Continental Hero Senki

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As a result of the "Ten Days of Battle" or "Torn Attack Battle," the Princess Army won big.

And under Marshal Lax, roughly 25,000 soldiers surrender. But the former were the same Silesian subjects, with no resentment towards each other. It is also because the princess definitively put Torn in the hands of the future perpetual robbery, and this took the form of a knife piercing the throat of the king's capital, Silonsk, which is caged in the Grand Duchy Army.

That is to say that the war is nearing an end.

Looking to the end of the war, Princess Emilia freed the prisoners under generous conditions by giving them their free selves.

The treatment would have had considerable political effects.

Only when the vast majority of the prisoners were prepared to be tried as war criminals were they struck by the size and generosity of Princess Emilia's vessels, and those who pledged allegiance to the princess continued, not according to the officers, corporals and soldiers.

He also told them that Marshal Lax, Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Duchy Army, had surrendered in the quarters to which he had been sent.

That becomes a rumor, and the intelligence battles of the Ostomark Empire and the Second Reich of Christ, which cooperate with the princess, will go hand in hand, and the outcome of the Torn offensive will be known throughout the kingdom after a month.

Says Grand Duchy Army Commander-in-Chief Marshal Lax is defeated and Grand Duchy Army almost loses its main power.

Says the Princess Army has already launched an attack on the King's capital, Silonsk.

Says Grand Duke Carroll is getting ready for asylum.

Says there are many nobles who have fallen back on Princess Emilia.

Says that some of the nobles who gave Princess Emilia were duked.

Most of the rumors are exaggerated, unlike the facts.

But what we have in common is that the Grand Duchy is at a disadvantage.

The Grand Duchy is windlit and Princess Emilia triumphs over Silonsk. Then there is no doubt that the nobles will be questioned for their treatment, regardless of the soldier.

Even if it is granted to the Grand Duke as it is, could there also be title-stripping on top of territorial confiscation......

When such suspicion sprouts in the nobility, momentum leans towards nature and Princess Emilia.

And at the beginning of April, the neutral nobles simultaneously expressed their loyalty to the princess. From there, to the Domino defeat, the departure of the Grand Duke aristocracy followed.

The nobles who became Emilian princesses send their soldiers to Torn. Carry military funds and gold and silver treasure artwork to sell Fei. Or send beautiful men/boys in for unmarried Princess Emilia...... etc.

"... clarity, I don't need anything but soldiers"

And Emilia had to be confused.

Either way, the Emilian princess prevailed.

Civil war is likely to end somehow before there is intervention from foreign countries that were of concern.

On April 21, the Emilian princess joined each noble army to besiege the king capital, Silonsk. The following April 22, he unwittingly "occupied" Sironsk, the king's capital.

King Franz, who was locked away, was also safely protected.

Everyone felt anxious before relief for the lack of much resistance.

"Is it that easy? You don't want more resistance?

"... maybe it's because the loss is confirmed, but it's too frustrating for Grand Duke Carol. It's the end, this is"

Sarah and Yuzef, too, thought so.

Something's wrong.

And the anxiety turned to certainty when he stepped into the Palace of Wise Men (Philozovpaletz), which stood in the heart of Sironsk, the king's capital, and into the Chancellery of the Kingdom.

- Is Grand Duke Carol here?

Maya Krakowska asked the Kingsamurai, who works for the Royal Palace.

"Yes, from the middle of last month."

"... mid-March? So, before and after the battle of Torn begins! Why at that time...... Where's the Grand Duke?

"I don't know. I haven't heard where you're going, just take care of Your Majesty."

Three days later.

Returning king Franz Silesia issues a decree.

The formal end of the civil war and the lifting of martial law. regain judicial power and issue arrangements for the nomination of national criminal Carol Silesia. The treatment of those who cooperated with the Grand Duke will be announced later.

But it did not bear fruit to their efforts.

Carol Silesia will remain missing. It was at the beginning of May a week later that he would be found, in an unexpected or unexpected place for someone, Grand Duke Carroll was with a certain person.

Spring 639 of the continental calendar.

The civil war in the Kingdom of Silesia ended with dismay.

... but that doesn't mean the days of war have gone far.