Finish dressing and move to the courtyard.

"Uwaaa!! Wow!! It's so big!"

There was a big white and beautiful beast. I was overwhelmed by the size of the dragon that appeared in the fairy tale.

"If you look up too much, you'll fall.

Assam holds his back and laughs.

It's beautiful.

This white and beautiful beast is a holy beast named [Nenea], feathered on a cat, and white is royalty. After that, it was the same as a Japanese cat with brown or san-haired hair. However, it seems that there is no black.

"Do you want to touch it?


Do you understand this conversation? White Nenea sleeps slowly. Big and smart. When I touched my big head, it was fluffy and pleasant, and I tried to scratch it around.

"Rubbish, rubbish..."

Aww!! I let go in a hurry, surprised by the loudness of my throat.

"I'm happy."

And when Raham said unto him, he turned round, and saw Assam laughing. I was a little embarrassed. Issa and Mima also rode to Nenea. Raham is going, too.

Well, that's it. I'm going to the city.

Raham tells me that I can still hold Assam with pleasure. I told her it wasn't funny.

"Me and Raham...."

"No. I'm sorry I laughed. Can you get in my Nenea?

This is the only time I get bad without telling everyone. Assam, it's not good. When he nodded, Nenea jumped up in a hug and stuck to Assam's neck in a hurry.

"Great, expensive! It's expensive. I'm scared!

Nenea and the others are flying right away. The body of Zhu Zhu, who has never been on a vehicle such as a jet coaster, is not accustomed to the speed of escape or the floating feeling of flying.

"─ ─!"

"Zhu Ju!"

As a result, I fainted.