Continental Hero Senki

Military Counsellor Daily

His Highness Emilia, His Highness the Toto Military Inspector and his deputy, Maya, followed the Governor's Office as they went on an inspection of the Krakow Garrison, where Radek and Sarah were located. In the meantime, when I'm away, I have to do some clerical work as a military counselor.

The cases that can be handled as military counsellors are taken up immediately, and the work that requires the signature of a military inspector is summarised and remembered in his own head to reduce the burden on His Highness Emilia.

Your Highness' scheduling is Maya's job, so maybe it's easier than when she was a deputy assistant. And most importantly, it would naturally be more tempting to help His Highness Emilia, his best friend, than Brigadier General Sternback's Pasilli, the political enemy.

That said, there is a lot of work to be done sometimes after the war.

"Next..." Request for additional budget for the Tserini prison camp "?"

50,000 prisoners of the Eastern Continental Imperial Army are still abundant in Silesia. To be the material in the forthcoming ceasefire negotiations with the Empire, the costs of managing temporary built prisoner camps are heavily overwhelmed in the Kingdom of Silesia, which gasps at financial difficulties. Will this expense also eventually be made to be paid by the Empire?

I wish I'd just given up on Valavillier's assignment and plenty of compensation. Then it'll be a little easier.

"... it seems that the Tserini camp was originally indeed a prison for ordinary criminals"

Silesia in financial difficulty is aiming to cut expenses by converting prisons to prisoner camps. It does seem to have had its effect, but another problem is erupting. That is the "no criminal allowed in because the prison is full of prisoners" issue.

This makes the court say, "Huh? You're not free in jail? Then this guy didn't make a big deal out of it, so we'll commute the sentence to just a fine". Murderers who would otherwise be jailed are released to the city well after fines and suspended sentences. I wouldn't do that if I were scared.

This time the Tserini prisoner camp, the Tserini prison, is a private camp maintained by the Duke Krakowski family. According to the dossier, the capacity is 1,200. But they say 2,000 people now live in small camps because they are forced to pack them to feed their captives.

But he's only been given enough to run out of the camp budget by the end of the month if it stays this way. For once, subsidies seem to be coming out of the country, but water on the burning stone.

... Hmm, that's pretty serious. I can't tell you to release a criminal or a prisoner. None.

The Counsellor has no authority to execute the budget. All I can do is calculate how much more budget will be critical enough within the year. Uh, no more. I want a calculator. At this time, an Abacus may be used.

I would have really thrown my job out here when I was a deputy aide, but now I have a pure manhood that wants to show His Highness Emilia a good place, so I'll do my best to calculate.

The draft proposal is completed by a dozen minutes of fighting. All I have to do is give this to His Highness Emilia and pack up the story.

Finish about five jobs in the next few hours. Even so, it's not exactly the end of the matter because I need His Highness's signature later.


You can go for it already......

I just said, the office door was knocked.

"Excuse me while you work. Captain."

"Nha, it's okay. I was just resting. So, what's up?

It was Corporal Savitsky, a subordinate of His Highness Emilia and my subordinate, who came in. But Her Highness Emilia has a Maya, so she's almost a graduate of mine.

The girl's obedience was good, I didn't even think, but Maya said, "There's basically nothing more than a lieutenant, is there?". However, it is ridiculous to seek an officer's graduation in his capacity as captain, so I left it to Corporal Savitsky, who was the youngest of the candidates for graduation. He's 19 this year.

"Captain Waresa has been approached at the entrance to the Governor's Office."

"Visit? Did you plan on doing that?

"No, he said he didn't make any promises"

Without an appointment, to see me? Anyway, if it's His Highness Emilia or something, who says you're coming to see me?

"What horsebone guy?

"If you tell the captain that you are a messenger from Ostmarc, you will know."

Oh, okay. No, I don't know exactly who it is, but I figured out what it was for.

"Please let that person through to the reception room next door. And a cup of coffee."
