Continental Hero Senki

Sea Battle off Crete - Receiving Enemy

Naval and land warfare have much in common.

that the co-operation and control of each ship is very important; If it is lost, the fleet shall be crushed. That pursuit and siege fighting will be the most effective. that the rear of the fleet is fragile due to the structure of the vessel.

And most importantly, the side that stands in numerical favor triumphs.

When the numbers are the same and the other strategic conditions are the same, there is often a tactical lack of resolution, that is, a lot of draw. But if you take it on the defensive side, it means you've defeated the enemy's offense, and it means a strategic victory on the defensive side.

In other words, defensive laws work just as well in naval warfare.

Continental calendar September 8, 638.

It was at 12: 30 on 8 September that 40 vessels from the South China Sea side of the Second Reich Navy fleet of Christ, lined with 47 kilometres of sea west of Crete and in the Strait of Antiquitira, discovered a fleet approaching from the south.

"Azimuth 1-9-0, approximately 25,000 miles away in the waters. Ship shadow!

That's what the sailors, who were in the main mast of the South China Sea side fleet flagship, the first battleship "Okeanis," shouted: finding a fleet in a critical position on the horizon of 25 km is not a big deal. But we can't tell if the fleet is the enemy or otherwise by the boulders.

"... enemies?

Fleet commander, General Theodorakis muttered. It was more a word to ask oneself than a word that someone had heard for a particular person.

But it is almost certainly an enemy. There are no friendly ships to deploy in the direction in which the fleet appears. Besides, the fact that it was discovered at a distance of 25 kilometres makes it easy to estimate that the ships in close proximity are large. If so, the possibility of being a fishing vessel can also be denied.

The possibility of being a large trading ship could also be denied in view of the fact that it is taking a line.

"Then you're the enemy."

But from what I've found out with the enemy, it doesn't mean that a sorcery attack will begin immediately. The distance from the enemy fleet is approximately 25 km. By contrast, the maximum range of advanced magic commonly used in naval warfare is between two and three kilometers.

Against enemies lined up in the north-south direction, the Christ fleet has a relative speed of about 10 knots and speeds of about 18.5 km/h because it makes a fleet to the east and west. This will take more than an hour to get into range.

The first thing he should therefore do will be an order to prepare for battle.

"Determine the approaching fleet as the enemy. Prepare all fleets for battle, port side magic cannon battle!

Admiral Theodorakis screams and the flagship "Okeanis" captain repeats.

"Roger! All ships battle stations, port magic cannon ready!!"

Orders are communicated from the captain to the officers of the Departments, and orders are given from officer to corporal, from corporal to sailor, in turn. 896 members of the crew of the first-class battleship Okeanis make hasty, but well-trained movements on the upper deck, the middle deck and the lower deck.

Then the port-side gungate opens sequentially. Inside it was packed with senior magicians who would begin to prepare for a naval magic chant. The first-class battleship "Okeanis" has 65 guns on one side and 130 on both sides. This means that "Okeanis" will have at least 130 senior magicians aboard.

At the same time, Theodorakis' orders are communicated to the successor ship by means of a signal bullet and a signal flag. Unlike land warfare, it is in that there is no transmission of orders by the conductors, and therefore only simple orders can be issued.

Without leaving any room for Theodorakis' orders, it was not until 12: 50 that all 40 ships of the South China Sea side fleet were told and everything was ready.

At this time, the magician of Okeanis, a battleship that was using monoculars to explore trends in the enemy fleet, noticed.

"... My Lord Theodorakis, at the head of the approaching fleet is flying the flag of the Ostmarc Empire Navy!

"What!? Isn't that Tyrrhenia!?

"Definitely! From the ship's shape, it's an 80-gauge second class battleship!

Theodorakis, who received an officer's report, rushed to peek into his monoculars and watched the lead of the enemy fleet. My men are right, what Theodorakis saw was the Ostmarc Empire Navy flag.

"That's what..."

Theodorakis froze his thoughts for a moment before that unrealistic sight, then he thought. What the hell are the enemies thinking?

