Continental Hero Senki

Tactics, Strategy, and Politics

What happened in the middle of that war, in the war between Silesia and the Empire of the Eastern Continent, in what Silesia calls the "Fall War," is still debatable.

From the end of 639 to the following 640 years of the Continental Calendar, it was the beginning that the Imperial Army was to haunt the heads of strange "insurgents".

It was the imperial cavalry of one or two cavalry platoons that was behind Pwotzk, where the front was built at the time, that is, that there was a small but organized and continuous looting on the supply line.

The imperial army's ruling practices in the occupied territories at this time were so calm that they were said to be "more just than the Kingdom of Silesia". Since the advent of this strange "rebel", however, the above ratings have turned a blink and changed: "The Imperial Army, where an impossible winter offensive hit and ran short of supplies, skinned itself".

In relation to this incident, it is said that the emperor Sergei Romanov himself organized a crusade force and gave that command to his trusted deputy, Mikhail Kreutzer, in an attempt to wipe out the "rebels".

But such orders from the upper ranks of the Imperial Army were also made more critical of the Imperial Army than of the "invading army that repeats the act of looting from the beginning", because the former King's people living in the occupied territories showed them the act of "looting after being shown fair governance", so to speak, "raised and dropped".

Successive acts of looting also had an impact on the front lines.

It is greater that we have not gained trust from the former King's people than that we have begun to lack supplies, and that has resulted in fewer people cooperating with the Imperial Army.

In supply, manipulation, and intelligence gathering, the Imperial Army had only introduced a system of gaining trust from the Old King's people by virtue of their impartial rule and allowing them to cooperate with the Old King's people by virtue of their trust.

Thus, in the case of Pwotzk, it is unexpected for the army of the Kingdom of Silesia, and it is heading in the right direction, and it is in this state of clothing.

However, the opinions of historical researchers in recent years are divided on this "rebel element".

Historians on the side of the Kingdom of Silesia say this with their mouths shut. "It is the self-destruction of the Imperial Army," he said.

Historians on the Eastern Continental Empire side, by contrast, make similar objections to it. "That is the conspiracy of the Kingdom of Silesia," he said.

I don't know which opinion is right now.

There is no doubt, however, that the impact of this "rebel" on the war was more serious than the parties thought.



1 January 640, Continental Calendar.

As Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Army Silesian Invasive Army, Sergei Romanov, Emperor of the Eastern Continent Empire, celebrated the New Year in the Kingdom of Silesia, and held the New Year's celebration on the table of the operational conference.

Most of all, there was no booze, no meat, nothing at the celebration.

"… and that concludes the report"

Listening to bitter reports from Mikhail Kreutzer, the man Sergei trusts more than his flesh parents, Sergei looks the same again.

"Absolutely. It's New Year's Eve."

"I'm sorry. Apparently 'Rebels' are extremely highly skilled and cannot grasp a place in a cohort of cavalry.... although this is more than an excuse to use the precious time of two weeks for achievements"

"That's the good thing about you that I can honestly say that, Kreutzer"

Are you praised or not? Even if it is complimented, it is not a situation that makes me honestly happy.

In other words, the Imperial Army's winter offensive operation failed.

And the Empire also knew at this time that it was at the hands of the army of the Kingdom of Silesia. At least these two.

"We washed out the unaccounted for troops from the Imperial Army cavalry deploying on the Pwotzk side, but it didn't match the intelligence we had with the 'rebels' with the sightings. From this, there is no doubt that this' rebel 'is a guerrilla unit of the Royal Silesian Army"

"I guess. An elite force like this that can't even get a place on the stage led by Kreutzer will cause such a tiny pillage. of the Royal Silesian Army... around the Kingsguard Cavalry Regiment?

"Sure, if it's there, it's good enough practice..."

"You got something?

"No, if it's a Kingsguard, the Princess or even the King's escort should be the task. I wondered if my husband would be good for the Kingsguard Cavalry Regiment to do this kind of guerrilla imitation anyway."

Kreutzer is also often beside him as Sergei's escort. It is rarer to lead troops like this one. Such was his state of mind that he well understood the feelings of the Royal Army Kingsguard Cavalry, which was supposed to be the same situation.

It is doubtful because I have understood very well.

And the answer to that is its master. I mean, in this case, Emperor Sergei.

"Then the answer is simple. Did the princess order it directly, or did the princess trust the guy who ordered it?"

In that word, Kreutzer dissolved one doubt, while at the same time raising one question.

"... Princess?

"Is something wrong?

"No, I wonder if it's possible that he's from the king's army."

