As he lay down and breathed, Assam kissed him on the back. There's a finger in the secret, ahh! It was almost simultaneous to turn around to check the back and to be able to advocate purification.

"Assam, no!

"Stay still. It's not cut, but it's red."

You can see your buttocks wide open and you can really see your cock. I think I've been healed and the pain is gone, but I think I've accumulated mental damage.

"What's wrong?

"Nah, nothing."

Yeah, they always clean it up. I'm so embarrassed to be touched by anything but caresses.

"Zhu Zhu?"

"I'm glad it's magical."

"In the world of Zhu Zhu, how do you clean up and treat after a sitter?

Are you telling me? I'm embarrassed.

"I apply medicine when I cut myself. After that, I'll scratch it out. Take a bath or something. Because there is no magic."

Speaking of which, somehow Assam looks at us with a very nice smile.

I see.


It may have broken down. If Assam scratches you out. No! No! I'll definitely feel it! Besides, it's absolutely shameful!!

"Zhu Zhu"

"Nh!! Hey, what?

"Can I finish my break?

"Nh!! Not yet!!"

When he gets up in a hurry, he hugs the pillow and guards his body.

"Juju, kiss me."

Sitting at the same distance, he retreats from his bed to Assam, who is crawling all over the place while calling out his name.



The golden beast that approaches from below slowly folds his lips as he stares at us. I couldn't stand those strong eyes, so I closed my eyes.

She licked her lips and the tip of her tongue traced her teeth. The root of the tongue is sucked in and repeatedly entangled and separated. My upper jaw was stretched and my strength relaxed to the pleasure.

"Nh, nnh, hey!

"Now, slow down."

With your lips slightly apart, whispering. The redness remained and the customer nodded little after all.