Continental Hero Senki

Strait of Jerez

It is no exaggeration to describe the success or failure of this operation as involving the survival of the nation for the Second Reich of Christ, who desires death and regeneration through increased fleet power.

Therefore, they began to closely share information and elaborate preparations using script pigeons, military horses and contact ships.

This operation, which began in mid-October with the positive movement of the Southern Continental fleet, can be said to have been successful in the early stages.

"To our positive moves, the Pope Navy seems to have hooked up. Looks like we've extracted the blockade fleet and headed south."

"Okay. I want the Southern Fleet to avoid a fleet showdown as planned and keep the blockaded fleet under control."

October 20.

The regular operational meetings held at the Operation Command in Micragard were a series of good reports for Christ.

Though almost losing the Glycos region, the main points in the operation, off the coast of Micragard, Izmir and the island of Crete are all nearby, and the gathering of information is progressing without delay.

But at the end of the day, a report of concern was brought to the command.

"Reported by operatives who were lurking in Kabbalah. Looks like the Ostmarc fleet moored in Kabbalah."


What bothered the Central Army (Tagma) officers was the word Kabbalah.

The Ostomark fleet's main force is conducting trade sabotage battles and ground attacks in the Aegean Sea based on the island of Crete. Because the Tyrrhenian Pope Navy is also based in Crete, it was unable to grasp who the "fleet that was in Kabbalah" was and who it was.

After placing for more than a dozen seconds, an officer remembered its existence.

"With that said, there was a report a few days ago that there was a new fleet of captured ships?

"Oh... was it indeed 'Glycos Fleet'"

"That's it. What is the Kabbalah moored fleet, isn't it? If they're on their way to Izmir, it's a threat, isn't it?

"At the same time, however, it is also a new fleet. Given the timing, perhaps more than half of the crew will be recruits as well. Besides, according to the report, the numbers aren't that high."

It was an operational meeting where some voices of anxiety were raised, but in the end it settles down to the conclusion that "we should be worried, but not a threat".

If the Izmir garrison fleet were to be inferior in number and quality to the Black Sea fleet, it would have been reasonable to think so.


October 25.

The Ostomark Imperial Army and the Central Army of the Second Reich of Christ seem to be staring at each other across the Strait of Jerez.

Imperial forces in control of the sea, but the central army ensures Dardanelles, the largest city in the region. In order to do something about this, we really need to make a landing in front of the enemy.

Then the damage will be greater, yes, the Imperial Army judged and the front glued.

"Does that mean we can't possibly get into the Strait of Jerez?

"No, we can go as far as Belkhalmi where we can't get an attack from Dardanelles"

"Then it seems impossible to attack Dardanelles in this fleet."

The berth at the Isle of Imroz, the exit of the Strait of Jerez, is on the deck of the Ostmarc fleet, commonly known as the "Glycos fleet" flagship "Orlan IV", organized by the captive vessel, confirming the facts with Mr. Fine.

The war situation on land is as favorable as ever to the Imperial Army. But in the native kingdom of Christ, the advantages of a lowly central army.

As a result, we are stepping forward Miklagard.

Under the command of the Glycos fleet is Brigadier General Riser, formerly captain of the Ostmarc battleship Blenheim and promoted by the Medal of War of the Navy off the coast of Crete.

Somehow, you're looking better than Major General Matheus' face. This man's face. I guess it's my fault.

"Our aim is to support the Izmir blockaded fleet here. And it's too difficult for the crew of this ship to carry out a magic support attack."

Brigadier General Riser sees the whole ship as he talks to us.

"You're kind of blunter than before. Some guys don't know what to do, and they're going right and left."

Sarah praised Brigadier General Riser for that without being timid.

Well, as a matter of fact, the crew moves badly.

Compared to the former warship, Blenheim, that is obvious. In front of that sight, Brigadier General Riser is also sighing with his head.

"What if Sarah directs the training?

It doesn't mean anything in particular.

I don't know how to handle battleships, but Sarah would do something about it if she didn't know what was going on.

"Am I okay?

"Sarah trained me, 'cause I say so, no doubt about it."

"You're still a chick, right? Like in cadet school, you want another lingering sword class?

"No more getting hit with a wooden sword"

I remember trauma and crouch on the spot.

Trauma is embedded in the body. It's weird, it's feminine, but I'm kind of angry. Jao Ann or you.

"Ships aren't my specialty, and I won't be shy this time"

"... right"

Well, I don't have a choice.

It was thus on 27 October that further ferocity reports were brought by Mr Fine, while he had a slight anxiety about the crew members who were in poor motion.