Continental Hero Senki

[]/(exp, adj-i) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk)

If you notice, it's already evening.

Sometimes I say December and the sun started setting pretty early. The eastern sky is already dark, the western sky is reddish and getting cold.

To weather the cold, we entered a small church that was temporarily close by. The church is deserted and gallant when it comes to holy days.

"... Mr. Yuzef"

My voice echoes slightly in a church where there is no one but us.

"What is it?

"That...... thank you for today. It was fun."

I told the truth as I zeroed my white breath out of my mouth.

It was fun. I'm surprised myself that there are things I can enjoy in this situation.

But it's not about whether you can say that from the bottom of your heart.

"I guess there's no more fun things to do..."

That's what I said.

It was in my heart, it's a slight anxiety.

I can't go back to that day when I had fun anymore. In the royal palace, in the cadet school, the day I was having fun was already a thing of the past, and I became a princess, and now I'm just a human being with nothing.

From now on, all that remains is for me to be king of the rebels or crown princess of my neighbour. Whichever you choose, you can't go back in time.

Yes, it is.

I've been worried about this for a long time.

"Then you just have to keep doing it"

Nothing, you can do that. In that way, says Mr Yusef.

"No... I can't. I..."

"If you don't have a choice, you can make it. If His Highness wishes, you can abandon all your duties and play and live. It will be fun for sure. That's life again, isn't it?


To words that are too, too irresponsible, I lose words.

Indeed, Mr. Yusef is an irresponsible man in strange places. But I wasn't even the kind of person to waive my duty. I'm the one who does what needs to be done.

I can't believe he said this.

"I'm a princess, Mr. Yuzef."

I know, Emilia. Your Highness.

In particular, Mr Yusef stresses that. with a sarcastic grin.

"Then you'll know. I can't escape royal duty any more than I am royal."

"That's not true. Because His Royal Highness is not the only royalty. Is there a Grand Duke Carroll or His Majesty Franz? Leave it to them, Your Highness, to play"

"Oh, I can't do such irresponsible things!

"Oh, it's ironic that His Highness would say that."

That's true. It was a terribly contradictory word.

There's no way I can be qualified to say that when I'm currently out of duty in a progressive fashion.

"I want to protect this country, my people. I've been thinking about what to do for that..."

It's an excuse. It's an ugly excuse.

But I'm worried. I don't know what's right, I've been worried about it.

"Then you just have to be worried all the time. You can walk through the city, eat in a stylish coffee shop, buy your favorite clothes in a clothes store, and talk to everyone appropriately and put them on the floor while worrying 'I couldn't think of anything today or all day'. Is that what Your Highness wants? Then that's what you should do."

…… Mr. Yuzef, no way......!

No way, today's date is......!

"His Highness himself said that, didn't he? Where are you going tomorrow? Radek said there's a good shop on Third Avenue, and should we go that way?"

I'm sure it's fun.

Yes, the devil whispered.

Hear that word, hear that devil's words,

"- Don't be ridiculous!!

I yelled.

I yelled in my utmost voice.

I've never been insulted like this before in my life. My anger is creeping up.

"I, for that matter, am not alive!!

Fun memories, fun memories of today, are all ruined.

"So what are you living for?

"No, it's decided. For the country, for the people…"

"But Grand Duke Carroll and I in the King's Capital are also doing a fine job for the country, right? Probably working much harder than His Highness dating all over the city, though."

Yuzef always says the right thing.

Even today, I'll tell you the truth.

He tells the truth, even when the truth doesn't always have the best value.

"It certainly is.... but my uncle, Grand Duke Carol is wrong. By that means, it's wrong to sit on the throne!

"It's just the throne. Whoever sits will be the same. I don't care what the king's name is to his subjects, and how he gets to the throne again."

"Still, Grand Duke Carol is wrong. That one is doing the opposite while saying he will protect the people. We sincerely hope to destroy Silesia and become a part of the Empire!

"You can't be sure that's the wrong thing to do. It is also a choice to become part of a great power and enjoy the power and prosperity of a great power. Because Silesia is going to die sooner or later."

"'Doom anyway'...... Mr. Yuzef, have you always thought that way!?

"I think so. I don't know who's going to destroy it."

I do not know whether Grand Duke Carroll will perish, whether the Emperor of the Eastern Continent Empire, Sergei Romanov, will perish, or whether he will perish by the princess of the kingdom that left politics unattended. and Mr. Yuzef continued.

"If we're going to perish anyway, it's going to be no big difference whatever we do. His Royal Highness will be the daughter-in-law of the prince of Ostmarc, our Silesian rebels will scatter in glory, and Grand Duke Carroll will make a kingdom without dissent an imperial kingdom.... Oh, that's a good hand. I was able to protect my country and my people. His Royal Highness enjoys daily pleasure with the patronage of the Crown Prince at Lai Quan Palace (Schönbrunn). It's a happy world for everyone."

Yeah, yeah, nodding deliberately, he says.

Perhaps his imagination is a hit. Except for one thing.

"That's... that's not fun!

I was crying when I realized. I was crying.

Like a child, I grabbed the hem of my skirt and raised my voice so that I didn't know if I was crying or angry.

"It's not fun! I can't believe you threw everything you've ever done and abandoned everything to live!

Silesian rebels scatter gloriously.

It also means that my loved ones, my precious ones, will disappear into history.

"Such a world can't be fun...!

My tears, my screams, my heart, I can't stop. I continue to expose myself to the unusual.

"Not that one because it's not fun, and not this one because it's not fun. It's pretty much my fault, isn't it?

"... yes. I am always my poor princess."

In retrospect, even the day I first met Mr. Yuzef, I was my best.

Even in cadet school, I was my poor boy.

Even when I graduated and went to war, I stubbornly passed my opinion.

And yet why am I growing up like this now?

I've always been my miserable princess.

"I am, my poor princess. That's why I do what I want."

"You're taking it too personally. Whatever it takes."

"I'm fine."

"You're not allowed to do whatever you want, are you?

"The royal family has the right to do as they please!

"What are you going to do?

"Gather people. To convey my thoughts to everyone."

"But why should I listen to His Highness, who hasn't done anything before? No one can trust such a man's words, and I don't even know if that's His Highness's true intentions in the first place. Nobody will listen anyway."

"Still, I, speak!


One breath down, I screamed.

No, I put it into words.

"- Because I have something to tell you!!

With a natural voice, a voice that seemed to reach all over the country, I put my heart into words.

At the same time your chest will beep and your face will be hot.

I couldn't believe I was thinking this, because I was surprised myself.

I have something to tell you.

My will, my will.

"I am Emilia Silesia, First Princess of the Kingdom of Silesia!

A voice echoed on the walls of the church, on the ceiling, on the statue of God and, above all, on my heart, to be communicated to everyone.

The echoed voices and sounds gradually turn down and then become silent again inside the church. Only a faster heartbeat sounds in me.

After a while, Mr. Yuzef smiled gently like his mother,

"Exactly, Your Highness."

In a kind voice, that's what I said.