And when that Ostmark ship approached a distance of 10,000, something even more amazing happened.


The second fleet of the Holy Tyrrhenian Pontifical Navy (Regia Marina) was almost reciprocal in number with 36 ships, compared to 40 fleets on the South Sea side of the Second Reich Navy of Christ.

If numbers are reciprocal, differences in fleet formation, soldier morale, proficiency, and control determine wins and losses.

But there is another element that cannot be ignored in fleet combat. That's the "wind".

The main force of fleet combat, battleships and cruisers, are sailboats sailing under the wind. In other words, ships located on the wind tend to increase their speed and, conversely, ships located on the wind are technically possible to proceed towards the wind, but nevertheless have less manoeuvre than ships on the wind.

That principle is known not only to naval officers but also to all sailors, as is Pope Admiral Vermilio.

On the Pontifical Navy 2nd Fleet flagship "GUIDE" aft deck, he asks Captain GUIDE.

"Captain, what's the wind like?

"Ha. Winds are rare this season from the southeast, at 28 knots. Slightly strong, but not a major obstacle to fleet navigation."

"I see, that's rare indeed"

The eastern South China Sea in summer is often hit by strong northerly winds. There are no exceptions, but not many days are blessed with such exceptions.

Vermilio was therefore somewhat surprised by the rarity, but thought the battle would be favored by taking the wind, and his morale was exalted.

But that too, as soon as we move our gaze elsewhere, we fall back.

"... even if"

That said, Vermilio looks forward. What was there was a smaller ship than the flagship "GUIDE," and a worn old ship that was likely to sink even now.

The mast of that ship bears the naval flag of the Ostmarc Empire Navy.

Brenheim, an 80-member Class II battleship of the Ostmarc Empire Navy, and several other old-fashioned ships are sailing at the head of the fleet.

"Even so, thank you. You're uncomfortable having a ship in front of your flagship."

His say is particularly true.

It is normal for a flagship to take command of a successor ship at the head of the fleet. If the flagship sinks or becomes incapable of combat, the second commander on board will take over command.

But as mentioned earlier, in front of the flagship "GUIDE" was sailing this time an old-fashioned, even less aggressive and defensive, second-class battleship of the Friend Army, the Imperial Navy of Ostmarc.

This makes it difficult to see the target and to command him. Besides, I don't know how helpful the first to be hit by an enemy onslaught would be on that ship.

It is an uncomfortable sight for Vermilio, who always takes the lead in command.

"... Your Excellency should have approved the operation set up by the officers of the Kingdom of Silesia in the example?

"Well, if they say so, yes..."

As the captain put it, this is the backbone of the operation devised by Yuzef and approved by Vermilio.

But even if he knew by reason, the theory ran through Vermilio's brain, and he was driving the fleet north, troubled by the inescapable status quo.

Besides, Vermilio was half-hearted about whether the operation would succeed.

But here's what I thought.

The chief of operations is a military advisory group such as Yuzef Waresa, and it is the Ostmark Empire that has trouble losing here. Losing a ship may also be painful for Tyrrhenia, but that is why it is rarely fatally injured if not greatly defeated.

There can be no great defeat either because of the almost antagonistic power of the war.

If so, this operation will mean a low risk high return for Vermilio. Hope you win, don't worry about losing. It was such an operation.

Besides, Vermilio's rationale for making the decision was known to Yuzef, who was responsible for the operation.

12: 30.

Almost as in time as the Fleet of Christ discovered the Pope Navy fleet, the enemy squad of the flagship "GUIDE" screams. To all the crew who heard the scream, the tension ran.

"In the direction of 12 o'clock, the Christ fleet is found in the Strait of Antiquitilla! It unfolds in a blocked fashion. Total 40!"

"Signal from the preceding Ostmarc ship!

Flag signal from Ostmarc vessel Brenheim. That's pretty much the same enemy fleet discovery language as reported by the "gouad" enemy squad, and,

"'We begin operations at a distance of 10,000. Pray for the good luck of your fleet' - that's it!