Continental Hero Senki

Behind the case

Sarah suddenly said, "You've been stuck in your room for a long time, so you're blunt. We got bogged down for saying" a bit of training, "the National Police Commissioner's disciplinary action was notified, and Liselle wrote to me," Naturally, we have a lot of consideration for our work, don't we? "It would have been September 9th sometime if they had requested it, exchanged information with Mr. Berkson, or helped Colonel Emilia, a military inspector.

Maya called me when I was a lot tired and snagged in my room. I wanted it to be later because I wanted to go to bed, but I had to obey when they said, "The Ministry of Military Affairs is sending me a circular."

In spite of his vacation, he wears military uniforms and appears in the military inspector's office. It seems natural that His Highness Emilia and Mr. Maya are in the room, and somehow Sarah and Radek were also in the room waiting for my arrival. What is this?

"... why are we all here?

"Oh, that's because the Ministry of Military Affairs is very important."


That's important enough to call Sarah and Radek. Was there even a war? If Grand Duke Carol was dead or something, I'd be thrilled.

"Let's just read it." Yuzef Waresa. He who is on the right, shall be appointed Major of the Royal Army ". That's it."

"... Yes?

"So, Mr. Yuzef. Congratulations on your promotion."

... Huh?

"Why do you look so crazy?"

"Oh, no, you know, I don't feel like I have a name for promotion..."

I didn't take the samurai promotion exam, I didn't put up a medal in the war. Then I thought you were recognized for your achievements as a deputy assistant, but I hear you were about to get a salary cut instead of a promotion drop off.

What happened?

It was not the fellows in front of me who answered such a question, but the person who emerged from behind.

"Sounds like an immediate arrival from His Majesty the King!

"What, Mr. Ilia!? Why are you here!?

Ilia Landovska was there when she wrote to me about the Wang capital. She is the daughter of Baron Randowski, Internal Affairs Letter, a researcher affiliated with the Magic Research Bureau of the Ministry of Military Affairs. The example part is smaller than Mr. Maya's, but still earthly.

That's not important.

And furthermore, Mr. Ilia, Mr. Henrik appeared nudged from behind. Scary.

It's been 10 months since this member's been aligned. Last time it was at the Duke Krakowski residence in the Wang capital, and this time at the consular governor's office of the Duke of Krakowski. Is it also a bondage that we have to meet in the Duke's building?

"What I'm here for is an inspection of the Department of Applied Magic at Yogaira University in Krakow. Nominally."


"The real reason is to drink with Yuzef."

Whoa. Are you kidding me? Tell me you're joking.

"Well, don't look like that. It's okay. They're all here for good reason."

"Oh, really?

Skip in a group? Besides, are you gonna start a liquor bar in the military inspector's office? For some reason, Ilia has a liquor bottle, and Maya is removing distilled liquor (vodka) from the butler to see where it was hidden.

"Well, anyway. Yuzef-kun was promoted as a result of the words spoken by His Majesty the King, or His Highness Emilia's father, to the Ministry of Military Affairs. That's what my father, or Baron Randowski, said."

"What... you mean His Highness Emilia did something?

"No, I have nothing..."

If we're not even talking about via His Highness Emilia, what do you mean?

"I'll answer for that."

It was Mr. Henrik who said. At the point where Mr. Henrik says he knows, it smells a little like a conspiracy.

"In the first place, the HR of His Highness Emilia's line seems to be the difference between the Chancellor, Grand Duke Carol"

"Oh, did you!?

Her Royal Highness Emilia had her eyes round. Or maybe everyone in this room looked alike.

"This is what Ensign Paderevski told me, but sends His Highness Emilia to the Duke of Krakowski territory. Then automatically the deputy, Lord Maya, and the Kingsguard Cavalry, Lord Marinovska, will also be transferred. And after arresting Lord Marinovska for wrongdoing, I expected His Highness Emilia and His Highness Maya to go into reckless behavior."

If we catch Sarah, His Highness Emilia and Mr. Maya move. To help my best friend, I hit him badly and strangle him there. That's all I expected, but it seems the Grand Duke had further ambitions.

"If there is a rebellion in the territory of the Duke of Krakowski and a military inspector and his deputy take it lightly to release the murderer, Lord Marinovska, then naturally the Governor of the territory of the Duke of Krakowski, or Vitort Krakowski, will also be held accountable. If that happens..."

