Continental Hero Senki

The end of the conflict

24 August.

The Central Army of Christ (Tagma) halted Probdiv's offensive, lifted the siege and retreated.

That's more than just retreat or retreat. They retreated neatly, in order. Besides, it's not a counter-attack, it's an interception.

And the central army chose it as the place to intercept the Ostmark army, a place called Harmanli, three days east of Probdiv.

It is a place where the Ostmark army in Probdiv can be held in captivity and sufficient supplies can be secured from Christ himself. The troublesome thing is that there are rivers flowing in Harmanli, with loose mountain ranges to the north and south.

A gentle mountain range, that's the miso.

A terrain where there is enough space for the central army to deploy, but not to discuss sides or backs. In other words, the city of Harmanli is strategically important and tactically difficult.

That's where defensive positions are built. I don't care what you think, it's hard to break through.

"The enemy's pretty good too..."

The name of the enemy commander had been found in an interrogation of Central Army prisoners earned in the Cavalry Battle of Caroyano.

Lieutenant General El Terme of the Central Army of the Second Reich of Christ.

And make him Major General of the Central Army. Tiberius Anatolicon, nephew of Basileios IV, Emperor of the Second Reich of Christ.

I don't know which one holds the lead in command. But to find out how Admiral Klein was cornered by Probdiv and the details of the battle, both of them seem to deserve to be called famous generals.

"If you're impressed, Major? What are you going to do now?

He was listening to me talking to myself. Mr. Feene asked.

"... what shall we do?"

"The Major lit it, so it's also the Major's job to put it out. It doesn't fit in the earliest regional conflict."

That's what I said, Mr. Feene gave me a letter.

The letter is slowly made of high-quality paper, wrapped up by lavish strings, and emits the atmosphere that no great man ever sent it for.

"Uh, is this it?

"This is a direct letter from Liquan Palace (Schönbrunn) to General Klein. Hand it over responsibly to His Excellency the Admiral."

I only had a bad feeling.


Admiral Marc von Klein.

Appearance Age 50 So, the person who came out of the chivalry class and became a general with strength. He's the boss of that perverted Brigadier General Matheus, and currently my boss.

Such His Excellency General Klein is now reading out the contents of a brilliant letter from Liquan Palace (Schönbrunn) via Mr. Fine.

"'- I deplore the strong responsibility for the serious harm done to the citizens of Probdiv as a result of this situation. This war will not end until we do not tolerate the invaders who will become the Second Reich of Christ and let them perish without their skin. It is expected that the relevant ministries will make greater efforts and that the military will have greater results. Ferdinand Venzel Arnolt Romanov-Hermesberger, Emperor of the Ostmarc Empire." - Yes, it is. "


Interpretation: christmaj slaughter.

It was a moment when regional conflicts took the place of total war.

As an army expected to do good by His Majesty the Emperor, it would not be enough to have expelled the central army from Ostmarc territory. Showing mercy here is sure to take the blame of weakness.

Well, the only salvation is that Ostmarc's finances and economy are now in good health and some increase in military spending is acceptable.

"What should we do now, Major Waresa, our military adviser?

... what turned out to be a total war was that my predictions were sweet. For example, I have no choice but to put an end to the fire I set myself, which is not Mr. Fine's type.

"... as a petty officer, this legion does not have the strength to eliminate both illegal immigrants sitting in Harmanli by force. So I asked the Imperial Capital for reinforcements and moved my legions to Dimitrovgrad, halfway between here and Harmanli, to restrain my enemies to Harmanli."

The Klein Legion has 25,000 current battle power. The central army in Harmanli is 14,000. The numerical advantage lies with the Klein Legion, but the strength is five minutes, given that the topographical advantage lies with the Central Army.

Besides, the Klein Legion hasn't healed Probdiv's wounds yet. We need time to be able to fight on a few streets.

Admiral Klein, hearing my point, gently shakes his head vertically as he lays his eyes down.

"That's a reasonable place. Shall we reorganize the regiment under your command? There you go, Major Waresa. I have a favor for you."

"What is it?

"From the Ministry of Military Affairs, you military advisers are supposed to be assigned to the command of my regiment, right?

"Yes, it is..."

I wonder what it is. I only have a bad feeling about it again. And that's mostly true of a bad feeling. That's what happened earlier.

"Yeah, but our corps is understaffed by each unit because of a great drain. The same goes for command personnel."


"That's why my on-site judgment led me to reposition you military advisers."

"Er, to which unit..."

"It's about you. Can you predict that?

I can so predict.

My predicted unit was dysfunctional with command personnel dying from the roots of battle in the battle ahead. A military adviser from a foreign country has set up an operation there to move the acting commander to save the plight of his friends under siege.

... that's not why I transferred to that unit, I said my predictions with the meaning of praying.

"... Command of Brigadier General Matheus, is it?

"Your name and answer. Promote Matheus to Major General in time of war under my authority today to take over command of the division. At the same time put your officers and other military advisory groups, specifically Major Waresa, Major Marinovska and Lieutenant Linz, seconded as liaison officers, in the vacant command positions to form the Mateus Division and invite them to join the battle line. Do you mind?

I'm sorry.

What a sad place it is not to be able to say so.