Continental Hero Senki

Emilia Division

November 11.

Almost completed the formation of troops, the drafting of operational plans and the development of replenishment plans.

By borrowing personnel from the Duke's army and the 3rd Cavalry Regiment of the Kingsguard Division, and even from regular Royal Army units, the total number of troops entering the command of His Highness Emilia is about 10,000 per division.

Including the Heavy Soldiers, who are responsible for backward support such as supply, will be 13,000. Supplementary supplies were decided to be supported by the Ostomark Empire, but not only that, they also made a request for support to the displaced capitalists from Carlsbert. Instead of the Kingdom of Silesia committing itself to the protection of their lives and property, it asked for money and supplies for civil war intervention. Negotiations are currently underway around the Secretary of Civil Affairs, but they have 70% approval.

If I told Radek in charge of replenishing this,

"Say it quickly!

And I was kicked out. He finally threw me a bunch of paperwork in his hand.

I took a look at some of the documents thrown at me, but apparently I was planning on replenishing them all night for three days and three nights, worrying my head about how to sprain supplies and war money in the poor Silesian kingdom.

So, it means I wasted it in one word.

Yeah, that, what?

I'm so sorry.

I had just recognised once again that the three principles of reporting, communication and consultation were important, and that dinner suitably clouded the tea with a little expensive rice for Radek that day.

And the next November 12 at 10: 30 PM.

I got a little problem here. Rather than that, I have never noticed this issue before.

"Not enough rank"

and is the word of His Highness Emilia. Maya and I both grasped the meaning at first because it was an abrupt statement during the executive.

"Is it a class?

"Yes, this time I'm going to command one division, but my rank is still 'Colonel'"

"... ah"

It is usually the Major General who commands one division. Brigadier General has one brigade, Colonel has one regiment. In other words, His Highness Emilia is about two classes short.

There's no way the colonel commands one division, and if he's forced to do that, he's invited to rebel. I said to my men, "Colonel, don't give orders!" It becomes a crowd of the U.N. when they say so.

"... is there any way?

"It's not..."

Her Highness Emilia looked awesome and spicy, but she taught me how to do it and how to do it. That is the "field commissioner".

"What is it?

"In times of war, that's what you do when you run out of commanders. An easy-to-understand example is" War Death. "

For example, suppose there was Major General A, who commanded a division, and Brigadier General B, a deputy commander. But what did I do wrong? Major General A died in battle, and that division was absent from command. Activated at that time is the "field commissioner", and Brigadier General B will continue to promote him to Major General as a temporary measure and command his division.

And if Brigadier General B is also killed in action and no longer has an officer in the division, he says Colonel C may be promoted to Major General.

Since it is only a temporary measure, it is decided that there would not have been that promotion when the war ended or when a substitute human came to power. That is, in the case of Mr. B, to the Brigadier General, and in the case of Mr. C., to the Colonel.

"To whom does that authority lie?

"... I'm a superior officer"

You're a superior officer. Well, so is that.

... So, who is His Highness Emilia's superior officer? Surely a military inspector is the head of the Duke's military division, isn't he?

Speaking of superiors in the Duke's territory, he was base commander of the Krakow garrison, and the rank was certainly Brigadier General. But it's a different system for the Duke's Territorial Military Inspector and the Kingdom's Regular General...

Seen inside the Duke's Governor's Office, his boss is His Excellency Governor Vitort Krakowski, but that man is a civilian...

Oh, really who? No way. Ministry of Military Affairs? Don't you need a field commissioner or something to get there? You can follow the formal procedures, and you can't afford that much time. If you're sloppy, the national sect will only expand its power.

Apparently His Highness Emilia is also worried about exactly that, and has been roaring for a while now. No matter how good His Royal Highness says he is, he doesn't have all the personnel rules of the Royal Army.

But you can't just do it right. If you don't get a kick around there, you'll be in trouble later. The easiest thing to do is pull out the right general and have him in command, but it's impossible to bring a trusted general in from now on.

... there is no choice at this time. Let's go with that hand.

Same day at 13: 40.

Me, Her Royal Highness Emilia and Mr. Maya met with a certain person. He is the head of the "Kingdom of Karlsbert," His Majesty King Karel Tu Rihinov.

I have already told him that Silesia will side with the royalists. But before that, I had to solve this class problem, and I came to do a little favor about it.

"I understand the problem. So, what do you want me to do?

It was me, the originator, not His Highness Emilia, who answered that.

"It's not that difficult, Your Majesty. I want you to know that I will lend 13,000 soldiers from my Duke's army to the Royal Karlsbert Army and will be under its command."

In other words, it gives nominal command to the Royal Karlsbert Army, or the Royalists. That way, if only in form, His Highness Emilia would become a subordinate of His Majesty Karel, where he would temporarily promote His Highness Emilia as a general using a field commissioner or a wartime commissioner, and would give Major General Emilia substantial command on the battlefield.

It's a somewhat far-fetched way, but this is a legal and less repulsive way to do it. What you're doing isn't much different from the brave martial arts during the Laskino War, is it?

His Majesty Karel leaned down for a moment and thought, but immediately replied:

"It would be good. Accept the Duke's 13,000 until the end of the Civil War and welcome Lord Emilia Silesia with Major General's treatment."

Thus, finally, everything is ready.

Our nominal affiliation is the 7th Interim Division of the Royal Karlsbert Army, or the 32nd Special Division of the Royal Silesian Army.

And the name "Emilia Division" was given by His Majesty Karel as an unofficial name.

The commander is Colonel Emilia Silesia (Major General's treatment). His Highness Emilia appointed Captain Maya Krakowska as his deputy and Captain Rasdwav Novak as his supply staff.

Major Sarah Marinovska will also join the battle as the third section chief of the Kingdom's strongest third cavalry regiment for this operation. In addition to that, Mr. Fine was to accompany His Highness Emilia as a martial artist of the Games and assist her in intelligence matters.

By the way, Berkson is a civilian, so he'll leave a message at the consulate, providing indirect support from the rear. Thank you.

And I, Major Yuzef Waresa, to the Chief of Operations and Staff...... said Chief of Staff!?

"Can't you?

"Yes, no, with all that fear... Besides, I'm in action for the first time after graduation..."

"That's a useless worry. Mr. Yuzef can do it."

... If this fails, the trust from His Highness Emilia is going to fall to the ground. Akan, I need to work desperately hard......!

13 November.

His Majesty Karel, and troops led by His Highness Emilia, left Krakow and headed all the way to Karlsbert.