And Raham went out of his room for a nap, and fell asleep next to Assam in his spare time. What a beautiful face, she fell asleep while wondering. Asam woke me up.

"You had a lovely sleeping face, but it's about time you had surgery."

"I'm ready under surgery. The rest is done with surgery."

Raham has urged me to stand by my bed. And Raham gave Assam something like crystal, and he saw that Assam had it, and said, Decline.

There appears to be a magical formation of Decrease magic built into this crystal. Assam's body is wrapped in light, and when it stops, it's over. This treatment is really fast.

I smiled a little bit thinking that people in this world would not go to Japanese hospitals.

"Everything weakens after degenerative surgery. Your Highness, please rest again."

It seems to get used to sleeping for about five hours because the resistance also decreases. It was good to sleep, but she didn't want to sleep alone, so she was holding her pillow on the bed.

There is also trauma, so I smile bitterly. Raham cast the magic of sleep, stunned by Assam, who did not want to let go of Zhu Zhu.