Continuation of the Dream in Another World

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Raham cheered when he saw the meal he had brought.


It's a little pink though. It seems to be a dish that originally uses Bretto, but it seems to have been made easy to eat at all. Eat a bite and lose face to the gentle taste.

"Is it delicious?

Raham will ask. I replied, "Yes!" and proceeded to eat. The porridge was a bit like bird porridge and was very delicious.

When I ate the rice cooker before, there were no side effects, so I think I made a similar porridge.

Different world cuisine is still full of compassion today.

Ask him to apply Purge and Heal Magic and sleep again. Even though I slept so much, my body was tired and I fell asleep in no time.

I get up hungry in the middle of the night. Soon afterwards, Assam called Kiha and asked him to make some green vegetable porridge. If you apologize for such a time, it is still normal time for everyone to get up.

I ate dinner and took a bath while hanging out with Assam. Even strangers seem to have a ticklish flank.

"Assam, I'm tired, but I'm sleepy. I'm sorry."

If you apologize honestly, you will hear a giggle over your head. Don't laugh at me... The tired body fell asleep again in no time.