"I see. Your uncle aimed to weaken the Duke Krakowski territory itself. Pursue the responsibilities of the Governor General and divide part of the territory among the Grand Duchy nobles. Is that the place?"

"I think Your Highness is right. Most importantly, this includes Ensign Paderevski and my guess..."

The Grand Duke won't be insulted if he thinks about it so much and sets up a wrongful case. I don't know what would have happened if Sarah had been arrested and her body was being held by the police...

"How did Sarah know the police department was after herself?

"Woman's Question"

You'd be too scared of Sarah.

"... back to you, how does that relate to my promotion?

I don't think I'm connected to His Majesty the King.

"Oh, let me explain that, too. This is what I heard from my contemporaries, but His Majesty the King seems to have detected this Grand Duke's movements from an unknown stage. As a precaution, you must have struck a hand that you could hit."

"... No way"

"That's right. Yuzef Waresa's order for the recall of the King's capital and his transfer to Krakow is due to pressure exerted by His Majesty the King on the Ministry of Military Affairs"

... Seriously.

"So, but why me?

"His Majesty the King knew about you. The report of Lord Maya from the cadet school and his accomplishments as deputy aide. And I guess this is what I thought." If we put a man named Yuzef Waresa beside Emilia, we might do something about it. "

That, somehow, is an honorable thing...

No, no, no, no, no. Scary, how does His Majesty know that!

"So, having managed to do so, did your father work for the Ministry of Military Affairs to promote Mr. Yuzef?


Maybe now, but will you stop dragging me into the rough waves of aristocratic society...

For a while, I couldn't stand without Sarah in shock.

A few minutes later, when I finally got back on my feet, the venue was already working on preparing for the banquet.

With that said, was it true that Ilia said, "Everyone on this scene has a good reason"? Let's just ask in turn. Maybe Mr. Ilia's mistake exists at the particulate level. No, I don't think so anymore.

"... Why is His Highness Emilia here?

"Nominally, to conduct affairs as an inspector"

There's no such thing as paperwork on his desk, and instead, there's just a cup with the same pattern as me. I'm nominally saying, and is that Your Highness willing to skip...

"Um, is the job better?

"It's okay. I don't have a rush case, and I don't drink alcohol to make sure there's nothing wrong with it."

Should this be seen as advanced skimming, or should I take it that His Highness Emilia, who has weak alcohol, refused to drink well? Both. Both of them.

"Maya... nothing"

"No, why aren't you asking?

"'Cause you say,' It's your role as an undersecretary to follow your master's actions, 'right?

"... but you're right"

I knew it. Can I see this as a sign of loyalty, too? No, you can't.

"What about Sarah?

"I was granted leave of absence by the commander of the regiment with utmost seriousness. I thought I'd take Julia with me, but when it comes to drinking, it's not a bit educational, is it?

Sure. I don't feel good if I show Julia how drunk and crying Mr. Sarah is.

... No, it might be a good idea to show that kind of scene and sharpen your worship of Sarah. Let's look at the gap and call Julia too.

"What about Radek?

"I have the permission of the base commander, too, to be absolutely honest."

"What, then good..."

It's not like I'm allowed to take a vacation.

"Hey, what do you mean?"

"I have permission to go to the Governor's Office while I finish all my errands because I need the military inspector's autograph."

"So, all the errands, you don't mean the booze, do you?

"Oh, you got it!

I was surprised to hear Radek's cheerful voice. You'll see. You almost answered.

"... for once, I'll ask you one last time, what about Mr. Henrik?

"Skip it."

"I had a feeling about that..."

He said, "I pretended it would take six hours to get the job done in half an hour, and I came here with the remaining five hours and 30 minutes".

... I don't know what this is anymore. I don't like it. I'm leaving now.

And there's no way it's the hard part of the world.

"That's why I drink to the point where I can't beat each boss! To celebrate Yuzef-kun's promotion, kanpai!

The banquet, which broke down at the head of Mr. Ilia's toast, became more noisy than before, including involving Corporal Savitzki, a graduate, calling Yulia to show Sarah's crying face, and sneaking grape distillery liquor (brandy) into the tea that His Highness was drinking to make His Highness feel barely drunk.

I'm glad you didn't jump in on an important project, but I kept drinking the coffee poured into the matching coffee cup with His Highness right in front of me.

"Oh, the cup of Yurofu is so sweet with Emilia! Me too!

"Oh, hey, I'll drop you if you treat me so abusively!

These past few days, I got the wings to buy the same cup for Sarah.

That is another story.