surrender and ordering the entire army to disarm. She understood that Popov's last possession as a samurai made him do so.

When Emilia salutes Popov again in her heart, she continues to ask Tarasov questions.

"Is your family okay?

"... right. That's the second reason. If I go back to the Empire and disgrace myself, my family will be annoyed. My house is for once aristocratic, but still a baroness with low political voice. If I return from the war, the house will be destroyed."

"I see..."

Tarasov's voice was a terribly emotionless one, but Emilia thought that might be proof that he strongly wanted to "see his family". Maybe his "family" would have included lovers, wives, and children. If Tarasov is being treated as a war dead, he should have a second-class special, and his family should have a survivor's pension out of the imperial government. But if he returns, he will just be forfeited of all his pensions, or he will have to live with the stigma of "cowardice and his family".

That is why Tarasov could not return to the Empire.

If he doesn't act, will all his weak emotions be on the table and his spirit collapse to such an extent that he can no longer retain himself? When she thought of it, she had to recognise that the Imperial Army General was the same person as the King Silesian people.

But Emilia was not allowed to stop, nor did she try to stop.

Even though she recognized herself as a human being at the edge of a mass murderer who had shed many people's blood and tears, she was determined to fight to protect her country.

"This will be the Executive Office of the Chief Executive. I have already told the chief that Her Royal Highness Princess Emilia will be here, so please take your time."

"Yep. Thank you, Mr. Tarasov."

Emilia opened the office door after staring often at the back of Tarasov as he walked away.