"That's impossible."

Sergei responded instantly.

As Kreutzer put it, there are three Kingsguard Cavalry regiments in this kingdom. First to protect the King, second to protect the Grand Duke in exile now, and third to protect the Princess.

The reason why Sergei narrowed it down to the Third Cavalry Regiment is clear.

"It was the Third Cavalry Regiment that confronted us in the Spring War at and. Intelligence says it's the most highly skilled unit in the Kingsguard Cavalry Regiment, and wouldn't it be unnatural not to think so?

"... but there is also information that the princess is now in Sironsk, the king's capital. I didn't know you would let the princess go and expand on Pwotsk away from Sironsk..."

"Then that's another possibility. The one the princess trusts is in command. Or suggested an operation. I guess the guy in command agreed with that."

"A man of immense trust from the princess,"


The two then move on to the task of unearthing the memories of the past.

Here the two extended to the same act at the same time because they are trying to remember someone they know. This means that at about the same time they almost identified that "person who has tremendous trust from the princess".

"Kreutzer, remember? About that treaty meeting."

"Yeah, definitely civilian..."

"Oh. It's like Maitrix."

Sergei laughing hard. Whenever I remember, they say the name is hilarious. Finally, "Colonel" would be just fine if we were to give him a rank.

The sense was that Kreutzer wasn't sure, but Sergei said, "I don't know and it's okay".

"So you're saying that Pwozk has a 'colonel'. And according to information from the State Department and war martial artists, he's a very good man."

"Ah. The Marquis of Ostmarc is trying to be his own man, and even the Count, he's trying to give his daughter away. It doesn't look good on Silesia."

"Perhaps a man to bear with His Majesty."

"Because... don't you think I want it?

Nitali, laughs.

I'm interested in what a man looks like enough to shoulder to shoulder with himself who has become too mighty.

"... I don't think so, Your Grace. Also, would you stop putting yourself at the forefront?


"No, sir."

Praised me like a child, like a mother.

"I won't be forced to spare you this time. And I'm sorry to hear that."

"Too bad?"


Sigh and see the scenery moving out of command.

He didn't know what he was sorry about. Did you guess that, or do you want to talk, or are you not going to tell anyone, Sergei said.

"What 'rebels' are doing now is buying time. I'm just buying time to make an attitude when spring comes."

"... given the situation in his country, isn't that a reasonable decision?

"It could be. But there is one weakness in making this time. You know what I mean?

".................. I don't know"

I answered honestly.

Kreutzer is also working out his tactical eye, but it still doesn't extend to Sergei. And neither to the "he" that Sergei admits, nor perhaps to anything else.

"There is nothing on the strategic or political track to make this time. Where spring has come, the Royal Silesian Army can regain its posture. But I haven't found a way to fight back just because I can get back on my feet. I'm in a situation where I just hope this one breaks or Ostmarc joins the fight."

I said clear. It's not "maybe" or that kind of prediction.

Perhaps Kreutzer is convinced that this is a prediction of the future. And I know this far, and I'm not Sergei who does nothing.

In the first place, it is strange for Sergei to speak of "weaknesses" in the first place, because we are at this war after turning down to the Kingdom of Silesia all the "strategic" and "political" solutions that Sergei admits to him.

"... so unfortunate. One big reversal doesn't exist in reality, but maybe it does, because I was expecting it from the inside."

"Isn't that a harsh story, that? For him."

"I think so."

Sergei said so, staring at the map on the wall and the calendar.

To the east of the Kingdom of Silesia lies the Eastern Continental Empire, ruled by itself.

To the south of the Kingdom of Silesia are their friendly countries, the Ostmarc Empire and the Kingdom of Karlsbert.

And to the west of the Kingdom of Silesia is the Union of Livonia Nobles, which is still unable to determine its attitude.

As a result of acting in accordance with the national interests of each country and each, there is a 1 vs 1 war in spite of being a region of unrest. But it's also a matter of time.



"... a communication from Marquis Ladygel, Minister of Military Affairs, was certainly due in February"

"My Lord Left."

"Then maybe it's time to start."

"When it comes to the final offense in the spring, that's true, we just want to get ready by February"

"Then do it. There are no changes to the operational plan."

"I'm in awe. It will take right away."

Kreutzer salutes and leaves the operations conference room.

Only emperors in the room.

And then again, he looks out the window. Outside the window, across the horizon, there must be him leading the 'rebels'.

"... for a while, let's go out and buy you some time. Hey, do it with Yuzef Waresa."

Raising the corner of his mouth, he took a quiet oath.