"Oh, I was here."

I finished the whole Sergei story, and now I was suddenly talked to when I was worried with what I was going to do. I wondered who the Lord of the Voice was in the first place who I spoke to, but I resolved quickly for the latter.

Whatever, because the person looked just like someone I knew well. Instead of just saying that, I wondered if it would look like this if I grew the person for another five or six years.

Before she grew up, she said who she was after a small sigh of sigh.

"... sister"

When did you hear that, Fine von Linz's sister? The eldest son of the Earl of Linz family, a person who will put it in the future and succeed its housekeeper.

It was Claudia von Linz.


"This is my sister Claudia," Mr. Fine briefly introduced to His Highness Emilia and others who were unaware of the circumstances. With an awesome clerical look and face. I found myself trying to keep my emotions off the table.

Introduced by his sister, Mr. Claudia greets His Highness Emilia and others. Her greeting was in a guttering format, but I don't even feel like a textbook performance. Do you mean people who can behave like this with nature? Is this also a human imperative skill born into an aristocratic firstborn?

Even so, Mr. Claudia resembles Mr. Fine. Faces, voices, hair, of course, being a tea pie, a little bit of what Mr. Feene did was similar to that. Is it hereditary, or similar to the person who taught you manners?

However, there are, of course, differences.

Or I'm more pronounced that way, so I'm willing to end up landing the conclusion "you're a sister but not at all".

First one. The facial expressions are diverse and often change.

Though she has softened lately, Mr. Fine, an iron mask, rarely shows a smile other than self-derision. By contrast, I don't know if it's a social decree, but Mr. Claudia spreads a smile anyway.

And the second...,

"Well, you're a friend of the rumored father. You look surprisingly cute. Oh, could it be a girl?


"Right! Your father's interested in getting Fine married, and you can't possibly be a girl! How old are you if I say so?

"16, at 17 this year... Um"

"I see. 17. I mean, you're not like Fine. Yeah, yeah, you're just fine. You look great. Pretty sister and pretty brother-in-law. Yeah, yeah, sounds good. What if we get married?

"No, I don't think so."

"Why not?... Ok. You like being older!

"No, if you're not too far away, you don't really care about your age, do you, Mr. Claudia?


"It's time, I'm glad you're away..."

Two, for some reason, I suddenly got a hug. And in front of a princess of a country!

Mr. Feene would never do something like this. Her Royal Highness Emilia and the others are black-and-white on this matter of boulders, but I'm probably the one most perplexed on this occasion.

Explain to me what the hell this is all about!

Are you sure this man is Mr. Feene's sister, the daughter of that Earl of Linz!?


"No, it's not 'er', it's about to be hard"

The situation behind Mr. Claudia's head, that, there's a big array, is pretty tough. I'm desperately trying to figure something else out right now, and I'm gonna rough it up, because I'm holding that one in!

"Nfu, it's a boy... Oh, I came up with a good thing. Hey, you, why don't you marry me?

"Yes no!?

You can't leave me. What are you talking about up there, this guy!?

"'Cause you're not marrying Fine, are you? But marrying you certainly has advantages for my Count's family. [M] So it means let's get married. In this case, I won't be able to succeed the eighty-nine titles, but I have other siblings, so no problem. I mean, I like younger boys. So I could marry you without bothering the house..."

Hey, wait. What's that noise now? Mr. Claudia's voice quality is getting completely different from the first one, and I don't know what this is anymore.

"It's a good idea, don't you think? Hey, why don't you marry me? And..."


And here Mr. Feene broke in between me and Mr. Claudia. Thanks to you, what could be described as Mr. Claudia's rampage was interrupted and I was opened up. Good. It was time for a lot of limitations.

Speaking of Mr. Fine, who succeeded in stripping Mr. Claudia, he was uncommonly angry... isn't it uncommon? Mr. Feene pissed me off in scattered Ostmarc.

"Sister Claudia, think of the place and the time. This is the venue for the pageant, in front of Princess Emilia, and in a few hours."

"Uh, but -..."

"But it's not. It's not the first time your sister's run off, so I'm used to it."

It's not my first time... When I heard from Mr. Feene, I was more like, "A woman who can do her job! I just imagined it was like," What the... here's the thing, huh?

"Fine, can I ask you something?

"What is it, sister? I wouldn't ask for an excuse."

"I wonder why you stopped saying 'no'. Your point is that I stopped 'cause I can't read the air', but that would be funny to stop 'no', wouldn't it?


Mr. Fine rarely solidified. I can't see the look on her face because I'm turning my back on this one, but I can see that from Mr. Claudia. It's super stingy.

"Well, that's... Claudia, who succeeds the governor. Even if your sister marries Major Yuzef, there's trouble at home..."

"Didn't you explain the matter? Nothing. I don't have a problem letting a kid other than my oldest son succeed me, and you know Vera and Reinart are good, right?

"But your sister said your father brought in a story about the friendship if you ask...!

"What's the matter, Fine? You're blushing so much."

"I didn't."

"Hmm? Doesn't look like it. Well, fine. It's bad for your father, but we're probably gonna have a breakthrough."

"... why not?

"Hmm? Because I was older"


I don't see it, but I think it's definitely Mr. Feene's mouth cracking right now. You can bet. Mr. Fine and Mr. Claudia, recovering from shock, said in a whisper, but Mr. Fine's disastrous defeat to see how it went.

From Mr. Claudia's mouth he said, "Fine was cute when he was little too. Whatever it is about me," Mr. Fine forced Mr. Claudia to go around.

And on the battlefield site, you'll be looking more dazed than Mr. Fine. Me and His Highness Emilia, Sarah and Mr. Maya will stay.

"I don't know what to say, but she's struggling."

To Sarah's words, we could only snort together.

By the way, Mr. Fine then walked away from the scene when he came back but said, "I'm going to go chill my head a little, so I'm going to take my seat off".

...... I can finally see why Mr. Fine doesn't like Mr. Claudia.

And I was sure.

Mr. Claudia is definitely the daughter of the Earl of Linz.