Continental Hero Senki

[]/(n, vs) total battle/

The road to Esterburg is long. This long-distance march can be accommodated in the winter.

As in Europe, the inland part of this continent gets colder because the further south the sea gets. As a result, the cold gets don tight and sometimes snow.

I miss my childhood longing for snow.... Ah, this is a story from a previous life.

That said, there are good things to do. It is precisely during the misfortune that the border screening was extremely sweet, thanks to the dysfunctional nature of the Ostmarc Empire in a coup d 'état.

Most of all, it was the coup d 'état of the Empire that brought in the misfortune.

"Ha... Tsukara"

I accidentally spoke to my voice. With white exhalation, my voice reaches Sarah.

"What, so blocked in"

"Ah...... Well, see if I can talk to Sarah..."

"I probably don't know, but if it's as stupid as it sounds, I can ask."

"... then let's sweeten it to your word"

The situation we're in now sucks.

Even with the most optimism, it's the worst step ahead.

Half the country was ravaged by the Imperial Army of the Eastern Continent, and Ostmarc, who should have been an ally, was confused by the coup d 'état. I'll be on your side and save Silesia, so yes, I might be your enemy and give you a todome.

"This is how you're going about your army to do something about it, isn't it?

"Ah. There are only two divisions but I can handle it...... I want to be... But the problem is... tactical, more strategic than anything else."

"I'm not sure what..."

"The point is, you can win the fight, but you may not win the war."

Ostmarc is a friendly country. When I say allies, I probably can't differentiate.

But just because you're an ally doesn't mean you care for Silesia. It must be remembered that an alliance is a treaty "valid for as long as it continues to be profitable".

In other words, if we decide that it is to the detriment of our own country, then we are somewhat prepared to destroy treaties and relations.

"I didn't think the other party would unilaterally destroy the treaty," that's an excuse for idiots. It is common sense to determine that if the benefits gained by discarding outweigh the disadvantages incurred by maintaining the relationship.

Even the table doesn't have to say that.

"In the case of Ostmarc, it was in the best interest of Silesia to serve as a meat wall or something against the Eastern Continental Empire. I mean, if you fight like you don't win or you don't lose... you put an extraordinary hammer on the equilibrium balance"

"But now you're about to lose, so you're saying you might betray me? That's too much..."

"There is no need to sacrifice the imperial subjects for Silesia..."

Such a political and strategic environment is the biggest crisis in Silesia today.

Besides, if countries other than Ostmarc have intervened in this Siregian-Eastern Continental Empire War… for example, Tyrrhenia or Livonia, Ostmarc will not be able to settle for Siregia.

"Exactly." You can't win strategically only through a pile of tactical victories. "

"So what am I supposed to do?

"I'm thinking about it now."

We have to think about the benefits to be given to Ostmarc.

As things stand, there is no way to beat the Empire of the Eastern Continent by a single Silesian state. Even in the winter, when action is restricted, it is only full of maintaining the front.

Probably lose in the spring. I don't have time.

In that absence of time, the imperial forces of the eastern continent must be driven out of Silesia and equipped with national and combat forces enough to maintain relations with Ostmarc.

What's that impossible gay.

... seriously worried about abandoning Silesia first.

That said, Sarah, if you say this to someone, they'll beat you up.

"Sounds kind of easier to abandon Silesia. Emilia's gonna be mad at me, though."

"... you're going to say"


"No, I just thought I was jealous"

It's nice to be honest, when this happens. It's Sarah, so I don't hate her strangely.

"Put aside those who abandon Silesia and think about how to save it from now on, what to do after the war if you could save it... even if you could win, Silesia would be worn out of health, and could be a good and eastern continental empire or Ostmarc's nation..."

"You can't really win big."

"Spring war was just unusual, I don't think war is supposed to be like this."

It should be called the sadness of a small country or there are not many options that can be taken. Would it still be best to stick around and flatter some country to maintain independence?

Or too strong around. I'm under a geopolitical curse. Isn't Silesia doomed to die one day with permanent debuffs and slip damage? I wonder if I'm doing this to pointlessly postpone my demise, and reject it and make it more damaging.

Could it have been easier for Silesia to become a country when it was swallowed up by the Eastern Continental Empire during the spring war? Yeah, but is it also possible that Sergei didn't become emperor... Then on the stage of Silesia, the former anti-Silesian alliance starts a conflict, a war, with the loss of a common enemy, he said.

Shit, make the world a pain in the ass. Exactly a complicated quirk, no waiting for the Cabinet General to resign.

"I'm starting to hate to think..."

"I know how you feel, but don't stop thinking about it, right? 90% of Yuzef's identity is there."

"You have to work so hard even though it's unpaid...... hard"

How can I be such a posi? I wanted to reincarnate into a brain muscle like Sarah's. Get the flesh of a beautiful girl and ramble around on the battlefield, can I say this is the ultimate in Ba meat?


Is that a leak of thought or not, Sarah said - no, Sarah had a head, too.

And besides,

"If you want your reward so badly, I'll give it to you."

So he held my head slightly forcefully. Then he strokes his head as well.

... What's the situation? Mother?

"Hey, what's this?"

"When I come home tired, Julia does it all the time. All right, all right."

"What are you making me do..."

"Julia will do it on her own!

The moment Sarah makes her words a little stronger, so does the power to hold her head.

I mean, it hits what. I'm not saying what, but it's the # 1 suffocation death ranking that a man would ideally have.


And I'm close to seeing heaven, and I hear a deliberate cough.

"I don't mind you two getting along, but for once, we're in the march right now, right?

It is Radek.

That's what he said, pulling me and Sarah apart, while he pushed a bunch of paperwork on me.

Radek's work involves replenishment and other backward support.

And I looked at the contents, but it looked like a document about the equipment.


"Aren't the missing gear terrible? Especially with swords and chest armor... there aren't many."

"I thought they'd say that, but I can't do any more. Have your daughter-in-law bow her head and accommodate her, and still get her hands on the black market without being enough. Be mine."

Radek is a more capable man than I thought.

And then he threw a spoonful of "impossible". Is that what I mean?

Getting your hands on dark goods is just total force.

"If the war ends soon, you won't have to struggle like this, will you?

"We need supplies to end the war..."

"Don't be impotent..."

Most likely.

aside from having such a conversation with Radek, Sarah

"Really, I wonder what will happen. This country."

And he was sighing.